Kotex Share Your Confidence Competition : Kimberly-Clark of South Africa

Organization : Kimberly-Clark of South Africa
Competition Name : Kotex Share your confidence Competition 2016
Applicable For : Residing in South Africa
Competition Deadline : Thursday 20 October 2016
Prize/Win : R10 000

Website : https://www.kotex.co.za/competitions
Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/911-kotex.pdf

Kotex Share Your Confidence Competition Terms & Conditions :

1. This promotional competition (“Competition”) is run by Kimberly-Clark of South Africa (registration number: 1966/006844/07), a company incorporated in the Republic of South Africa and having its registered address at Kimberly-Clark House, 8 Leicester Road, Bedford Gardens 2008 (“the Promoter”).

Related : Ackermans Facebook Fan of the Month : www.southafricain.com/793.html

2. Participation in this Competition constitutes acceptance of these rules, terms & conditions.

3. The Kotex® 2016 “Share your confidence” Competition is open to everyone over 18 years of age (and all persons under the age of 18, if assisted by a parent or legal guardian), residing in South Africa, except employees of the Promoter, their merchandisers, advertising, promotional and PR agencies and all their immediate families, as well as employees and their immediate families associated with the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this Competition.

4. Kotex® 2016 “Share your confidence” Competition :
4.1 The Kotex® 2016 Share your confidence Competition is run from Saturday 28 May until Friday 30 September 2016. Participants may only enter through the Kotex South Africa Facebook page from Saturday 28 May until Thursday 20 October 2016 (“Competition Period”).

4.2 One (1) participant of this Competition stands a chance to win a shopping spree valued at R10 000.
4.3 Each month we will draw two (2) participants into a monthly draw for the final random draw.

3.4 To enter this Competition, participants are required to:  Visit the confidence stand at the activations that we will be hosting during the Competition Period.
Participants will be asked to take a confidence photo at the activation stand and upload the image to their Facebook page, tag two (2) of their friends and use the hashtag #KotexConfidence to enter.

4.4 Winners will be selected at the Promoter’s discretion based on a random draw.
4.5 The Kotex® 2016 Share your confidence Competition will be held on Facebook only and no other social media platform.

Tags: kotex.co.za
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