elections.org.za Schools Democracy Week 2017 : Electoral Commission Government of South Africa
Organisation : Electoral Commission Government of South Africa
Type of Facility : Schools Democracy Week 2017
Head Office : Centurion
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Website : http://www.elections.org.za/content/About-Us/News/Schools-Democracy-Week-2017/
Schools Democracy Week :
** The Electoral Commission is once again partnering with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to host the 5th annual Schools Democracy Week programme to educate young people about electoral democracy.
Related : Electoral Commission Results of the Municipal By-Elections held on 05 April 2017 : www.southafricain.com/7401.html
** The programme will roll out in selected public schools throughout South Africa from 24 to 28 April 2017 in the week when South Africa celebrates Freedom Day and 23 years of democracy.
** The first Schools Democracy Week was initiated in 2013 following the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Electoral Commission and the DBE in order to address the challenges of increasing youth participation in electoral democracy.
** The collaboration between the Electoral Commission and the DBE is also intended to support the drive to increase youth registration as well as to educate youth, in particular first-time voters on voter registration and voting.
** The long-term objective is to entrench active participation as a fundamental civic responsibility, and to institutionalise and infuse electoral democracy content into the formal school curriculum at all levels.
** Staff from the Electoral Commission in nine provinces will visit participating schools and lead activities which will include debates, presentations, mock elections, role plays, voter registration, interactive sessions, lectures and formal lessons.
** Over 2000 schools will participate in this Schools Democracy Week.
** Please find below the contact details for the Electoral Commission’s communication officials in provinces. They will be able to provide information on activities in their province.
Province – Contact person and details :
Eastern Cape :
Pearl Ngoza
Cell: 076 885 1653
Email: NgozaP AT elections.org.za
Free State :
Lechesa Pule
Cell: 083 507 9895
Email: lechesap AT elections.org.za
Gauteng :
Boitumelo Monaki
Cell: 084 993 0231
Email: MonakiB AT elections.org.za
Kwazulu-Natal :
Thabani Ngwira
084 505 5116
NgwiraT AT elections.org.za
Limpopo :
Ramafalo Motsiri
Cell: 082 548 2134
Email: RamafaloM AT elections.org.za
Mpumalanga :
Sibusiso Nkosi
Cell: 072 919 0704
Email: NkosiSV AT elections.org.za
North West :
Matshingwana Mathamela
Cell: 082 808 9520
Email: MathamelaM AT elections.org.za
Northern Cape :
Ntsoaki Sebeela
Cell: 082 699 9273
Email: SebeelaN AT elections.org.za
Western Cape :
Chris Balie
Cell: 083 708 3245
Email: BalieC AT elections.org.za