Rustenburg Girls High School SACS Rhodes Scholarship :

Organisation : Rustenburg Girls’ High School
Announcement : Rhodes Scholarship
Applicable for : MBBCh or an MBChB degree
Deadline : 15 August 2017

Website :

Rustenburg Girls’ High School SACS Rhodes Scholarship :

** Academic, Music and Sport Scholarships are available to Grade 7 learners who intend entering Rustenburg.

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** Application forms are available from the school office, Mondays to Fridays, from 08:30 – 16:00.
** Please note that these scholarships are not awarded on the basis of financial need, but for excellence in a specific sphere.

** Learners should therefore have a strong record of achievement in the academic, music or sporting field.
** All scholarship applicants must also submit a completed application for admission form as well as a scholarship application form.

SACS Rhodes Scholarship :
** The Rhodes Scholarship is one of the world’s most prestigious academic scholarships and covers all fees for tuition, board and lodging at a College at Oxford in England. Rustenburg is one of just four South African schools to qualify for a Rhodes Scholarship.

The following criteria apply, among others :
** You must have a first degree by the time you start at Oxford, which means that you must be at least in the final year of your first degree when you apply for the Scholarship.
** Generally, applicants from South African universities will have had to do very well in their discipline.

** You will need to obtain a first class or a very strong upper second class degree.
** You must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of and have resided for at least five years within the period of ten years immediately preceding your application in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia or Swaziland.

** You must have reached your 19th and not have passed your 25th birthday on 01 October 2018, which means you must have been born after 30 September 1993 and on or before 01 October 1999.

** Avoid successful medical school applicants having to postpone taking up the Scholarship;For medical students and medical doctors the age limit is extended by three years.
** This means applicants must have been born after 30 September 1990 and on or before 1 October, 1999.

The intention is to :
** Enable applicants to complete their medical internships before going to Oxford and to take up the Scholarship before completing their post-internship medical residency.

** If you are registered for an MBBCh or an MBChB degree you may apply during your internship, provided that you have not passed your 28th birthday on 1 October in the year after selection, i.e. the year you would start at Oxford.

** Find out more at Applications are made online and will open early in June 2017.
** Your application must be submitted online by midnight, South African Standard Time (SAST) on 15 August 2017

Contact :
Telephone: 021 6864066
Email : westonj AT

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