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All posts from Abe Bailey Travel Bursary 2017 : University of Pretoria

Organisation : University of Pretoria
Announcement : Abe Bailey Travel Bursary 2017
Applicable for : Third Year Students
Deadline : 12 MAY 2017 (New Due Date : 02 June 2017 )
Short Listed Candidates Will Be Interviewed : 06 June 2017
Head Office : Pretoria

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Abe Bailey Travel Bursary 2017 :

** 3Rd Year Students (And Above) And Junior Lecturers.

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Applications Are Awaited From All Who Meet The Following Criteria / Conditions :
1. Nominees shall be third year students and above or members of the university staff of Junior Lecturer status.
2. Nominees must be of South African nationality and have a valid South African passport (for at least 6 (six) months from date of return to South Africa).

3. Nominees must be age 25 or less at the start of the Tour. i.e. they must not have had their 26th birthday at the commencement of the Tour. This age restriction can be departed from, at the discretion of the Trustees, in the case of outstanding applicants

4. With each application the following information is required :
** A personal letter of motivation as to why he/she is applying for the bursary
** A current CV
** Three letters of reference, none older that three years, reporting on the character, leadership qualities and personality of the nominee

** Copies of ID, matric certificate and university academic record
** Copies of school & university merit/achievement certificates (limited to five)
** Details of leadership roles in the community, at school and at university (most important).

5. Applications will be subjected to a selection process by a Committee established by the University.
6. Closing Date For Applications Is On Friday 12 May 2017.
7. Application forms can be obtained from your local Financial Aid Office or Faculty Administrator and must be returned before the closing date. No late applications will be considered.

A nomination must contain the following information in the order as set out below :
1. A personal letter of motivation as to why you are applying for the bursary.

2. A CV containing the following information :
2.1 Personal details :
** Title, full name and surname
** Student or personnel number
** Date of birth
** Age (on 21 November 2017)
** Marital status
** Citizenship
** Identity number
** Language proficiency
** Traits

2.2 Contact details :
** Physical and postal address
** Contact number(s)
** Email address

2.3 A brief statement of the dates and purposes of any previous visits undertaken to the United Kingdom
2.4 Confirmation of a valid South African passport

3. Academic qualifications :
3.1 Secondary school(s) attended
3.2 Matriculation year and results
3.3 Current studies, University degree(s), diploma(s), courses and results

4. Extra-curricular activities at school and university / positions held and achievements
5. Social and Community Service
6. Additional information (optional)

Appendix A :
** A recent letter from each of three current referees of which at least one must be a senior academic, reporting on the character, leadership qualities and personality of the nominee.

Appendix B: A copy of each of the following :
** Identity document
** Passport
** UP academic record
** Matric Certificate

Appendix C :
** Copies of school and university merit/achievement certificates (limited to five)

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