EDS Online Instruction : UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership

Organisation : UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership
Facility : EDS Online Instruction

Website :
Application Form :

EDS Online Instructional Guide

** The eds onlineis an electronic learning environment that is used by SBL students and staff for communication and assignment submission purposes.

Related : School of Business Leadership SLP Application For Admission 2017 :

The basic functionally of the eds online consists of :
** General SBL announcements;
** Programmeannouncements;
** Module specific announcements;
** Assignment submissions; and
** Other communication tools, such as chat facilities, podcasts, etc. which are specific to some SBL modules

Minimum requirements to use theeds online :
** To use the eds online you must have a working internet connection.

The following browsers are recommended
** IE 11
** Safari 7+
** Firefox 29+
** Chrome 35+

Unisa And SBL Technology Environments :
** As a registered Unisa student you automatically have access to the MyUnisa environment.
** The MyUnisa environment is used by SBL students for administrationpurposes such as examinationcentre changes, name updates, etc.
** The support desk contact details for the MyUnisa environment, MyLife, etcare -(+27) 11 471-2256 oremail – MyUnisaHelp AT

** The eds online is primary used for teaching and learning (lecturer communication, study notes, assignment submission, course communication, etc.) by SBL students.
** To use any of these two environments you must be a registered student for the relevant academic year.

** The support desk contact details for the MyUnisa environment, MyLife, etc. is: (+27) 11 471-2256 or email: MyUnisaHelp AT
** For any support for the eds online, please send an email to both the following email addresses – moloi.isaac AT; and seboyk1 AT or call 011 652 0289.

** The walk-in eds online Support Desk is situated at the SBL, office 3-34
** The maximum resolution time for an eds online query is 48 working hours and any complaints can be forwarded to marriag AT

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Claiming Your Unisa Account

** As a new student, you must claim your Unisa account (
** Doing this will provide you access to MyUnisa, MyLifeemail account (a life-long email account used by Unisa and the SBL for communication purposes) and Unisa library systems.
** One the web page indicated above, you can reset your MyUnisa password.

Accessing theeds online :
** To access the eds online, goto
** When accessing for the very first time, your username and password is your student number.

** If you reset your password on this screen, a link will be sent to your MyLife Unisa account.
** However, if you require a password reset for the eds online, and you do not have access to the MyLife email account, then please send an email to MyUnisaHelp AT

Entering theeds online Main Page :
** The screen below shows you an example of what you should see when logged into the eds online
** Thebar at the top of the page typically displaysdifferent spaces that you have access to on the eds online.

** In the example above “My Workspace” is displayed. On the left- hand side the list of items (Profile, Membership, etc.) changes as you select the different buttons on the bar at the top of the page.
** For example, clicking on “FMPA2A1” will change the list of menu buttons on the left-hand side.
** The links on the left hand side may also differ depending on the programme that you areregistered for.

Entering a specific module :
** For example, when clicking on a module such as “FMPA2A1”, the left-hand menu changes to display a list of actions that are relevant to a module.

In this case, “Information”, is generic introductory information :
Announcement: Announcements relevant to the module
Grade Book: A link to you assignment results after marking and moderation
Assignments: An area to submit completed assignments
Testsand Quizzes: An areawhere a lecturermight post additional tests or quizzes
Resource: An area where you will find your student guide, additional reading material, etc.
Forums: An area whereyou can post or read discussionsrelevant to the module
Help: Where you can find context related assistance on the page you are viewing

Program Offered By UNISA Graduate School of Business

The UNISA Graduate School of Business (GSB) is a business school located in Pretoria, South Africa. It is part of the University of South Africa (UNISA), which is the largest university in South Africa and one of the largest distance learning institutions in the world.

The UNISA GSB offers a range of postgraduate business programs, including a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Commerce (MCom), and Doctor of Business Leadership (DBL) degree. The MBA program is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA), and the DBL program is accredited by the South African Council on Higher Education (CHE).

Additional Simplified Procedure

Here are the steps on how to apply for SBLEDS EDS Online:
1. Go to the SBLEDS website:
2. Click on the “New Registrations (Students)” link.
3. Enter your student number and click on the “Submit” button.
4. You will be prompted to create a username and password.
5. Once you have created your username and password, click on the “Register” button.
6. You will receive an email confirmation with your username and password.
7. To login to EDS Online, go to and click on the “Access eds online” link.
8. Enter your username and password and click on the “Login” button.

Here are some additional requirements for using EDS Online:
** You must have a working internet connection.
** You must use one of the following browsers: IE 11+; Safari 7+; Firefox 29+; Chrome 35+.
** Your default “user id” is your student number and your password is either your ID or passport number.

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