IQ Academy “Hopes into Action” Competition :

Organization : IQ Academy (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : IQ Academy “Hopes into Action” Competition
Applicable For : Register For A Qualifying Course Students
Competition Deadline : 30th September 2016
Prize/Win :R10,000

Website :

IQ Academy “Hopes into Action” Competition :

** IQ Academy (Pty) Ltd (IQ Academy), is rewarding all students that successfully register for a business short course or a HET (Higher Education and Training) qualification, between 1st July 2016 and the 30th September 2016 (the promotional period).

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** IQ Academy will provide as reward to such students the opportunity to win an amount equal to their monthly basic salary package for a period of 1 (one), 2 (two) or 3 (three) month period in order to experience how studying can provide for a better financial future.

** This competition is offered exclusively to respondents of the IQ Academy magazine, data, digital and social media sources being run over the Promotional Period.
** Entrants responding to the advertisements and successfully registering for a qualifying IQ Academy course will automatically be entered into the random “lucky draw” and stand the chance to win the aforementioned prizes.

Terms and Conditions :
1. Students aged eighteen (18) years and older who register for a qualifying course via the Promotional Sources will be eligible and automatically entered into the random draw for one (1) of the three (3) prizes on offer.

2. Students may enter the competition once only. The entry will only be accepted on confirmed successful registration for a qualifying course.

3. Successful registration means that the student has supplied all required personal, educational history and financial details correctly and honestly to IQ Academy and same has been successfully verified. The student must meet the academic registration and repayment requirements for the specific course and has made their first payment towards their fees within the promotional period.**

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4. The competition runs for the Promotional Period which totals ninety two (92) days (1st of July 2016 to 30th September 2016).
5. The draw will take will take place on Friday 14th of October 2016.
6. Winners will be randomly drawn from the students selected from the successfully registered students over the Promotional Period.

7. The 1st (first) student selected from lucky draw from the competition entrants will win their monthly basic salary over a 3 (three) month period. The payments of the prize money will take place monthly for the aforementioned period.

8. The 2nd (second) student selected from the lucky draw will win their monthly basic salary over a 2 (two) month period. The payments of the prize money will take place monthly for the aforementioned period.

9. The 3rd (third) student selected from the lucky draw will be win their monthly basic salary over a 1 (one) month period.
10. The maximum aforementioned “salary prize” amounts for this competition will be limited to R30,000 (thirty thousand Rand) payable over a 1 (one), 2 (two) or 3 (three) month period.

11. Should a student be selected whose fees are being paid for by a sponsor then the sponsored student will receive a maximum payment of R10,000 (ten thousand Rand) per month over their winning term of either 1 (one), 2 (two) or 3 (three) months.

12. Prior to claiming their prize all winners will need to submit authenticated payslips from their employer’s Head of Finance or Head of Payroll along with a signed declaration of basic monthly salary on company letterhead duly authenticated by the Head of Finance or Head of Payroll.

13. Should a student fail to authenticate their salaries as per above within a 2-week period will result in the prize being forfeited.
14. Should the winning student/s subsequently deregister from IQ Academy following the award of their prize, then they will immediately forfeit the balance of any prize money.

15. All payments from IQ Academy to the prize winners will be made to the bank account details provided as part of the registration process, the only exception being sponsored students who may nominate a bank account or beneficiary account of their choice.

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