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DBE NSC/SC Technical Sciences Exam Papers May/June 2023 :

Organisation : Department of Basic Education (DBE)
Exam Name : National Senior Certificate (NSC) / Senior Certificate (SC) Examinations
Facility : Download Exam Papers
Month &Year : May/June 2023
Subject : Technical Sciences
Medium : English
Papers : Paper 1 & Paper 2
Country : South Africa
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DBE NSC/SC Technical Sciences Exam Paper

Download Department of Basic Education (DBE) National Senior Certificate (NSC) / Senior Certificate (SC) Examinations May/June 2023 Technical Sciences Paper 1 & Paper 2 (English) Exam Papers.

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Question 1: Multiple-Choice Questions
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question numbers (1.1 to 1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.11 D.

1.1 The property of a body to resist any change in its state of motion or rest is …
A. mass.
B. force.
C. inertia.
D. acceleration.

1.2 The diagram below shows forces F1 and F2 that are applied on an object placed on a frictionless surface. The object accelerates to the left. Which ONE of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. F1 = F2
B. F1 > F2
C. F1 < F2
D. F1 + F2 = 0

1.3 In physics, an isolated system is defined as a system in which …
A. the net external force acting on it is zero.
B. the net external forces acting on it is greater than zero.
C. only energy remains constant.
D. only matter remains constant.

1.4 The graph below represents the work done on an object versus time taken. Which ONE of the following physical quantities is represented by the gradient of the graph?
A. Potential energy
B. Momentum
C. Power
D. Kinetic energy

1.5 Which ONE of the following statements about Hooke’s law is CORRECT? Stress is …
A. directly proportional to strain when the elastic limit is not exceeded.
B. inversely proportional to strain when the elastic limit is exceeded.
C. directly proportional to strain when the elastic limit is exceeded.
D. inversely proportional to strain when the elastic limit is not exceeded. (2)

1.6 Pressure is measured in …
A. joules.
B. watts.
C. pascal.
D. metres.

1.7 Dispersion of light is the …
A. bending of a light ray as it passes between media of different optical densities.
B. change in direction of a light ray as it hits a barrier.
C. spreading out of light as it passes around the edges of a small hole.
D. breaking of white light into its component colours.

1.8 Which ONE of the following units are used to measure frequency?
A. Second
B. Decibel
C. Hertz
D. Joule

1.9 The capacitance in a capacitor will increase when …
A. a dielectric with a higher dielectric constant is used
B. a dielectric with a lower dielectric constant is used.
C. the distance between the plates increases.
D. the distance between the plates decreases.

1.10 A device that converts electric energy into mechanical energy is a …
A. generator.
B. capacitor.
C. transformer.
D. motor.

Question 2: (Start on a new page.)
2.1. Passengers sitting in a bus observe that they move forward when the bus slows down to a stop and that they move backward when it accelerates from rest.
2.1.1. Use physics law or principles to explain this observation as experienced by the passengers in the bus.
2.1.2. Name and state the physics law or principle that you applied in your answer to
2.2. A caravan of mass 900 kg is pulled by a car of mass 1 300 kg along a straight level smooth road by means of a light inextensible rope

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