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TUT Work Integrated Learning Portal (WIL) : Tshwane University of Technology

Organisation : Tshwane University of Technology (Department of Co-operative Education) (TUT)
Facility Name : TUT Work Integrated Learning Portal (WIL)
Applicable For : Mentors and Students
Country : South Africa
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What is TUT Work Integrated Learning Portal?

The University Work Integrated Learning Portal facilitates the management of work integrated learning by providing an online interface between the Department of Cooperative Education, the Academic Departments, University Academics, Employers, Mentors and Students.

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This interface is supported by the Online University Management System (OLUMS) which links the information from the University database with that of the management processes of work integrated learning. The online management system manages the management of work integrated learning.

How To Access TUT Work Integrated Learning Portal?

** The Employer assigns a Mentor to supervise, guide and coach the students during their work integrated learning experience at the workplace.
** The Work Integrated Learning Portal a user friendly management system that provides online access to Employers and Mentor to manage students engaged in work integrated learning.
** The Mentor and the Academic Assessor collaborates in the assessment of the student’s performance.
** The Mentor can monitor and assess the student’s progress and provide feedback to the Academic Assessor and Student.
** Upon completion of the work integrated learning training, Mentors and Students completes Feedback Reports on curriculum issues.
** These Reports are collated and presented to the respective Departments for consideration during the curriculum review process.

** Students have online access to continuously submit progress reports and upload supporting documents, conduct self assessments and provide feedback to the Mentors and Academic Assessors in real time.
** The student can view in real time, all the Mentor’s and Academic Assessor’s comments and assessment of tasks completed by the student.
** At the end of the work integrated learning training, students provide feedback to the University on curriculum and performance related issues.
** These feedback reports are an essential component to improving the quality and relevance of the qualifications offered by the University.

Student Sign Up :

Academic Assessor:
** The University appoints an Academic Assessor to monitor and assess students engaged in work integrated learning.
** The Academic Assessor is also responsible for approving the Employer workstations and conducting onsite visitations to monitor the student’s performance.
** The Academic Assessor performs the following functions online:
** Approval of the student work integrated learning registration; assessment of student’s progress reports; gives feedback to students and Mentors; plans onsite the visitation schedule; completes onsite visitation report; receives work integrated learning portfolio; receives student and Mentor feedback report.

Department of Co-operative Education:
The Co-operative Education Department of the University monitors and follows up on all non-compliance of work integrated learning activities, manages the Certification of Accredited Employers, tracks all students who are ready for WIL placement, tracks the graduation of students who had completed WIL, tracks the WIL statistics per qualification in the format as required by professional councils and bodies such as the Engineering Council of SA and the Council on Higher Education.

FAQ On TUT Work Integrated Learning Portal

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On TUT Work Integrated Learning Portal

How To Add A New Student To A Mentors Assessment?
MENTORS cannot ADD a new Student to the Mentor’s Assessment Sheet. Only a Student can ADD, CHANGE or EDIT MENTORs from their Menu. After a Student changes to the new Mentor from the Pull-Down List of existing Mentors, the Academic would be Alerted to Approve the change. After that, the New Student would appear on the Assessment Sheet of the Mentor.

Students can not submit task reports?
Students can submit Task Reports ONLY AFTER their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION has been approved by the Academic(WIL COORDINATOR). After the Academic has approved the student’s online registration, the student will receive an alert via email, informing them that their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION HAS BEEN APPROVED. An email alert is also sent to the MENTOR that the student has registered on the system with their Login details to gain access to the system and assess the student accordingly.

Mentor did not receive their login details ?
Students need to make sure that they have the correct details of their mentor. The MENTORS Email address is important as that is used to ensure that the MENTOR is alerted when they are registered on the system and be alerted each time a student submits a task report.

Students can change or edit their MENTORS Email address by going to the ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION TABLE and scrolling down to their mentors details and clicking on the blue button provided to change or edit their MENTORS details.

Students can also use the CONTACT US menu provided to get help from the support team to investigate as to why their MENTOR did not receive their login details

Students did not receive login details?
Students need to make sure that they use their TUT4LIFE Email in order to register on the WIL PORTAL. Upon signing up students will be able to view the email address registered on the TUT ITS System and have the option to change this email address.

It is compulsory that ALL students use their TUT4LIFE email address to SIGN UP on the WIL Portal. This prevents confusion to the student as to which email was used to SIGN UP onto the WIL PORTAL.

Students can also can use the CONTACT US menu provided to get help from the support team to investigate which email address was used upon Signing Up on the WIL PORTAL. The support team can help change the students Email address to their TUT4LIFE email that is required.

Information Mismatched?
This message alert indicates that the student has not yet registered on the TUT ITS system. In order to Sign Up onto the WIL PORTAL, all students are required to FIRST register on the TUT ITS system then Sign Up on the WIL PORTAL PORTAL.

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