GDE Admissions Placement Period FAQs 2022 : Gauteng Department of Education
Organization : Gauteng Department of Education
Facility Name : GDE Placement Period FAQ 2022
Applicable For : Grade 1 & Grade 8
Placement Period : 15/10/2021 to 30/11/2021
GDE Admission Portal :
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FAQ On GDE Placement Period
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) On GDE Placement Period
Related / Similar Post : Apply For GDE Gauteng Public School 2023 Admission Online
1. How long will it take to get a response on the progress of my application?
The Placement Period will commence on. You should therefore expect to receive an offer of placement between 15 October 2021 and 30 November 2022 (Phase 1) and 15 November 2021 to 15 December 2021
2. Can the applicant delete a confirmed offer of placement in one school to accept another offer in another school?
** No. An offer of placement “Accepted as Final” cannot be deleted.
** Parents may withdraw applications only if they have accepted placement at an independent /school or a school in another province
3. How many days does an applicant have to respond to an offer of placement?
Applicants need to accept an offer of placement within 7 school days after receiving an offer of placement.
4. What will happen if I do not accept any offer within 7 days?
** The offer of placement will be revoked if it is not accepted within 7 days
** If offers are made by other schools that the parent applied to, the parent will be able to accept another offer
** If that is the only available offer, the learner will be auto-placed at the school that made the offer
5. Will a parent be able to cancel an accepted offer of placement in one school to accept another offer from a different school?
Yes. Parents may wait to accept another offer even after accepting the first offer of placement.
However, if a second offer of placement is accepted, the first offer will no longer be available. The learner will be placed at the school that made the last offer accepted by the parent.
6. What will happen if the school/s I applied to are full?
You will receive an offer of placement from another school with available space
7. Will applicants who have applied and submitted only some documents or have not submitted any documents at school be allowed to submit?
Parents who have not submitted documents will be notified of a date to submit within 7 days
8. What will happen if my application is unsuccessful at all the schools I have applied to?
The District will facilitate placement in a school where there is space available
9. What will happen if the schools that I have applied for are full?
The District will facilitate placement in a school where there is space available
10. Does the Online Application guarantee placement of the child at a school?
** No. Placement is dependent on availability of space at the school
** Placement is based on applicants meeting admission criteria and the capacity of the Grade to admit
** Home address will get priority and if there is still space available the school will place using the other criteria
11. Will I be informed if the school does not take my child?
Schools inform successful parents and if a parent does not get any notification the parents can go to the district to find out
12. I cannot find the name of the school where my child is currently attending Grade R or 7 on the list when I apply to Grade 8
Select the school nearest to the school where your child is currently attending Grade R or 7 or nearest to your Home Address
FAQ On Decentralised Venues
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) On Decentralised Venues
1. Are there Decentralised walk-in centres where parents can be assisted?
Yes. each District will have one or more decentralised venues in the district. Schools will also be used where parents can go to be assisted
2. How will queues be managed at Decentralised venues/walk in centres during COVID-19?
Queues are managed in line with COVID -19 protocols to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. Parents must wear masks, maintain social Distancing and leave children at home
FAQ On Objections & Appeals
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) On Objections & Appeals
1. What do I do if I am not satisfied with the school where my child is placed?
** Parents may lodge an Objection only if the child is placed at a school that the parent has not applied to
** An Objection must be lodged within 7 days of receiving notification of placement of a child
** The Objection Form will be available Online on the System during the Placement Period
** An Objection does not guarantee placement at the school requested by the parent
** The response to the Objection will be provided online – on the System
2. What can I do if I am not satisfied with the outcome of the Objection?
** The parent may lodge an Appeal within 7 days of receiving the outcome of the Objection by completing an Appeal Form
** The Appeal Form will be available Online during the Placement Period
3. What can I do if I am not satisfied with the outcome of the Appeal?
The Appeal Outcome is final
Some Important Information From Comments
Errors / Problems:
1. This system is not working at all. We are just wasting data for hours trying to register for a child but its not going. Its been months, I am trying to register for a grade 1 child. This is so frustrating. Sometimes says registration closed will be open in August, then coming in August, there is nothing.
2. I applied for my son for a grade 8 but still no response. I am worried because everyone I applied with, their children were placed at schools and its only a few days left before phase 1 applications close. Please help. Its saying application is being processed. I am getting worried.
3. I have a problem with my credential, the system is always telling me that, my ID or password is wrong. When trying to change it, the system is failing to send me OTP number, I was trying to accept the placement of my daughter
Most of the commenters commented that, they are struggling to register their child. GDE admission system is not working.
Functions of Gauteng Department of Education
The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) is responsible for the administration and management of public schools and education-related services in the Gauteng province of South Africa. Some of the key functions of the GDE include:
School governance and management:
The GDE oversees the governance and management of public schools in Gauteng, including the appointment of school principals and governing bodies, implementation of school policies, and monitoring of school performance.
Curriculum development and implementation:
The GDE is responsible for the development and implementation of the curriculum in public schools, including setting syllabi, developing assessment materials, and monitoring curriculum delivery.
Teacher development and support:
The GDE provides professional development opportunities, training, and support to teachers to improve their skills, knowledge, and pedagogical practices. This includes initiatives to enhance teacher quality, promote effective teaching and learning strategies, and support professional growth.
My child was placed at a school that I did not apply to. It is called railway high school. It is not even on the map. Can someone please advice me.
my child got an offer at nchocoyini primary school but it too far so can you please help me Transfer to Nqubela primary school where he was doing Grade R at
My daughter is placed at a school that is very far from where i live.I did not even apply to that school.I objected and they replied that the school that i chose was filled up by applicants who are closest to the school yet i stay right behind that school.It leaves wondering what they mean by closest.
WHAT DOES (Placed By Objection) MEAN
where can i get appeal form please send a link on my email adress
Please, advise on how and whwere to get the objection/ Appeal form.
my status say ‘accepted as final ‘can I be worried coz some it say placed
I have registered my son online since last year for grade one, till now my child has not found a placement as yet. The district tells you about the system, and the schools tells you about the district. I’ve been sent back and forth without any assistance
I have accepted an offer at lenasia but now I relocated to Protea glen what do I need to do
Got my Niece placed at a school i applied at but its not my first choice and i couldn’t fill the objection form because she got placed recently so what should i do ?
Hi I’m looking for space for my child is going to grade 8 please help me
Hi I’m very worried and stressful that my child wont get school since I’ve been trying online registration since September last year 2021 i couldn’t get through and he must be on grade 1 so any help that i can get it will be highly appreciated thanks in advance
I apply for grade 8 but nothing happened
How do I accept them placement
I applied for grade 1 and yet even now my child has not been placed at any school. I’m worried. No school is willing to assist and the district will only tell you about their system.
I have for Grade 1 for my son and the application is still being processed. Am worried my son won’t be accepted before the 15th of December
It is closing date today and my application status is still in process, have tried calling the district no telephone line is being answered or SMS being replied by the officials. Even the GDE Admissions call center does not know how to assist me. I totally do not understand how this so called “system” is operating.
Am struggling to apply for my son grade 1
I applied for my son for a grade 8 space but up. To now no response. Im worried because everyone i applied with, their children were placed at schools and its only a few days left before phase 1 applications close. Please help its saying application is being processed. I am getting worried.
This system is not working at all we are just wasting data for hours trying to register for a child but its not going throe its been months I am trying to register for a grade 1 child this is so frustrating sometimes says registration closed will be open in august then coming august your not going throe nothing is right with this government .
My grandson has accepted his placement on the gde site. What do we do now?
I do register my child for grade8 nd I do submit the documents to the school but I did not get feedback
I have a problem with my credential, the system is always telling me that my ID or password is wrong when trying to change it the system is failing to send me OTP number, I was trying to accept the placement of my daughter
Struggle for with system for registration of grade8
I’ve been trying to register my child , shes going to Grade2 but it gives me a problem , please help
I’m struggling to apply for my son for grade 1
I live in Pretoria central paulkruger and minnaar, but my location Pick the schools that are very far from my hone, kindly email me looking for school for my daughter grade 8 she from out of Gauteng
I’m struggling to register my grand child, the website is inaccessible, what must I do now? My name is Fusi Ramosedi for grade I
Please l couldn’t Register my child for grade 1
2022 section
how do i access grade 1 registration forms for Rembrandt Primary School?
Thank you.
Hi , i had a problem with the system not accepting my email on step one. Please help .
Thank you
I do have an account o wanted to check the status of my application but it doesn’t open even if I enter my id no,i went to forgotten password and the system asked me to enter my cellphone number but still it doesn’t send me opt number.
I have an account but it doesn’t wanna go through to apply for my child for next year