Nikon Photo Contest 2016 – 2017

Organization : Nikon Middle East FZE
Competition Name : Nikon Photo Contest 2017
Applicable For : Open to all, professional and amateur
Competition Deadline : October 17, 2016 and 1:00pm (JST) on January 27, 2017.
Prize/Win : 500,000 yen in Cash

Website :
Guideline :

Nikon Photo Contest

** The first new category, the Nikon 100th Anniversary category has been added to commemorate Nikon’s celebration of its 100th anniversary in 2017.

Related :  Nikon Photo Contest 2018-2019 :

** The Next Generation category, the other new category, open to those under the age of 30, has been added in response to the fact that roughly half of the entries in the previous contest were captured or recorded by those under the age of 30.

Eligibility :
** The contest is open to all, professional and amateur, regardless of age, gender, or nationality.
** All categories will accept entries captured with any digital device, including smartphones except for Nikon 100th Anniversary Award.

Entry categories :
1. Nikon 100th Anniversary Award :
Theme : “Celebration”
Entry format: Single photo
** Limited to Nikon equipment
** No age restriction

2. Next Generation Award :
Theme: “Future”
Entry format: single photo, photo story (two to five images), video
** Any equipment can be used
** Entrants must be under the age of 30 (29 and younger)

3. The Open Award :
Theme: “Future”
Entry format: single photo, photo story (two to five images), video
** Any equipment may be used
** No age restriction

Entry period :
** October 17, 2016 to January 27, 2017 (closes at 1:00pm JST)

How to enter :
** Enter the contest by providing the required information in the entry form on the Nikon Photo Contest 2016-2017 website (
** This form will be available from the first date entries are accepted (October 17, 2016).
** Visit the Nikon Photo Contest website at the following URL for additional details regarding contest eligibility, submission rules, judging, etc.

Awards and prizes :
** One entry each will be selected from all entries to receive the Nikon 100th Anniversary Prize, the Grand Prize, and the Award for the Most Popular Entry.

** In addition, a total of 63 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded to entries in each of the Nikon 100th Anniversary, Next Generation, and Open categories, and winners will be presented with Nikon products of varying value.

Submission Rules :
** Entry is limited to original works that have not formerly been displayed or exhibited and to which the entrant holds all applicable rights.
** Works that have won prizes in other contests or that have been submitted to other contests currently underway, including similar works, are not eligible.
** Works that are entered in other competitions after submitting to this contest will be deemed as those having been submitted to other contests currently underway.

** Entrants can submit to both photography and video.
** The limit for submitted works is 10 photos, including those forming photo stories,and 1 video.
** Entries can be submitted to multiple categories so long as the total number of entries is within this limit.

** Works that are identical or similar to another submitted work (the “identical or similar works”*1), as well as works including identical or similar works submitted as separate works, are ineligible for submission.

Note :
1 “Identical or similar works” refers to the following works :
** a work produced from identical image data;
** a work produced by cropping or retouching to alter identical image data; or

** a work produced from similar, though not identical, image data (e.g. a frame from the same series of shots, photography conducted at a different date or time yet producing the same result, or a work otherwise deemed to be similar).

Submission Guidelines :
Photo Entries :
** Image data files created with any digital device including smartphones, digital still cameras (including medium and large-format cameras).

** Images that have been retouched using software or by other means will be accepted.
** Retouched photography using a camera app or photo editing app is also accepted.
** Both color and monochrome images will be accepted.

File size: up to 20 MB of image data per work
File format: JPEG/150 dpi recommended
** The standard color space for the judging process is sRGB

Video Entries :
** A video work comprising video footage and/or still images with a length of 6 to 180 seconds.
** Any video-recording device may be used.
** 360° videos are restricted to edited works that do not rely upon a 360° video playback device or application for viewing.

File size: up to 400 MB of video data at the time of submission per work.
File format: MOV or MP4.

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