Stithians Girls’ College Bursaries & Scholarships Grade 8 2019 :

Organization : Stithians Girls’ College
Name of the Scholarship : Bursaries & Scholarships 2018
Closing Date: 20 February 2018 at 12:00.
Applicable for : Girls Only Grade 8
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Stithians Girls’ College Bursaries & Scholarships

** Scholarship Application To St Stithians Girls’ College – Grade 8 2019

Related : Applying to St Stithians College :

** At St Stithians College we receive approximately 75 girls annually from our Girls’ Preparatory grade 7 class. The College is a larger school and so we are able to offer places to an additional 30 girls at the grade 8 level.

Bursaries & Scholarships

** Approximately 6 places are reserved for successful candidates from our bursary partnerships with organisations such as SSP, the Student Support Programme, Thandulwazi Maths & Science Academy, Allan Gray, Investec, Standard Bank – Tutuwa, and Galactic Unite. Candidates for these bursaries need to apply directly to those organisations and meet their specific criteria such as socioeconomic and transformation criteria in order to be considered.

** The College itself offers 6 places for merit-based applicants based on the applicant’s gifts as well as the needs of the school, in the form of partial scholarships for academics, culture and sport.
** The closing date for scholarship applications is 20 February 2018 at 12:00.

Academic Scholarships

** Applicants for the academic scholarship should be those who are currently in the top 25% of their school as that is one of the requirements for keeping a scholarship at St Stithians.

Cultural Scholarships

** Those who are applying for cultural scholarships are to please note that the school offers cultural scholarships based on a combination of the following activities: debating, drama, examinable music, non-examinable music such as djembe drumming and marimba, choir, visual arts and dance.

Sport Scholarships

** Those applying for a sport scholarship, are to please note that the school offers the following competitive activities: cross country, diving, hockey, mountain biking, netball, rowing, soccer, squash, swimming, tennis and water polo. Mountain biking is our newest sport on offer.

** The remaining places are offered to those on the waiting list in accordance with the College’s admissions policy which is available on our website.


In order to be eligible for one of our scholarships we require our candidates to have completed the following :
a) Attend the Girls’ College Open Day (Saturday 17 February – starts at 08:45 and ends at 11:00)

Related Post

** This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with our students on a tour through the school highlighting the many areas, organisations and opportunities on offer such as academics, leadership, sport, culture, Round Square and community engagement, spiritual and other student-led initiatives.
** Please note that if you attended our Open Day in your grade 6 year you do not need to attend again as we keep records of all of our attendees.**

b) All candidates applying for the academic scholarship are required to write the annual scholarship examination which consists of 2 papers covering mathematical and English assessments.
** The examination is set for 21 February 2018 and will be 2.5 hours in duration.

** This includes a short break between the two papers during which refreshments will be served.
** Pre-registration is required before Tuesday 20 February 2018 at 12:00.

** A payment of R100 is due on the day. St Stithians Girls’ Preparatory students and any students who have completed the application process do not need to pay this fee.
** Please bring your grade 6 end-of-year report if you have not already submitted it with your application. Girls’ Preparatory students are no longer required to submit their reports.

The Process

** All applications are scrutinised by a panel of staff consisting of the Deputy Head: extra murals, Deputy Head of Academics, Director of Sport, Director of Culture and a Transformation representative.

** Girls shortlisted for the cultural scholarships are invited to attend an audition with the cultural department.
** Details of these dates and arrangements are discussed with the candidates individually.

** All successful shortlisted candidates are required to submit further documentation and will be interviewed in small groups with the Head of the School, both Deputy Heads and either the Director of Sport or Director of Culture.

** The top 10 girls in the academic scholarship examination are invited to the shortlisted candidate interviews.
** Recipients of the scholarships are announced on 28 March 2018 as agreed to by the girls’ schools in the Johannesburg region.

** The successful candidates usually have a week to agree to the terms and conditions; these candidates are not expected to pay the entrance fee required for admission.

** Once the list has been finalised it is displayed on the school website and the feeder schools are sent letters of congratulations.
** Unfortunately, due to the schools’ agreement, this is a delayed process and we are only permitted to announce the award on the same day as the other participating schools.

Please note :
** that if you have not been contacted for an interview it means that your application was unsuccessful.

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