: Win an Entry to the 2019 Absa Cape Epic

Organization : Bicycling
Competition Name : Win an Entry to the 2019 Absa Cape Epic
Applicable For : SA Citizen Only
Competition Deadline : 15 February 2018
Prize : R5,000
Website :

Bicycling Win an Entry To The Absa Cape Epic

** The Absa Cape Epic has earned its rightful place as one of the most exhilarating and life-changing MTB races in the world.

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** Tales of conquest and “near-death” experiences each wilder than the one before, marks the general atmosphere within the race village year after year for many amateur and professional riders – and 2017 was no different – riders put their blood, sweat and tears into making it to the Grand Finale.

WIN with Absa

** Absa is once again running the #ConquerAsOne competition, giving you the chance to win your 2019 Absa Cape Epic entry!

** Do you and your riding partner have what it takes to win the next #ConquerAsOne competition? Did you work together as a team to overcome punctures, mud, dust, injuries, the cut-off gun (anything goes)? We want to hear all about it!

** Tell us about your riding relationship by sharing your #ConquerAsOne moment with us and together you could win an entry to the Absa Cape Epic in 2019!

How it works

** Fill out the form below (this form will be removed once the competition closes) and send us your story with pictures (or videos) of how you and your riding buddy overcame adversity in the saddle. We’ll upload your entry to the website with a voting tool where fans can vote for your story. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for details on when voting opens, then get your friends and family to vote for you!

** Our judges will make the final call and the winning team will go head-to-head with the #ConquerAsOne heroes at the 2018 Absa Cape Epic. Yes, your story will compete with that of the cyclists who overcome the most gruelling obstacles during the 2018 Absa Cape Epic. May the best riders win!

** If you don’t have pictures that capture the moment, your happy snaps and selfies will do – don’t forget to add your #ConquerAsOne story.
** Send your story (in no more than 500 words) and images to Biccompetitions AT

** Winners will be granted access to the finale of the 2018 Absa Cape Epic (flights and accommodation included). Voters stand the chance to win rad cycling hampers – so tell your mates to get involved!

Entry form

Win an Entry to the 2019 Absa Cape Epic
** Enter Name*
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** Yes, sign me up to Bikes Bytes (delivered every Tuesday and Friday)

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** Have you read and agree to the terms and conditions below?*
** Yes

Terms & Conditions

** Competition entries close at midnight on 15 February 2018.

** The judges will select the Top 10 afterwhich voting will open through an announcement Bicycling’s Facebook page.
** Voting will take place via the voting tool on Bicycling’s website.
** Winners will also be announced on Facebook.
** No correspondence will be entered into.

** For prizes to the value of R5,000 and above, only one valid entry will go into the draw.
** The directors, members, partners, agents, advertisers, employees or consultants of Media24, or any associated partner of the company and their families are not eligible to enter.
** Winners must reside in South Africa.

** Prize is not transferable and may not be converted into cash.
** If email addresses are provided, you will receive promotional information from Media24.
** Winners will be notified by telephone or email, and will forfeit prize if unreachable or if prize is not claimed within seven days of notification.

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