FNB Cardless Cash Withdrawal Competition 2018

Organization : FirstRand Bank Limited
Competition Name : FNB Cardless Cash Withdrawal Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Closing Date : 16 February 2018
Prize : R2000 deposited directly into the winner’s FNB Bank account.
Website : https://www.fnb.co.za/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/9701-Cardless.pdf

FNB Cardless Cash Withdrawal Competition

** The promoter of this competition is FNB, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited with Reg. No. 1929/001225/06 (“FNB”).

Related : FirstRand Bank Revolving Loan Competition 2018 : www.southafricain.com/9368.html

** In these rules we refer to the above promoter(s) as “the promoter(s)” or “FNB”. We refer to participants and the winners as “you”.

Entries Open & Close

** Entries open on 22 January 2018 at 00h00.
** Entries close on 16 February 2018 at 23h59.
** All entries, must be fully completed as required, before 23h59 on the closing date.
** The promoter(s) reserve(s) the right to extend the competition. Notice of this will be posted in these rules.

Winner’s announced on :
** One winner will be announced weekly during the competition period. The weekly winner will be announced by the Friday after the week in which they were entered into the competition.


Who qualifies to take part?
** This competition is open to FNB and RMB Private Bank customers who hold one of the following transactional products: Premier Cheque account, Premier Select Cheque account, Fusion Premier account, Private Client Cheque account, Fusion Private Client account, Private Wealth Cheque account, Fusion Private Wealth account and RMB Private Bank Cheque account.

** A random selection of customers will be made for the competition period; the customers must meet the following criteria : Customer has performed minimum of 1 cash withdrawal per month from August 2017 to October 2017 AND the customer has not yet completed a Cardless Cash Withdrawal using the FNB Banking App or RMB Private Bank App.

Who cannot take part?
The following persons, may not take part in this competition even if they qualify to take part.
They will forfeit (give up) any prizes awarded to them:
a) Any employee of the promoter(s).
b) Any director, member, partner, agent of, or consultant of the promoter(s).
c) Any other person who directly or indirectly controls the promoter(s).

d) Any supplier of goods and services in connection with this competition.
e) The spouse, life partner, siblings, children, or parents of any of the persons named
in a, b, c, or d, above.

f) Any person whose accounts and credit agreements with FNB, RMB Private Bank or FirstRand Bank Limited are not in good standing. This means that none or your FNB, RMB Private Bank and FirstRand Bank accounts and credit agreements should be overdrawn, or be in arrears, or be in default, or be subject to any legalprocess with FNB, RMB Private Bank or FirstRand Bank. Legal process means any legal proceedings in any court of law involving you and FNB, RMB Private Bank or FirstRand Bank, including but not limited to: collections, liquidation and sequestration proceedings. Legal process however excludes debt review as contemplated in s86 of the National Credit Act 2005.

How To Enter?

** A random selection of 5000 FNB and RMB Private Bank customers will be made weekly.

Customers must hold one of the following transactional products to be eligible :
** Premier Cheque account, Premier Select Cheque account, Fusion Premier account, Private Client Cheque account, Fusion Private Client account, Private Wealth Cheque account, Fusion Private Wealth account, RMB Private Bank Cheque account.

** The random selection of customers must complete a Cardless Cash withdrawal using the FNB Banking App or RMB Private Bank App during the period stated to be entered into the competition for the weekly draw.

Related Post

Is there a limit on the number of times you can enter?

How will winner(s) be chosen?
By random draw from all eligible entries received before the closing date and time per week during the competition period.

How will winner(s) names be announced?
The winners will be notified telephonically, during business hours.

Please note :
While prize winners may be asked to take part in publicity for the competition, prize winners have the right to refuse to do so.

Deadline for claiming prize(s)
The prize of R2000 per winner will be deposited directly into the winner’s FNB or RMB Private Bank account.

Questions about these rules
Email the promoter(s) on PCBcampaigns AT fnb.co.za

General Rules That Apply

** Site refers to any website or mobile site or social network site on which this competition will be run. This includes but isn’t limited to sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or Pinterest.

** If the competition requires you to post anything, your post must be original and written by you. For purposes of these rules “post” includes, but isn’t limited to any written material or visual or audio material such as an image file, a photo, a sound or video clip. You may not use somebody else’s post or work as your post, or as part of your post. If you are allowed to quote content from another source, you must state clearly who the author is. Any post that the promoter(s) believe to constitute plagiarism will be disqualified.

** You may not post updates that are derogatory or harmful to the promoter(s), the site, or any other person. By posting any content you warrant to the promoter(s) and the sites that you are the sole creator, designer, author or owner of the work and that you have the right to post the work.

** If the competition involves voting, you may not vote for yourself or ask other persons to vote for you.

** You may not misuse the site or competition in any way. This includes posting content for commercial purposes or distributing spam or malicious code or using the site to collect the personal data or content of other users or direct visitors to other sites or pages.

** Posts must not contain any content that is normally prohibited on the site such as explicit or offensive content.

** You agree that the promoter(s) have the absolute discretion to decide if your actions constitute any of the actions prohibited above and to end your participation in the competition immediately and take appropriate legal action against you. The promoter(s) may also immediately remove any posts that they reasonably believe constitute any prohibited content without notice to you.

** You must comply with the terms & conditions and privacy policies of the site.

Categories: Contest
Tags: fnb.co.za
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