Vacant Posts : Department of Communications

Company Name : Department of Communications (DoC)
Location : Pretoria
Deadline : 26 January 2018
Website :

DOC Vacant Posts

** This page contains information on the latest vacant posts within DoC, with the relevant application form to complete

Related : Department of Health Chief Executive Officer :

** For vacancies at other government departments, see Vacancies on the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) website

Director – Internal Audit and Risk Management

Salary: R948 174 per annum, all-inclusive remuneration package
Centre: Pretoria
Ref Number: D: IA/01/2018
Closing date: 26 January 2018

Requirements :
** A recognised B. Com Degree (NQF level 7) in Auditing or related field as recognised by SAQA.
** A relevant postgraduate qualification will be an added advantage.
** Auditing certification will be an added advantage. 5 years’ experience in middle / senior management level in an auditing or risk management area.

** Knowledge and understanding of Public Service Act, PFMA, Corporate Governance,
** Institute of Internal Auditing (IIA) Standards and Ethics, and applicable legislations in the broadcasting and media sector including
** Broadcasting Act, Independent Communication Authority of South Africa Act, Company Act.

** Excellent communication skills (verbal, presentation and report writing).
** Project and Management skills.
** Strategic Capability and Leadership. People Management and Empowerment.

** Programme and Project Management. Financial Management. Change Management.
** Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation.
** Problem Solving and Analysis. Client Orientation and Focus.

Duties :
** Develop a risk-based Three Year-Rolling Internal Audit Plan and an annual operational plan covering financial, HR, ICT and compliance audits in line with the PFMA, IIA Standards, and Public Service Act.

** Develop internal control systems (policies and procedures etc.) for the Internal Audit Unit. Supervise, support and review audit engagements and assess audit results against audit engagements objectives and scope.

** Perform high level audit engagements as necessary from time to time, including support services. Evaluate audit conclusions and recommendations, compile draft and final audit reports. Perform follow-ups on management action plans.

** Compile progress reports and present and attend the Internal Audit Steering meetings, Audit Committee meetings, and DoC management meetings to present audit and progress reports as required.

** Manage the provision of internal audit procedures and governance assurance regarding existing controls, risk management, governance processes, policies and procedures.

** Develop, manage and account for the implementation of the Departmental Risk Management Strategy, Risk Management Plan and Risk Registers. Provide logistical support to the departmental Audit Committee, in line with the Internal Audit and Audit Committee Charters.

Enquiries : Ms T Mokate, Tel 012 473 0321/ Ms P Sehlangu, 012 473 0438

Chief Director – Media Policy

Salary: R1 127 334 per annum, all-inclusive remuneration package
Centre: Pretoria
Ref Number: CD: MP/01/2018
Closing date: 26 January 2018

Requirements :
** A recognised undergraduate qualification in Communication or Media Studies (NQF level 7) or related field as recognised by SAQA. A relevant postgraduate qualification will be an added advantage. 5 years’ experience in senior management level in Media/ Communication Policy environment. .Operational excellence. Adequate stakeholder management. Proven ability to operate under pressure.

** Extensive knowledge of the communications/media environment, public policy development, project management and applicable policies and legislations in the broadcasting and media sector including Independent Communication Authority of South Africa Act, Public Finance Management Act and related financial regulations, Companies Act, Corporate Governance Guidelines including King III Report, through understanding of Public Finance Management process Understanding of broadcasting policy development .

** Strategic Capability and Leadership. People Management and Empowerment. Programme and Project Management. Financial Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation. Problem Solving and Analysis. Client Orientation and Focus.

Duties :
** To provide policy regulatory direction in broadcasting. Develop broadcasting policy and media content based on evolving trends. Produce regular review of documents and policies. Interact with Industry on arrears of interest and relevance.

** Skills development in broadcasting and operations. Stakeholder management. Play a key role in promoting transformation and address diversity issues in the media marketplace, as it develops, recommend and administer the regulatory policy programmes relating to the media industry, including print and online media. Commission and produce research and reports on the data collected from the industry.

** Keep the Ministry and Department abreast of developments within the media policy and regulation environment. Continuously evaluate and review regulatory policy effectiveness. Identify potential risks to media diversity and develop monitoring approaches and mechanisms that should apply to different types of media.

** Advice the Ministry and Department in relation to the preparation of media legislative proposals (plus the preparation of bills and acts) and policy initiatives. Analyse in-depth and assess the effectiveness and improvements of the current and future voluntary measures put in place so far by online platforms and news media organisations based on best and good practices .

Enquiries: Ms T Mokate , Tel 012 473 0321/ Ms P Sehlangu, 012 473 0438

Director – Entity Oversight

Salary: R948 174 per annum, all-inclusive remuneration package
Centre: Pretoria
Ref Number: D: EO /01/2018
Closing date: 26 January 2018

Requirements :
** A recognised undergraduate qualification in Corporate Governance or Project Management (NQF level 7) or related field as recognised by SAQA. A relevant postgraduate qualification will be an added advantage. 5 years’ experience in Middle Management or Senior management level. Extensive experience and understanding of the policy and legislative environment that governs all state owned entities (SABC, FPB, MDDA, ICASA and Brand SA) reporting to the department.

** Knowledge of the communications environment, project management and applicable policies and legislations in the broadcasting and media sector including independent Communication Authority of South Africa Act, Public Finance Management Act and related financial regulations, Companies Act, Corporate Governance Guidelines including King III Report, through understanding of Public Finance Management process.

** Strategic Capability and Leadership. People Management and Empowerment. Programme and Project Management. Financial Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation. Problem Solving and Analysis. Client Orientation and Focus.

Duties :
** Provide oversight for the State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s). Ensure compliance with relevant legislation by entities. Coordinate and participate in cluster meetings. Implementation of Policy Framework on the oversight of entities.

** Providing assistance on developing and negotiating shareholders’ compact and governance framework annually as required by the applicable prescripts. Ensure that SOE’s comply with the relevant legislation governing their operations. Ensure compliance funds transfer requirements/ conditions of entities.

** Providing guidance on the appropriate delegation framework between the boards and executive management of SOE’s on a regular basis. Aligning the strategic goals of SOE’s with government objective. Analyse annual reports and financial statements of SOE’s.

Enquiries: Ms T Mokate, Tel 012 473 0321/ Ms P Sehlangu, 012 473 0438

How To apply

** Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment form (Z.83) [PDF] 31 kb.
** The completed and signed form Z83 should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualification(s) and ID-document.

** The certification must be within three (3) months. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements, as well as applications received late, will not be considered. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered.

** Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

** All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job.

** Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.

** Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification).

** Forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number and the name of the publication in which you saw this advertisement, to: The DG, Department of Communications, Private Bag X745, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered to Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria for attention Mr A Khameli

** The DoC is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants with disabilities are welcome to apply. Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department and be accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum vitae and certified copies of qualifications and identity document. (Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the application being disqualified).

** Certification stamp must not be older than three months. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personal suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, and qualification and employment verification).


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