Organization : South African Mathematics Foundation
Competition Name : South African Mathematics Olympiad 2018
Applicable For : Open to grade 4-7 learners
Closing Date : 2 February 2018
Website :
Entry Form :
What is SAMF South African Mathematics Olympiad?
The SAMF South African Mathematics Olympiad is the biggest Olympiad in the country. Almost 100 000 learners participated in the 2017 Olympiad. The first round is written in March. The junior division consists of separate papers for grades 8 and 9 and the senior division of one paper for grades 10 to 12. Each school is provided with the solutions. For this round, the teachers mark the papers.
Related / Similar Olympiad :
SAMF SAMO South African Maths Olympiad 2019
SAMF Olympiads Past Question Papers

Rounds in SAMF Olympiad
There are Three rounds in SAMF South African Mathematics Olympiad
First Round
Date : 14 March, 1 hour paper
** The junior division consists of separate papers for grades 8 and 9 and the senior division of one paper for grades 10 to 12.
** Each paper consists of 20 questions with multiple-choice answers and learners have one hour to complete the paper.
Marking: The teachers themselves mark the answers. Each school is provided with the solutions. This ensures immediate feedback.
Second Round
Date : 16 May, 14:00 – 16:00
** Learners who attain 50% and higher in the first round qualify for the second round. There are separate papers for the junior and seniors.
** The grade 8 and 9 learners write the same paper. The learners have two hours to complete 25 questions.
** Learners who participate in the second round receive a certificate.
Marking: The answers are marked by computer, in the SAMF office.
Third Round
Date : 6 July, 09:00 – 13:00
** The 100 best senior and 100 best junior learners from the previous round qualify for the third round.
** There are separate papers for the juniors and seniors.
** Learners who participate in the third round receive a bronze medal and certificate.
** The best 10 learners per division receive their prizes at the annual award function.
Why Should We Enter?
** Mathematics competitions generate a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity for the subject.
** Learners will be exposed to problems that will test and improve their thinking, discovering, and validation of problem solving methods. In short, they will become better mathematicians.
** The Maths Olympiad is recognised as one of the best vehicles to identify the most talented learners in the country.
** Participation will result in a better quality of product from the schools and will put their learners in a position to reap higher achievement levels at university.
** The type of problems is similar to those used by Universities as part of their entry level testing and therefore especially the grade 12 learners will gain valuable experience.
** Working through old question papers is one of the best ways to prepare for the Olympiad.
** Past question papers and solutions are available on our website – Register as a user and log in to gain access to these resources.
** SAMF have a wide variety of publications, see the included order form.
Registration Details
Date And Time Of The First Round :
The first round takes place on 14 March at your school.
The duration is one hour and a school can schedule its own time.
First round parcels (consisting of the final instructions regarding round one, the question papers, answer sheets, solutions and certificates) will be mailed as soon as we have received your entry form.
What is the Last Date of SAMF Mathematics Olympiad?
2 February 2018 :
The last date to submit your entries for SAMF South African Mathematics Olympiad is on the 2nd of February 2018. Absolutely No Late Entries Will Be Accepted.
Send your completed ENTRY FORM AND PAYMENT/PROOF OF PAYMENT (we can only register your school if we receive both documents) to:
The South African Mathematics Foundation
Private BagX173
OR email both documents to info AT
OR fax it to +27(0)12 392 9312
Entry Fee of SAMF Mathematics Olympiad
SAMF South African Mathematics Olympiad Entry Fee
See last page for more details :
** E-mail entries at R22 per learner are available.
** South African schools at R32 per learner.
** South African schools with more than 100 entrants can enter at a reduced rate of R26 per learner.
** Quintile 1, 2 schools can enter up to 100 learners free of charge.
** Schools outside South Africa at R55 per learner. 1st round papers etc. will be emailed to schools, i.e. no hard copies will be posted.
Sponsorship Of Entries :
If a learner or Quintile 3 school cannot afford the entry fee, a written request for sponsorship must be sent with the entry form. Not more than 100 sponsored entries per school are allowed.
Contact Information :
South African Mathematics Foundation
Tel: +27(0)12 392 9324/16
E-mail: info AT
Benefits of SAMF South African Mathematics Olympiad
The South African Mathematics Olympiad, organized by the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF), is a prestigious annual mathematics competition for high school learners in South Africa. Participation in the competition and achieving success can offer several benefits, including:
Academic recognition:
Participation in the SAMF Mathematics Olympiad can enhance a learner’s academic profile and provide recognition for their mathematical skills and abilities. Achieving a good performance in the competition can be listed on resumes, college applications, and scholarship applications, which may positively impact future educational and career opportunities.
Skill development:
The SAMF Mathematics Olympiad challenges learners to solve complex mathematical problems that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Participation in the competition can help learners develop and strengthen their mathematical skills, including logical reasoning, mathematical modeling, and creative problem-solving techniques.
Exposure to higher-level mathematics:
The SAMF Mathematics Olympiad exposes learners to advanced mathematical concepts and problems that may go beyond the standard curriculum. This can help learners deepen their understanding of mathematics and expand their knowledge in areas such as algebra, geometry, number theory, and combinatorics.
View Comments (8)
Can I please be registered
How do we get past year papers to practice
Good day, can anyone assit with past papers for grade 9 in Afrikaans?
We're writing in two days but can't find any past papers in Afrikaans
Can I please have question paper for grade 5 ,2020 & 2021 thank you
please can i have the 2020 solutions
pls can I have the solutions to the 2018 questions
I want to know, how can I have the memo for grade 8?
Can I please have the memo for grade 8 and solutions to