Kwazulu-Natal Senior Open Strokeplay Championship : KZN Golf Union

Organization : KZN Golf Union
Competition Name : Kwazulu-Natal Senior Open Strokeplay Championship
Applicable For : Male Member of a recognised Golf Club
Competition Date : Sunday, 11 March to Monday, 12 March 2018
Competition Closing Date : , 27 February 2018
Entrance Fee : R 400.00
Website :

KZN Golf Kwazulu-Natal Strokeplay Championship

** 0-9 h/c 36 holes strokeplay, 10 – 24 h/c 36 holes individual stableford – 18 holes per day)

Related : Golf Union Free State Amateur Open Championships :

Umhlali Country Club : from Sunday, 11 March to Monday, 12 March 2018
Entry Fee : R 400.00


** Open to any amateur, over the age of 50 years, who is a Life or Full member of a Golf Club affiliated to a Union recognised by the S.A.G.A. and who at the time of submitting this entry shall have an official handicap assessed in terms of the S.A.G.A. Course Rating and Handicapping System or an equivalent handicap assessed under an alternative system acceptable to the South African Golf Association.
** Please enter my name for The Golfers Club 2018 KZN Senior Open Strokeplay Championship.
** I have read the Information and Conditions and agree to abide thereby.

Information & Conditions

1. The Strokeplay Championships :
This will be played from Sunday, 11th to Monday, 12 March 2018 (18 holes per day – Sunday pm and Monday am). Open to players with handicaps of up to 9 and who are over the age of 50 years on Sunday, 11 March 2018. All players will play off the same designated tees.

2. Individual Bogey Stableford :
This will be played from Sunday, 11th to Monday 12 March 2018. (18 holes per day – Sunday pm and Monday am). Open to players with handicaps from 10 to 24 and who are over the age of 50 years on Sunday, 11 March 2018. All players will play off the same designated tees.

3. Super Seniors :
All players over the age of 60 years on Sunday, 11 March 2018 will be eligible to compete in this competition, which will be run in conjunction with the tournament proper.

4. Registration :
Registration will take place at the Umhlali Country Club on Sunday, 11 March 2018. All players are requested to report to the tournament official prior to the first round.

5. Practice Rounds And Facilities :
No arrangements have been made for any practice rounds. Those competitors wishing to play a practice round are requested to contact the club pro shop directly by phoning 032 9471181.

Related Post

6.  Catering :
Tea and Coffee will be provided for players on Monday am. Breakfast will be available (for players account) Monday am.

7. Motorised Golf Carts / Measuring Devices / Caddies :
CARTS: Competitors in the B Division will be allowed to use motorised golf carts. All competitors wishing to use carts must make arrangements with the host club by phoning 032 9471181. Own motorised carts are allowed – trail fee R69. No ‘A’ division player under 60 years of age may use a cart without a recognised recent medical certificate – COPY TO GOLF UNION PLEASE.

MEASURING DEVICES: The use of hand held measuring devices is permitted. Such devices may measure distance only. The use of wind speed, temperature or gradient fixtures are not permitted.
CADDIES: Players to indicate whether they wish to engage the services of a caddy from Umhlali Country Club – to be booked by the player on 032 9471181.

8. The field for the Championships will be limited to 114 contestants. In the event of the number of entrants exceeding the stipulated field size preference will be given to entrants in the following order:
(i)  The top 50 on the SA Order of Merit.
(ii)  Balance of the participants to be determined by handicap.

9. Entry fees will NOT be refunded if a player withdraws after the official closing date.
10. Prizes will be allocated by division and players who are over 60. Prize giving will be held on Monday late afternoon.

11. The championship and other events will be held in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and Local Rules approved by KZNGU. It will be obligatory for all competitors in the Championship to play with a ball which is named on the current R & A list of conforming Golf Balls. Driving clubs used by competitors during this championship must be on the list of conforming Driving Clubs as issued by the R & A. The onus is on the player to ensure he complies with these regulations.

12. KZNGU reserves the right to change the venue to another course for the event either in part or entirely in the case of exceptional circumstances, and also reserves the right to alter the advertised times of starting.

13. All entries shall be subject to the approval of the KZNGU which reserves the right to refuse any entry without giving reason for such refusal.
14. The draw will be issued on Friday, 2 March 2018. The draw will be available on the KZN website at and the SAGA website Monday 12th March will be a seeded draw.

15. Tournament Convenor – Poenie Holm – 0828067206
Entries may be faxed/emailed with proof of payment to the KZNGU to fax 031 202 1022 / 0865707222 / kzngu AT

Payment To

KwaZulu-Natal Golf Union,
Standard Bank Glenwood, Branch Code 051001,
Account No: 051252341
Reference: 1310/NAME
Physical address :
KwaZulu-Natal Golf Union,
77 Bulwer Road, Glenwood, Durban.
Entries close: NOON TUESDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2018
** The onus is on the Player to ensure that his entry & payment has been received by KZNGU

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