Chief Executive Officer : Department of Health

Company Name : The Department of Health
Job Title : Chief Executive Officer
Location : Buffalo City Metro, Cecilla Makiwane Hospital
Deadline : 12 JANUARY 2018
Ref. Number : ECHEALTH/CEO/CMH/01/12/2017
Salary : R898 714 –R1 058 691 per annum
Website :
Notification :

EC Health Chief Executive Officer

Salary : R898 714 –R1 058 691 per annum (Level 13)
Centre : Buffalo City Metro, Cecilla Makiwane Hospital

Related : KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health Chief Director – Supply Chain Management :


** A Degree/Advanced Diploma in Health related field PLUS a Degree/Diploma in Health Management or Degree/Advanced Diploma in Management Field.
** Registration with the relevant Professional Council. At least (5) years management experience in the Health Sector at middle management.

** Experience as a Health Service Manager or significant experience in management in a Health service environment.
** Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National Health Act, (PFMA), Public Service Regulations Programme and Project management.
** People management and empowerment. A valid Driver’s Licence.


** To plan, direct, coordinate and manage the efficient and Effective delivery of clinical and Administrative support services through working with the key executive management team at the Hospital within the legal regulatory framework.

** To present the Hospital Authoritatively at provincial and public forums.
** To provide Strategic leadership to improve operational efficiently within the Health establishment to improve health outcomes.

Strategic Planning :
** Prepare a strategic Plan for the Hospital to ensure it is in Line with the 10 point plan, national, provincial, reginal and district plan.
Finance Management :
** Maximize revenue through Collection of all income due to the hospital, ensure that Hospital is managed within the budget in line with the PFMA and Relevant guidelines.

** Ensure that adequate policies, systems and Procedures are in place to enable prudent management of financial resources.
** Planning of financial resources mobilisation.
** Monitoring and evaluation, and Asset and Risk Management.

Enquiries: Dr Matiwane Tel no: 040 608 1163

Deputy Director

District Health Services
Ref No : ECHEALTH/DD-DHS/HO/01/12/2017
Salary : R657 558 – R774 756 per annum (Level 11)
Centre : Head Office, District Development


** A three (3) year Degree/ National Diploma in Health Sciences/ NQF seven (7) coupling with.
** A post graduate qualification in health management will serve as an added advantage.
** Extensive experience of five (5) years minimum in the District Health System Platform management.

** The candidate should be computer literate and in possession of a valid driver’s license.
** Strong communication, coordination, leadership and team building skills.

** Knowledge of DHS policy implementation issues – District Health Planning, District Health Expenditure Reviews, District health information systems, Integrated Development Planning, Inter-Governmental Relations, financial management, problem solving, National Health Act of

2003, National Development Plan and Public Finance Management Act of 1999.
** The candidate must be willing to work long and abnormal hours and travel extensively across the province and the country.


** Coordinate, facilitate and monitor functioning of Governance Structures within the District Health Services including PHC facilities (Clinic/CHC committees, District Health council and consultative forums, Provincial Health Council).

** Facilitate, monitor and evaluate Supervision of Primary Health Care facilities concerning provision of a comprehensive integrated package of quality service and service delivery reforms and platform.

** Monitor and evaluate the development and implementation of National Health Insurance Business Plan by the pilot districts in the province as the basis for the possible roll out for the NHI in the country.

** Facilitate, coordinate and monitor District Health Planning integration with the Integrated Development Plan and alignment to the strategic goals of the department, Performance Reviews and Reporting in all health districts.

** Facilitate coordination of the Development Partners and NGOs that are supporting District Health System Strengthening.
** Coordinate and monitor budget for Primary Health Care facilities, In Year Monitoring and District Health Expenditure Reviews.
Enquiries: Ms N Zamaka Tel no 040 608 1662

Head Clinical Department

Ref No.: ECHEALTH/HCD-PEAD/FRH/01/12/2017
Salary : R1 938 279- R2 057 214 per annum (OSD)
Centre : Buffalo City Metro, Frere Hospital


** Registration with the HPCSA as a Specialist plus at least ten years of appropriate experience in the respective department after registration with the HPCSA as a specialist of which six years of management experience in a hospital environment.

** Leadership, administration, programs planning, assessment of patients within candidate’s field of expertise.
** Management of diversity in the workplace. Counseling and conflict resolution skills.


** Co-ordinate specialist services within the central region to ensure equitable distribution of resources to achieve optimal patient care within the defined level of services. Problem solving.
** Participate in the provision of tertiary and central services.

** Provide outreach services to clinicians, including expert advice to clinicians to manage patients appropriately.
** Active participation in the academic undergraduate and postgraduate training programmes.

** Direct clinical governance activities in the department.
** Establish protocols for the management of patients.
** Co-ordinate with relevant departmental heads to ensure optimal care for patients.
Enquiries: Ms N Mthitshana Tel no 043 709 2487/2532.

How to Apply

Applications directed to the addresses as indicated below or Hand Delivery as indicated below :
Post to :
Human Resource Office,
Frere Hospital,
Private bag X 9047,
Hand deliver to :
Human Resource Office,
Frere Hospital,
Amalinda Main Road,
East London, 5200
Enquiries : Ms N Mthitshana Tel no 043 709 2487/2532.

Post to :
Recruitment Office,
Department of Health,
Private Bag X0038,
Bisho 5605
hand deliver to :
HR Registry,
Room 411, 4th Floor,
Dukumbana Building,
Bisho 5605.
Post to: HR Office,
Private Bag X9047
Cambridge 5200
hand deliver to :
HR Office,
Cecilla Makiwane Hospital 4 Billie Road,
Mdantsane, East London, 5219.

Hand delivery for Audit Committee Members and Deputy Director :
** District Health Services posts will only be accepted during the week of the 18-22 December 2017 and 8-12 January 2018.
** This is due to the Department of Health (Head Office) closing for the Christmas and New Year break.

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