Government Employees Housing Scheme

Organisation : Public Service and Administration
Facility : Government Employees Housing Scheme
Website :

GEHS Government Employees Housing Scheme

The Government Employees Housing Scheme (GEHS) is an employee benefit housing scheme that offers housing access support services to government employees.

Related / Similar Scheme : SMME Debt Relief Scheme

Employee Enrolment

** All employees are required to first enrol with GEHS to access any and all services offered by scheme.
** All data provided by the employee is confidential for purposes of the scheme.

Enrolment with the scheme enables :
** The profiling of employees to inform housing choices and/or solutions.
** Maintenance of a comprehensive database of demand for and supply of housing.
** Aggregation of employees housing demands to inform and match the supply of housing stock to employee housing needs.

FAQs Employee Enrolment

Q: Who qualifies to enrol with the GEHS?
A: All persons employed in the public service in National and Provincial Departments.

Q: What are the requirements to enrol with GEHS for rural land?
A: Employees residing on communal land with valid permission to occupy, enrol with the GEHS like all other employees.

Q: Is the enrolment free?
A: Yes, the enrolment is free.

Q: Can homeowners enrol?
A: Yes, homeowners may enrol. All employees must enrol with GEHS to access any and all services offered by the scheme.

Q: Will I still need to enrol even if my bond repayments are being paid from my own bank account?
A: Yes. All employees must enrol with GEHS to access any and all services offered by the scheme including accessing the housing allowance.

Housing Allowance Structure

** Employees must enrol with GEHS to access any and all services offered by the scheme.
** The housing allowance is paid as a monthly contribution to qualifying employees to assist with their recurring costs of their accommodation.

** Employees must contact the Human Resources division in their respective departments in order to access the housing allowance.
** As of 1st July 2015 the housing allowance paid to eligible employees is R1 200 per month. This will increase by inflation every year from 1st July 2017.

** Employees who are eligible to receive the housing allowance but do not own a house shall only receive R900 per month. The difference (R300) between the total housing allowance (R1200) and the R900 shall be diverted into and accumulated in an individual-linked savings facility to support employees future access to home ownership.

Facilitate Delivery of Houses

** Employees must enrol with GEHS to access any and all services offered by the scheme.

GEHS facilitates availability of houses for employees by implementing the following initiatives :
** Maintaining a database of demand for and supply of housing.
** Aggregation of employees housing demands to inform and match the supply of houses to employee housing needs on the basis of available and planned housing units for development.

** Engage and coordinate with housing supply-side role players to ensure development of houses to meet the needs of employees.
** Undertake project management and sourcing services for housing developments aimed at accommodating employees.

Supporting Rental Housing
Employees must enrol with GEHS to access any and all services offered by the scheme.

State Rental Housing :
** The GEHS collaborates with sector departments in government to review and/or enhance their state housing policies.

Private Rental Housing :
** The GEHS will educate and advice employees on the advantages and disadvantages of long-term rental in contrast to home ownership.

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