Durham University Ruth First Scholarship 2018 : dur.ac.uk

Organisation : Ruth First Educational Trust – Durham University
Announcement : Ruth First Scholarship
Applicable for : South African citizen
Application Deadline : 15th March 2018
Website : https://www.dur.ac.uk/postgraduate/finance/scholarships/ruthfirst/
Application Form : https://www.dur.ac.uk/postgraduate/finance/scholarships/ruthfirst/application/

Durham Ruth First Scholarship

** The aim of the Ruth First Educational Trust is to enable southern African students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake postgraduate study at the University of Durham.

Related : African Climate & Development Initiative ICLEI Africa Masters Scholarship : www.southafricain.com/9205.html

Southern Africa is defined for this purpose as comprising the following countries : Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


Geographical Criteria :
Applicants must be a national of one of the following countries :
** Angola
** Botswana
** Lesotho
** Malawi
** Mozambique
** Namibia
** Republic of South Africa
** Swaziland
** Zambia
** Zimbabwe

Level of Study : Taught Master’s Degree programmes
Mode of study : Full time
Year of Entry : Applications for programmes commencing 2018/19 Accepted from 8th January 2018
Programmes : All programmes EXCEPT MBA

Further Information :
Applicants should :
** hold a relevant honours degree of sufficient standard to be admitted to your chosen Master’s course; and
** not hold a Master’s degree, nor have previously studied at a university outside southern Africa, and

** show evidence of active involvement in and commitment to voluntary work for the benefit of causes such as rural or urban community development; young people or educational projects; charitable organizations; health or AIDS awareness projects; student welfare or guidance; the defence of human rights; the promotion of equal opportunities or social justice; environmental sustainability. If you have a paid job that involves working in such areas, you should show evidence of leadership and commitment beyond the requirements of the job.

** The Trust aims to award the Scholarship to individuals who not only have the academic and personal qualities to enable them to complete and benefit from a postgraduate course, but who will also act as positive ambassadors for their home countries in Durham and put their enhanced knowledge and skills to good use for the benefit of the societies to which they return in Africa.


** Full payment of tuition fees
** Stipend for living expenses – 12 monthly payments
** one return air ticket from the home country to the UK and the cost of return travel between the UK airport and Durham City

** Fully funded accommodation and meals at St Chad’s College
** ‘Settling in allowance’ on arrival
** A contribution towards the cost of a UK visa and the UK Health surcharge

Duration : One year
Restrictions :
** The Trust cannot provide additional support for dependants, nor for travel during the period of the Scholarship.
Number of awards available : 1

How to Apply

Please use this Application form to Apply for this Scholarship.
Applications accepted from : 8 January 2018
Application deadline : 15th March 2018
When candidates will hear the outcome of their application : Mid-May 2018


For further information or advice:
Email: m.p.thompson AT durham.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)191 334 3436

Tags: dur.ac.uk
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