Nelson Mandela Children Fund Nursing Bursary : Hospital

Organisation : Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital
Announcement : Nelson Mandela Children Fund Nursing Bursary
Applicable for : South African Citizen

Website :
Application Form :

Nelson Mandela Children Fund Nursing Bursary :

Undergraduate and Paediatric Post Basic Nurse Training Bursaries :
** The Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital is a legacy project of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust (NMCHT).

Related : Monash South Africa Bursary :

** The Trust is building a new children’s hospital in Johannesburg that will open its doors in 2016.

** This 200 bed quaternary care facility will be a state-of-the-art specialist paediatric academic referral hospital providing child-centered best quality surgical services to children of Southern Africa, irrespective of their social and economic status.

** In anticipation of the opening of the hospital in 2016, and with funding support received from the National Skills Fund (NSF) the Trust embarked on a skills development project that will see 382 nurses receiving specialist paediatric nurse training at post graduate level over the next three years.

** It is against this background that the Trust is now offering bursaries to South African registered nurses wishing to specialise in paediatric nursing diplomas or short courses at post graduate level in 2016 & 2017.

** The bursaries are available for both short (credit bearing) courses and for post graduate nurse training diplomas (one or two years) at recognised and accredited South African Universities.

** The Trust is keen to hear from all post graduate nursing students interested in specialising in paediatric nursing, who are planning to further their studies in 2016 & 2017 and who are self-funded.
** If you are a registered nurse with at least two years applicable experience and are in excellent health and you want to focus on one of the following areas of paediatric specialities

Neonatal Nursing, Child Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Nephrology Nursing, Intensive Care Nursing, Operating Theatre Nursing :
** You are requested to carefully read our Bursary Agreement and our Administrative Requirements before completing the on-line application form (hard copies are also available on request) and more specifically, to note the post study obligation to come and work back time equal to your period of studies at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital (in Johannesburg) when it opens its doors in 2016.

** To assist with administrative efficiency, all bursary applications should ideally come through our website You may also request application forms from Shaun at 087 150 2101 during office hours.

** Preference will be given to applicants from all designated groups and where possible, people with physical disabilities.
** Copies of CVs, qualifications and 3 work references will also be required and will be subject to third party scrutiny.

Bursary Applications Closing Date: To Be Advised

** Please note that no further correspondence will take place until the Trust has determined which applicants have been shortlisted for interviews.
** Should you not have heard from the Trust within two weeks of submitting your bursary application, consider your application unsuccessful.

** The Trust reserves the right to NOT make any bursary awards.
** Bursary applicants who have been interviewed and to whom the Trust wishes to grant bursaries should note that they will also have to be accepted by the participating academic institutions.

Please note :
** The undergraduate bursary covers second-year studies onwards, i.e. undergrads who have completed their first year of study.
** This is in addition to post-graduate nursing studies.

Administrative Requirements :
** You are requested to please take careful note of the following NMCH administrative requirements.

You must able to confirm that you meet all these administrative requirements :
** You are a South African citizen;
** You are registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC)
** You are in possession of a National Senior Certificate or Matric certificate;
** You are in possession of a Diploma or Degree in Nursing Science from a recognised tertiary institution or college;

** You have completed your performance of Community Service year in terms of Section 40 (3) of the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act 33 of 2005);
** You have at least one or more years work experience in the department of the specialization you wish to practice;
** You have the required supporting documents to show should you be shortlisted

Contact Address :
Corner Victoria Avenue
and Jubilee Road,
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