Monash South Africa Bursary :

Organisation : Monash South Africa
Announcement : Monash South Africa Bursary
Applicable for : South African Citizen
Closing Date : 15 November

Website :
Application Form :

Monash South Africa Bursary :

Eligibility and supporting documentation :
** Monash South Africa bursaries are available to South African students who can provide supporting documentation detailing extreme financial hardship.

Related : Monash South Africa Scholarship :

** An electronic means test is used to determine extreme financial hardship, factoring in other equity factors,and rank each application.

Eligibility criteria:
To be eligible for a Monash South Africa bursary you must:
I. be enrolled or have received an o er to enroll as a full-time student at Monash South Africa in a
foundation programme or an undergraduate course of study leading to a higher education award;
II. not be a recipient of any other financial support award;
III. be studying Year 12 or equivalent (South African citizens) or be studying in the final year of secondary school or equivalent (international); or School equivalent

IV. be a current Monash South African student and have completed a minimum of one semester of study at monash south Africa
V. Demonstrate financial hardship.

To apply you need to :
** Complete the application form;
** Sign the declaration;
** Attach all relevant supporting documentation as speci ed; and
** Return to the Student Fees Oder by the closing date

Supporting documentation :
** If both parents are working, recent payslips not older than 2 months are required from each parent.
** If a parent is paid on a weekly basis four consecutive payslips should be submitted.
** If a parent is paid on a two-weekly basis (fortnightly) 2 consecutive payslips should be submitted.
** If a parent is unemployed an adavit signed by the unemployed parent is required, coming his/her own unemployment.

** If a parent is working in the informal sector where social payslips are not issued (eg street vending or informal selling) the rand value of the income gained per month must be stated in the adavit.
** If a parent is employed as a domestic worker, a letter from his/her employer is required, stating the period of employment and the monthly salary.

** If there is anybody in the household that receives a state pension or a child support grant, proof is needed.
** A certified copy of the most recent pension slip, pay point slip or an original 3 month bank statement should be submit ted.

Related Post

** If the family/student is sponsored an adavit signed by the sponsor should be submitted stated the monthly rand value of the sponsor ship.
** If parents are divorced a certified copy of the divorce decree should be submitted.
** If a parent is deceased, a certified copy of the death certificate should be submitted.

Note :
** If you do not supply all required supporting documentation you application will be rejected immediately .

Benefits :
** Total value of up to R60,700
** Full tuition fee for a full-time study load (48 credit points), for the specific year of application and approval of award.
** Exposure to the working environment – you will have first preference for Department work placements during peak periods.

Number offered :
** Varies depending on funding availability

Selection :
** Based on extreme financial hardship
** Available to South African citizens only

Eligibility :
All conditions must be met :
** Be enrolled or have received an offer to enrol as a full-time student at Monash South Africa in a Higher Certificate in Higher Education Studies or an undergraduate course of study leading to a higher education award

** Not be a recipient of any other financial support award;
** Be studying Year 12 (NSC) or equivalent (South African citizens) or be studying in the final year of secondary school or equivalent (international); or

** Be a current Monash South African student and have completed a minimum of one semester of study at Monash South Africa

Retention :
** You must maintain satisfactory academic progress and continue to provide supporting documentation detailing extreme financial hardship.

Contact Address :
Private Bag X60
Roodepoort 1725
South Africa

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