TimberLife Luxury You and Your Timber Deserves Competition

Organization : TimberLife PTY LTD
Competition Name : Luxury You and Your Timber Deserves Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizens and Citizens of Botswana and Namibia
Competition Deadline : 25 August 2017
Prize : 7days Mjejane Bush Camp
Website : http://www.timberlife.co.za/
Download Rules : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/8835-Kompetisietimberlife.pdf

Luxury You and Your Timber Deserves Competition Rules :

1. When Does The Competition Start And End?
** The competition starts at 09h00 on 26 June 2017 (“starting date”) and ends at 12h00 on 25 August 2017 (“closing date”). This is the competition period.

Related : WP Blood #YouthTube2017 Youth Tube Film Competition : www.southafricain.com/8814.html

** TimberLife reserves the right to extend the duration of the competition, subject to these terms and conditions.

** The competition will be held over 9 weeks. At the end of each week, weekly “give-away” prizes will be awarded to randomly selected participants and the winner of the 1st GRAND PRIZE (a week “self-catering” accommodation at Mjejane Bush Camp for the period of 1 – 8 September 2017 will be selected and verified by an independent auditors’ firm.

Please note :
The GRAND PRIZE will only include fully paid accommodation at a pre-selected self-catering unit at Mjejane Bush Camp and the winners will be responsible for their own transport to and from Mjejane Bush Camp, their own food and beverages as well as all other related expenses. All prizes will be redeemable at TimberLife Head Office – 31 Axle Street, Silverton ext. 52, Pretoria, South Africa.

** The judge’s decision are final and not negotiable and the prizes cannot be exchanged for any monetary value whatsoever.

2. Who May Enter The Competition? (WHO QUALIFIES FOR ENTRY INTO THE DRAW?)
** All persons, including South African Citizens and Citizens of Botswana and Namibia may enter the competition.
** However, to enter you must be at least 18 years old. To qualify you need to purchase a branded Timberlife product from and including all participating retailers and agents.

3. Who May Not Enter The Competition ?
** The following persons may not take part in this competition even if they qualify to enter.

They will forfeit (give up) any prizes awarded to them :
** TimberLife Pty Ltd employees i.e. director(s), member(s), partner(s), employee(s), agencies(s), or consultant(s) relating to this competition.
** Any supplier of goods and services in connection with this competition.
** The spouse, life partner, siblings, children or parents of any of the persons named above.
** Legal Entities

4. How To Enter ?
** Visit TimberLife’s website page at .timberlife.co.za to read how to enter.
** Entries must be sent in the correct format with all required fields completed.

5. Can I Enter More Than Once ?
** Even though you can enter the competition every week, you are only allowed to win a prize once.
** If a person who was previously a prize winner is selected in the subsequent week(s), TimberLife will award the prize to another person.

6. Prizes :
** The GRAND PRIZE will only include 7days (Friday 1 September 2017 – Friday 8 September 2017) fully paid accommodation at a pre-selected self-catering unit at Mjejane Bush Camp.

** Weekly prizes will include product hampers & other TimberLife products.
** You can only win a prize once. The same person cannot win a prize twice.
** The prizes cannot be transferred or converted into cash.

7. Requirements You Must Meet To Use The Prize :
** The winners must provide original proof of their qualifying purchases with the following details – Name, contact telephone phone number, retailer from whom the purchase was made, a valid tax invoice and/or cash slip with an unique reference number. This information must be forwarded with a sms (*Standard network rates will apply) to

** TimberLife Head Office and original, physical proof must be presented before a prize giving.

8. How We Will Deliver Your Prize To You Or How You Can Collect Or Claim Your Prize :
** All prizes must be collected at TimberLife Head Office, 31 Axle Street, Silverton, Pretoria.

9. How Will Winners Be Notified ?
** Winners will be notified by telephone during the course of the following week and a confirmation letter will also be sent to the winners by email.

10. What Happens Timberlife Cannot Contact The Winner Or If The Winner Is Not Able To Take Up The Prize :
** If TimberLife cannot get hold of a prize winner within 2 (two) days after the prize announcement date, TimberLife will award the prize to another participant.

11. Grounds For Disqualification :
** Participants that do any of the following or attempt to do any of the following, whether alone or through anyone else will immediately be disqualified from winning a prize
** Any intended or involuntarily actions to jeopardize or manipulate the outcome of the competition.

Categories: Contest
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