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eThekwini Municipality Customer Care Centre Number

Name of the Company : eThekwini Municipality
Head Office : Durban
Industry : Government
Service/Products : Public Services
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eThekwini Customer Care Centre Number

Durban eThekwini Municipality Customer Care Centre Numbers are

Fire Department & Metro Police : 031 361 0000
Water and Traffic Hotline :080 131 3013
Electricity Contact Centre : 080 13 13 111

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Related / Similar Facility : View eThekwini Municipality Account Balance Online

Email  : queries should be addressed to sizakala AT

eThekwini Customer Services Phone Number

Services Contact Numbers Operating Hours
Switchboard 031 311 1111 7.30am – 5pm, Mon – Fri
Advertising and Signage 031 311 7055
Aids Helpline 0800 012 322
Air Pollution 031 311 3555 8am – 4pm, Mon – Fri
Emergency Services 031 3610000
Ambulance (public) 10177
Animal Nuisance and Abandoned Vehicles 031 311 2814
Beaches and Recreation Facilities 031 335 3700 7.30am – 6pm
Development Planning division Rezoning Special consent 031 311 7883 7am – 4.30pm Mon – Fri Sub
Development Management:  Building inspectorate Plans submissions Enforcement 031 311 7881
Durban Solid Waste Illegal dumping 031 311 8804 7:30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri
Refuse Removal

Inner West

031 311 8824

031 3223023

7.30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri.
Removal of dead animals 031 311 8809
Engineering Services Centre Road repairs Storm water Blockages/repairs

Replacement of Manhole covers, Repairs of guardrails and, Roadside fencing, Sidewalk and kerb repairs, Sewer repairs/blockages, Road marking and Street signs Water reconnections/ Accounts

080 131 3013 24hrs, 7 days a week
Robot Faults Faulty traffic signals, Hooding, coastal Infrastructure, 0800 333 467
Water faults/Water pollution/Water account queries SMS: 083 707 3013

Fax: 031 311 8220

Mxit: 083 707 3013

Email: eservices AT

Revenue Call Centre

Rates Electricity Water Accounts

031 311 11 11 7.30am to 4.30pm, Mon to Fri. and 7.30 – 11.30 on Sat
Environment 031 311 7875
Emergency Fire Disaster Management  services 031 361 0000 24Hrs, 7 Days a week
Metro Police Central: 031 311 2812

Chatsworth: 31 402 0680

lnner West: 031 709 0808

North: 032 5331027/8/9

Outer West: 031 767 1222

South: 031 910 7321

Electricity Faults and breakdowns

Street lights

Centre 080 131 3111

Fax: 031 328 1050

031 311 9611

24Hrs, 7 days a week

Air pollution/Environmental noise/Illegal dumping/Food safety/Communicable diseases /Hazardous chemical Substances/Vector Control (mosquitoes/flies, rats, etc)

A/H contact Emergency Services

031 311 3555 7am – 4.30pm Mon to Fri
Illegal dumping 031 311 8804 7:30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri
Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Verge and grass maintenance /Fallen and trimming of trees Booking of halls / Maintenance of swimming pools 031 322 4000

North: 031 566 3712

Central: 031 205 1418

Inner West: 031 403 1353

Outer West: 031 767 3908 South: 031 311 5573

Mon to Fri 7.30am – 4pm,
Ombudsperson and Head Investigations (Hotline) Reporting fraud, corruption and maladministration in the Municipality 0800 20 20 20

Ombudsperson AT

Fax 086 5222 816

Sizakala Customer Care Centres
One Stop Shops access/ Payments for council services
080 033 1011

Central: 031 311 1111

South: 031 311 5844

Umkomaas: 031 311 5407

Outer West: 031 311 2717

Inner West: 031 311 6286

7.30am – 4pm, Mon to Fri, 8am to 11am Sat

Some Important Information From Comments

1. We had a water leak on our property that, we sorted out and managed to get reinstated with the insurance but for the past 3 months, we have being getting estimated for water with extreme amounts and we paid our average bill thinking, each month they will check and rectify the problem, but today a municipality worker came to cut off our lights, he was very disrespectful to me at my property hooting and shouting at me in front of my neighbors and humiliating me for no reason. I have him on my home cameras and he signature on a document we went to the department and they apologized for the bill and is sorting it out my question is how do I report this employee? (or) Should I go to scorpion legal?

2. I have a sand bank that came down at my home in Isipingo Rail that covered the entrance of my home. I had to evacuate my home during the flooding and now I am unable to get in. Please can someone assist. The sand bank is situated at the back of the home. Along with that we getting water that is seeping from underground. We desperately need your help.

Error / Problem:
1. The eThekwini municipality emergency numbers doesn’t work. Some don’t exist when you try to dial them, and the one that works is not picked up. PLEASE HELP, we have a metre pipe that’s leaking.

2. Does anyone know a contact email or telephone number for Ethekwini to query my monthly bill? I am being charged a “fixed charges” on my Ethekwini bill for water & sanitation. My apartment is in a gated estate with 5 other units, I have discovered I am the only one being billed a monthly “fixed charge” for water and sanitation costs over and above my actual water consumption costs. I have tried correspondence to various Ethekwini sources but the response is never the query defined. Desperate for some assistance in this matter.

FAQ On eThekwini Municipality Contact

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On eThekwini Municipality Contact

Q: How can I contact eThekwini Municipality in South Africa?
A: There are several ways to contact eThekwini Municipality:
** Call the eThekwini Municipality contact center at 080 131 3013 (toll-free from within South Africa) or +27 31 311 1111 (from outside South Africa).
** Visit the eThekwini Municipality website at and use the online contact form to submit your query or request.
** Send an email to the relevant department or official at eThekwini Municipality. Contact details for various departments and officials can be found on the eThekwini Municipality website.
** Visit one of the eThekwini Municipality customer service centers in person. The locations of the customer service centers can also be found on the eThekwini Municipality website.

Q: What services can I inquire about or request assistance with from eThekwini Municipality?
A: eThekwini Municipality provides a wide range of services to residents and businesses, including but not limited to:

** Billing and payments for municipal services such as water, electricity, rates, and refuse removal.
** Report and request repairs for municipal infrastructure such as potholes, street lights, and broken pipes.
** Apply for various permits and licenses, such as building permits and business licenses.
** Report and request assistance with issues related to health and safety, environmental management, and waste management.
** Inquire about municipal by-laws, policies, and regulations.
** Request information about city planning, development, and infrastructure projects.
** Lodge complaints, compliments, or suggestions regarding municipal services and operations.

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  2. Darryl

    Morning .

    I want to highlight an important safety concern . Location ; Umkomaas , the road goin down to Sappi Saiccor . There is a tree that has fallen down due to wind and rain last night .

    The road is a busy road because many employees use that route to Sappi Saiccor .

    Can it be removed asap to avoid incidents please .

  3. KD-Kwa-Mashu

    is it even worth the exercise leaving a comment on this platform my good people, the municipal phones never get to be answered if answered by computer voice activations you will be holding forever, i think it’s time to name and shame this municipality for our then beautiful city has gone to the dogs, the infrastructure is falling apart, crime is at its highest levels investors are gone: “cry our beloved city”

    1. Anonymous

      I agree…the employees do nothing,they cant even answer the phone,they give a whatsapp number to log a fault and even that app gets stuck saying “Logging your case please wait”…and we as the people who pay for the services are left without electricity for days on end because of poor or no service from this pathetic municipality

  4. Khethiwe Duduzile Mbatha

    We don’t have electricity at Adams Mission, Sheleni Road around Adams Clinic from last night around 20h00 and your electricity call centre number doesn’t ring at all. We need help because some of our neighbour do have electricity.

  5. HELEN


    1. john

      nope, not one


    we have had no power in the tongaat flats from saturday, we have tried all numbers to contact the electricity dep – none of them work, what are we paying dam taxes for if their phones dnt work but they get fat salaries for sitting and doing shit.

  7. Ms Naidoo Ward 49

    Good day i have been trying to reach the electrical dept..regarding my bill ,however i have been asked to contact four different numbers to speak to a consultant each number says busy or does not exist how to i get help regarding this


    I have been trying to get a street light bulb replaced since december 2021 .
    Reference number 70838 on 15/12/2021 .
    Tried again and was given another reference number 5394466 on 22/07/2022 .
    When queried was given the following numbers to contact :031 3221XXX/ 031 3221XXX /
    031 3221XXX . These numbers just ring forever without any response . Tried emailing
    custocare [at] – also no response from this email address .

  9. Marius Calitz

    You must be the most incompetent and useless organization in the country.

  10. Anonymous

    You are the most useless organization in the country.

  11. Hakeem Morgan

    Sorry,we have a water outage in Seaview, Bellaire,Hillary all along Sarnia Rd,I hope you guys can send a water truck to be accessible in our area,my number is 072 057 8425

  12. Sibongile

    Good afternoon.

    The eThekwini municipality emergency numbers don’t work. Some don’t exist when you try to dial them, and the one that works is not picked up. PLEASE HELP, we have a metre pipe that’s leaking.

  13. Mrs Pillay

    Hi, we had a water leak on our property that we sorted out and managed to get reinstated with the insurance but for the past 3 months we have being getting estimated for water with extreme amounts and we paid our average bill thinking each month they will check and rectify the problem, but today 11/07/2022 a municipality worker came to cut off our lights, he was very disrespectful to me at my property hooting and shouting at me in front of my neighbors and humiliating me for no reason I have him on my home cameras and he signature on a document we went to the department and they apologized for the bill and is sorting it out my question is how do I report this employee??? Or should I go to scorpion legal

  14. N Hlophe

    Gud morning. I logged a fault for burst pipe in April 2022 but nothing has been done yet and my property is damaged because of water running down to my house. I phoned water department day and night but nothing happen and I’m really stressed.

  15. Prince

    Hi please advice the bin’s have not been removed at 79 Maud Mfusi Street from Friday I have logged numerous calls to the Department and the phone just rings with no answer.

  16. Elize du Plessis

    The street Lights in Magwaza Maphala Street Umbilo is now burning for over 3 weeks day and night, how much electricity is used and wasted ????????????

  17. Reshmee Dinanath

    Hi. Please note i have attempted to log a issue with blocked drain on my property in isipingo rail which holds a Municipal sewer. this has happened since the flooding on 12 April 2022. it is now presenting a health hazard. please can you assist urgently.

  18. Pakieza

    Hi I need my Electricity Meter relocated as I am renovating my home – please advise on whom i can contact

  19. D.Naicker

    Most useless municipality in the world .no 1 answers the phone .not ever the supervisor

  20. K Moodley

    how do we get the forms for the rates objection.
    Have been trying since last week

  21. Andiswa

    Good Day, We are the only house who don’t have electricity in the area.
    Call logged on Saturday the 21.05.2022. Called logged ref:5294488 address: 49 Katimoya Walk Catomanor 4091. Called Sunday to follow up on the call I was told the technician was sent out at 06:30 am but no one came through.
    Called again yesterday on your toll free number … line is constantly congested I cant get through. Followed up gain this morning I was told the technician was dispatched this morning. Its 15:40n no one has come through. This is really frustrating as we the only house experiencing this 🙁

  22. Mrs M. Mthiya

    In Chesterville Extension 2, we have no water from the 12th of April till today 23 May 2023. No one is consulting us as to what is the problem, we are now frustrated cause we see all Municipal leaders talking about other areas that are affected but nothing has been said about Chesterville Ext.2. What is even worse the water tanks comes every 2 or 3 day after we call, it’s as if we do not belong to eThekwini and someone is doing a favor if the tank is sent to us. This is so painful. Can someone have a discency of telling us what is happening, can we also get assistance. Sesiphila impilo yokuhamba nezigumbu zamanzi siya emsebenzini. What about those who are not working, sick people? Please can we be treated like human beings at least.

  23. Tessa

    I Have been calling for assistance for lights since we had floods in Durban until today i have not recieved any help from the Municipality its a month now and we still dont have lights. MY ADDRESS IS 159 DUNKELD DRIVE RESERVOIR HILLS. I have so many numbers in the MUNICIPALITY still no success.

  24. Preya Kamaraj

    I have a sand bank that came down at my home in Isipingo Rail that covered the entrance of my home. I had to evacuate my home during the flooding and now I am unable to get in . Please can someone assist. The sand bank is situated at the back of the home. Along with that we getting water that is seeping from underground. We desperately need your help

  25. Paramananthan Naidoo

    To Whom It May Concern

    Subject: Repair of Adams Road off-ramp into N2 Noth Bounf – Flood damage
    The recent floods in KZN (Amanzimtoti in this instance) has left the N2 North-bound at Adams road off-ramp into a single lane for almost one month. This catastrophic incident has left motorists with a very stressful trip to work on a daily basis. To the extent that, motorists are leaving home 2 hours earlier and / or stuck in traffic for 2 hours. The delay in repairing this off-ramp at Adams road off-ramp into N2 north-bound is incurring a significant cost and damage to vehicles. Alternate roads are being used and posing a huge risk. Urgent attention is required to restore this off-ramp and preventing accidents and bottle-neck.
    After-all, this off-ramp leads to a national road with high volume of traffic.
    Your consideration is highly appreciated.

    1. Paramananthan Naidoo

      Dear Sir
      This is the second email regarding the Adams Road off-ramp leading into the N2 North-bound at Amanzimtoti. Since the flood in April 2022, no repairs have been undertaken which has lead to numerous accidents. The journey towards Amanzimtoti from the south has become so painful and incurring daily fuel cost. One must leave 90 minutes earlier to get pass this point. Please make this a point of urgency so that our journey to work becomes easier and comfortable.
      Your response will be appreciated.

  26. Jane Bainbridge

    5th May 2022, 11.32am
    Sewerage in river flowing next to 21 Springvale Road, Westville. Please tend to it urgently.

  27. Maria Gouveia

    Good day;

    I was told last night that we were cut off, without Notice, nor warnings from thje Municipality which is very strange and unfair, as we have just been through a lot of distress my self and my tenant, Mrs. Ruby Motaung…Now I want to assist her and her family to have their lives back to normal for the weekend as yesterday was already after 6pm when I was aware of this situation and could NOT assist them..
    Would anyone kindly inform me about what can be done today to sort it out Please, as Monday is another public holiday, and Im worried about this disconnection.

  28. Pat Thomas

    I need to submit a pensioner rates rebate renewal form to Ethekwini.
    Please can I have the correct email address
    The queues at the Sizakala Centres are just mind blowing.
    Pensioners cannot be expected to stand in the hot sun in Chatsworth
    for hours with no assistance.

    Thank you

  29. Rasaraj

    reference F220427/572 . water meter is having terrible leak since 3 days. also sent message to ward counselor. water flows constantly unto road and into neighbors yard. can the water department attend to this urgent water leak.

  30. Vuyo

    Good day
    We are currently safaring from “No water and electricity for the past 17 days” at Reunion isipingo next to the old Airport.

  31. Shamima Ahmed

    @ Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda.

    Ref number: 5228394
    Electricity fault logged.
    I have been waiting 2 weeks for someone to come sort this fault out.
    I have logged multiple references via every channel available and still heard nothing back. What does it take to get help from ethekwini. Is it only bribes that work these days???

    Mayor Kaunda..can you please direct the electricians to come to my house like how you directed the water truck to go directly to your house so you didnt have to wait in the queue. I am sick of waiting in the back logged queue for electricity

    Sincerely: I am at my nerves end with you guys.

  32. DUDU


  33. Entle Maysol

    We don’t have electricity since yesterday morning, not even an explanation of why that’s the case. It’s cold and raining, we can’t bath, nor cook, our food in the fridge is getting rotten.🙄

  34. nontobeko

    031 311XXXX never answered – 08013XXXXX never answered
    where else can we report Faults?

  35. Loma

    How do I reach someone to help me with the valuation of a property in Umhlanga Rocks? All the telephone numbers we phone do not answer it? We need to contact someone urgently before the the “Valuation Roll” ends on 31 March 2022.

  36. Janine

    Does anyone know a contact email or telephone number for Ethekwini to query my monthly bill. I am being charged a “fixed charges” on my Ethekwini bill for water & sanitation. My apartment is in a gated estate with 5 other units, I have discovered I am the only one being billed a monthly”fixed charge” for water and sanitation costs – over and above my actual water consumption costs.
    I have tried correspondence to various Ethekwini sources but the response is never the query defined. Desperate for some assistance in this matter.

  37. Dieter Oltmann

    Good day,
    I have been trying to reach the Inner West LUMS department for a few days now and their number 031 311 6265 is never answered. Can someone please provide me with the correct contact details and person to resolve a Land Use matter.

    1. Daniel chetty

      Good day i have been trying to reach the electrical reconnect our meter box on the outside so my card system can work accordingly..due to the cable breakdown we had last month then same was disconnected by the electrians working here… this was supposed reported I am told by the electrians they will fill in a report to customer care to come here and put in a new meter box as the one they disconnected is obsolete.. I am trying so many contact numbers it’s not helping and they are giving me wrong number’s as per ethekwini contact centre..Daniel chetty 69 Rainstorm road Moorton Chatsworth

  38. Yvonne White

    Please advise if the Southgate Business Park situated in Amanzimtoti/Umbogintwini will be affected by the water interruption planned for this evening 10 November 5pm – 6am

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