Good Morning Good Winter Competition : Pioneer Foods Groceries

Organization : Pioneer Foods Groceries (PTY) Ltd
Competition Name : Good Morning, Good Winter Competition – OATS AND PRONUTRO WINTER CAMPAIGN
Applicable For : Open to all South African Residents
Competition Deadline : 31 July 2017
Prize : Belfiore Finesse Plains blankets
Website :
Terms & Conditions :

Good Morning Good Winter Competition :

1. The Promoter is Pioneer Foods Groceries (PTY) Ltd (“The Promoter”).

Related : Pioneer Foods Groceries Thanks SA Wholesale Trader Promotion :

2. The competition is open to all South African Residents above the age of 18 who are in possession of a valid South African identity document or valid South Africa or foreign passport, except directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants of or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the promoter or marketing service providers in respect of the promotional competition, or the spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members, or anyone who within a period of 183 days preceding this competition has won any competition organised, promoted, or conducted by Pioneer Foods Groceries (PTY) Ltd, or who resides at the same address as such a winner, or who uses the same telephone number to enter this competition.

3. This competition is open from 1 June 2017 until 31 July 2017 (“last day”). Any entries received after midnight on the last day will not be valid and not be considered.

4. To enter, simply buy any BOKOMO Oats, BOKOMO Instant Oats or ProNuto pack at any participating stores and SMS the word ‘WINTER’, the last 4 digits of the barcode that appears on your pack with your name to 31149. SMS’s are charged at standard SMS rates per entry, free SMS’s do not apply. Entrants need to retain their till slip to claim their prize.

5. The winners will be selected at random by way of a weekly draw conducted by the promoter or a person appointed by the promoter. Prizes will be drawn every Tuesday starting from 06 June 2017 and the last draw will take place on Tuesday, 01 August 2017.

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6. The first 30 winners drawn will be eligible for the Belfiore Finesse Plains blankets, the next 40 winners will be eligible for the Mr Price retail vouchers and the last 30 winners drawn will be eligible for the Electricity vouchers. Winners who cannot utilise the electricity vouchers and do not have a prepaid metre, may request that the Electricity voucher be exchanged for a Mr Price Retail Voucher, subject to agreement by the promoter.

7. There are a total of 100 prizes to be won, with the per item cost estimated at approximately R500 (five hundred rand) per prize.

The prizes are as follows :
Prize #1 :
** Entrants stand a chance of winning one of 30 (thirty) Belfiore Finesse Plains blankets to the value of R455.00 (four hundred and fifty five rand) each. An estimated courier cost of R45.00 (forty five rand) is included in the prize value. No courier charge will be levied to the winner.

** Winners have a selection of 5 colours to choose from. Winners will be contacted by telephone to determine their first and second colour preference.

Prize #2 :
** Entrants stand a chance of winning one of 40 (forty) Mr Price retail vouchers to the value of R500.00 (Five hundred rand) each. The Mr Price retail voucher details will be sent to the winners via email.

Prize #3 :
** Entrants stand a chance of winning one of 30 (thirty) Electricity vouchers to the value of R500.00 (Five hundred rand) each. The electricity voucher details will be sent to the winners via email.

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