Game Masstores Cuddlers Scented Moustaches Competition

Organization : Game (Masstores (Pty) Limited
Competition Name : Cuddlers Scented Moustaches Competition
Applicable For : South African citizen
Competition Deadline : 16 July 2017
Prize : Ten thousand rand worth of Game and Cuddlers
Website :

Cuddlers Scented Moustaches Competition :

** Entry into the competition is an acceptance of the Terms and Conditions outlined below.
** Promotion and competition starts 16 June 2017 and ends 16 July 2017.

 Related : Game Masstores Home Maintenance DIY Competition :

** Winners will be drawn randomly, contacted privately, and then announced publicly on Cuddlers Facebook Page by 31 July 2017.
** Entrants must retain their Game till slip as proof of purchase, as the winners will be required to present it in order to claim their prize.

Entry mechanics as follows :
** Buy two packs (banded together) of specially marked Cuddlers Jumbo Pack nappies from any Game store in South Africa from 16 June – 16 July 2017

** Take a photo of yourself wearing the Cuddlers moustache during, or post-nappy changing (please keep your baby’s privates private).
** Post the photo to the Cuddlers Facebook Page with hashtag #CuddlersMoGame and tag Game @GameStoresSA before midnight on 16 July 2017.

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** Moustaches are limited to the first 6000 customers only (or while stocks last).
** Five winners will be randomly drawn by an independent third party
** Ten thousand rand worth of Game and Cuddlers prizes to be won.

** Winners are required to avail themselves for photographs at prize handover, and must agree to have these images shared by Cuddlers and Game on all their media channels for promotional purposes.

The Competition is not open to any person, or the immediate family of a person, who is:
** a director, member, partner, employee, agent of, or consultant to Masstores (Pty) Ltd or
** a person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by of Masstores (Pty) Ltd, or any of its subsidiaries, or
** a director, member, partner, employee, agent of, or consultant to an advertising agency, promotional agency or other supplier of goods or services.

** All participants will be bound by the decision of the independent third party and Game’s panel.
** The finalist will be notified via telephone and/or email. Participants must ensure that Game has their updated details.
** The prize is not transferable to another person, nor can it be exchanged for cash.

** The value of the prize includes VAT. Winner/s may be taxed in terms of applicable tax legislation and participants who require clarity as to the tax implications hereof should seek a directive from the relevant revenue service/authority

** By entering in this competition, participants enter at their own risk, therefore.

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