dha.gov.za Check Your Living & Marital Status : Department of Home Affairs

Organization : Department of Home Affairs
Head Quarters: Gauteng
Status of Facility : Check Your Living & Marital Status
Website : https://www.dha.gov.za/index.php/civic-services/marriage-certificates

How To Check DHA Living Status?

To Check DHA Living Status, Just follow the below steps

Related / Similar Service :
DHA ID/ Passport/Permit Application Status Check

SMS the letters L followed by your ID Number

Example : L5001010050080 to 32551

A reply sms will be sent back to your cellphone to confirm whether you are alive or dead.

How To Check DHA Marital Status?

To Check DHA Marital Status, Just follow the below steps

** SMS the letters M followed by your ID Number
** A reply sms will be sent back to your cellphone to confirm your Marital Status

Example : M5001010050080 to 32551

How To Verify Your Marital Status?

** Due to the large number of fraudulent marriages reported to the Department of Home Affairs every year, a facility has been created for you to verify your marital status at any time.
** You will need your South African ID number in order to use this facility.

Related Post

** You can also sms the letter M followed by your ID number (example M 5001010050080) to 32551 A reply sms will be sent back to your cellphone to confirm your marital status and the date of your marriage.

** R1 per sms and will be charged by your network service provider.

Contact Address

Department of Home Affairs
South Africa

Some Important Information From Comments

Error / Problem:
1. Tried the SMS no response at all, just loosing money. Calling that line its one nightmare. Everything is just falling apart in this country. For one to get something, they must always pay people who are already employed which is pure nonsense. Its a long way to go honestly. SA down the drain

2.The SMS line is not responding ever since the pandemic. It only charges this R1 fee without giving back any response. Is DHA not aware of this situation (or) just turning a blind eye on it?

3. I sent 3 SMS to 32551 with no response. I only get ‘Failed to send message to 32551’ R3 lost. This thread is probably not even monitored.

4. This is a money making scheme. Just imagine how many R1 they can make in one day. STOP USING THIS 32551. You will never get a reply. It just shows you once again that our country is fully corrupt and will even scam you with a SMS that does not work at all but you pay them R1.

Most of the commenters commented that, SMS number 32251 line does not work

What is Marital Status?

Marital status refers to the legal status of an individual in relation to their marriage. In South Africa, the Department of Home Affairs maintains records of marital status through the civil registration system, which includes information about marriages, divorces, and civil partnerships.

Here are some key points about marital status in South Africa as it pertains to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA):

Marriage registration:
When a couple gets married in South Africa, they are required by law to register their marriage with the Department of Home Affairs. The marriage must be registered within a specified period after the ceremony, and the couple will receive a marriage certificate as proof of their marital status.

Marital status updates:
If there are changes in marital status due to divorce, annulment, or dissolution of a civil partnership, it is important to update the marital status with the Department of Home Affairs. This may require submitting relevant documents, such as a divorce decree or dissolution of civil partnership certificate, to the DHA to update the records.

Tags: dha.gov.za

View Comments (56)

  • To the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Leon Amos Schreiber, MP, when are you fixing your "How To Verify Your Marital Status?" It has been out for so long. You are being paid a fat salary but you cannot deliver the goods like the rest.

  • This is nonsense. We are being scammed... By the government.

  • ENONYMOUS says:


  • Anonymous says:

    32551 STILL not working !!!!

  • how do u check ur marital status? please and dont tell me to sms 32551 because its not working and the online service doesnt work anymore aswell. and if u go to home affairs u standing in ques for hour to get anyhelp.

  • Anonymous says:

    I also tried several times but no response.it only says'failed to send message'. Can you give us a correct way to get help plz. if we contact sars they give us response immediately. Why don't you do the same

  • Nobesuthu says:

    No reply why

  • Skelms Government just busy stealing our money sms does not work. Maybe I must also start a business. Imagine taking R1 from each citizen. Skelms bliksems

  • Anonymous says:

    Really this is not funny this SMS does not work only loosing money

  • This line does not work another way for them to steal peoples money

  • Anonymous says:

    I used the sms service before and I received a response. That was like 7 years ago. Tried it again now and no response received.

  • A simple thing, can't be fixed.. South Africa is going to the dogs.. Being trying this 32551 number for days.. Fix this crap.. It's a shame..

  • I've been trying to get a response other than the "Failed to send" message for more than a year now. When are they going to start doing something about this, since everyone is paying for this non-existent service? Posted this comment on 11 Oct 2022 for reference.

  • 32551 is not working
    tried several times. no response

  • Government failing us again. I sent 10 smses in 2 weeks. Still no response and I still get billed for this. This is a SCAM... PERIOD

  • Lelentle ya Mathabo says:

    Tried the SMS no response at all, just loosing money..Calling that line its one nightmare. Everything is just falling apart in this country..for one to get something they must always pay people who are already employed. Which is pure nonsense. Its a long way to go honesly. SA down the drain

  • Anonymous says:

    The sms line is not responding ever since the pandemic. It only charges this R1 fee without giving back any response. Is DHA not aware of this situation or just turning a blind eye on it?

  • I should've read the comments before I sent 3 SMS's! Lost R3...

  • Anonymous says:

    Anna maimele Line not working no respond what to do next

  • PoesSAfrica says:

    Your ma se poese fix your systems your cunts

  • Incredulous says:

    How To Check DHA Living Status?
    To Check DHA Living Status, Just follow the below steps

    SMS the letters L followed by your ID Number

    Example : L5001010050080 to 32551

    A reply sms will be sent back to your cellphone to confirm whether you are alive or dead.

    Send you a reply to tell you if you are dead...hilarious.

  • Biggest pot of KAK. SMS line does not work.

  • I sent 3 SMS to 32551 with no response. I only get 'Failed to send message to 32551' R3 lost. This thread is probably not even monitored.

  • SMS Line does not work

  • The sms comes back saying failed to send to 32551

  • Anonymous says:

    This sms number doesn't work?? Waiting and waiting

  • SMS line is like government, broken.

  • I just sent my ID number for check and how long should I wait for sms response? Please help !

  • Sadly South African says:

    This is a money making scheme. Just imagine how many R1 they can make in one day. STOP USING THIS 32551. You will never get a reply. It just shows you once again that our country is fully corrupt and will even scam you with a sms that does not work at all but you pay them R1. Bloody thieves!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Is this 32551 really working? Or it’s a scam to earn revenue.

  • Anonymous says:

    SMS Line does not

  • Elizabeth Gower says:

    Sent the SMS 3 times and no response!!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    The whole story of sending your id number to 32551 via sms to get your marital status is bull , i have send it twice and still after 7 days no reply . you can also phone the tollfree number which is always congested also bull .

    The Goverment instatudes is falling appart like our whole country thanks to the Team in chardge very bad overall no service available in SA

  • 9209240400083 pls check 4 me dat am I still married pls I hav sent you but I hav no resive any massage

  • abenathi qashani says:

    im funeka i need infor about my sons application of the id the no to contact for the update plz the person waiting for id is doing matric i will leave his name at the bottom

  • Emmerentia 083 288 6035 says:

    Truelly dissapointing. Sms line does not work
    You don't receive a response on this 32251 number

  • SMS line does not respond????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Am I eligible for a South African passport if I am a SA Citizen but was born in Zimbabwe?

  • I have been trying to check my marital status with the sms line 32551 for a week now and no feedback. This sms line is not working.
    Is there another way of checking ???


  • your sms line DOES NOT WORK!! i have been to yours offices numerous times and have been trying to get my divorce registered for 6 years now!! i have emailed EVERYONE on the DHA list but NO ONE gets back to me, i need to get my new marriage registered but no joy what so ever, cant even get an appointment to get my passport renewed so i can start my new job in the UK!!! SHOCKING!!!! clearly our system is a failure!!!

  • Frank Roberts says:

    I sent an sms to 32551 to check my marital status, but I did not get any feedback from Home Affairs - how do I check my marital status?

    • to renew youre passport is a absolute nightmare,you cannot get a emergency passport being a cross border truck driver, transporting essential goods , seems south africa has no priority understanding the word essential,going to home affairs is the beginning of another nightmare, checking the progress on youre passport is a dead end road

    • GOOD LUCK getting anything out of them, i have tried EVERYONE on the DHA list and no one gets back to you...

  • Karin Magdalena Laubscher says:

    Karin Magdalena Laubscher, ID 6512290102084 I want to know we already paid for the underbridged certificate at Home Affairs in Paarl, here is the receipt no. 37561095 Cashier name was NWABISA KHALIPA and we paid R 75!! Can you find out what is going on?



  • Anonymous says:

    I have sent my OD to 32551 but got no response.

  • Anonymous says:

    Checking marriage status via SMS is not working, No reply. Really why must we struggle so much in SA.

  • All their systems for checking are not working. Why is our government playing with our minds?

  • Andre Nel says:

    I have sent the ID to 32551 but did not receive any feedback. Could you give me another method?

  • ILyas Ismail says:

    I sent a message to 32551 to check marital status but I am not getting any response.

  • I have send my ID to 32551. But I have received any reply.

  • Thembinkosi says:

    Tell me, How can I check, how Many children registered under my name?

  • Anonymous says:

    How can I check my marital status? Please let me know.

    • Siphamandla says:

      Public management

    • ** You can also sms the letter M followed by your ID number (example M 5001010050080) to 32551 A reply sms will be sent back to your cellphone to confirm your marital status and the date of your marriage.

      ** R1 per sms and will be charged by your network service provider.

      Information as provided in the official website of Department of Home Affairs

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