Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival Father’s Day Competition : picknpay.co.za

Organization : Pick n Pay
Competition Name : Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival Father’s Day Competition
Applicable For : Open to all South African residents
Competition Deadline : 18 June 2017
Prize : Trip For Four To The Knysna Oyster Festival
Website : http://www.picknpay.co.za/competitions/pick-n-pay-knysna-oyster-festival-fathers-day-comp

Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival Father’s Day Competition :

** Every year, the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival is one of the best getaways the Western Cape has to offer.

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** It’s a feast of sports, events, music, adventure…and who could forget the oysters! This year’s festival runs from 7 to 16 July 2017, and promises to be the biggest and best yet

We’re giving away a trip for four to the Knysna Oyster Festival – it’s the perfect family getaway, and a great way to thank dad for everything he does. :
** Return flights for 4 on FlySafair
** Two nights’ accommodation at a Protea Hotel
** Three days’ car rental from Europcar (a valid driver’s licence is required)
** Full access passes to the Knysna Oyster Festival
** All you need to do is fill in your details and answer one simple question.
** You have to be over 18 to enter, so if you’re a little too young, ask an older sibling or family member to enter for you!

Rules Of The Competition :
** This promotional competition opens on 5 June 2017 and closes on 18 June 2017.
The prize :
** Win a family getaway for four (4) people to the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival 2017.

The prize includes :
** Return flights to George on FlySafair for four (4) people, excluding airport taxes, departing from OR Tambo or Lanseria airports in Johannesburg.

** In the event that the winner is not based near either of these airports, Pick n Pay undertakes to provide return flights in economy class or equivalent to George for four (4) people on another airline.

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** Accommodation for three (3) nights at the Protea Hotel Knysna Quays, from the 7th to the 10th July 2017.
** Car rental in the Group B category from Europcar for three (3) days (car may only be rented by a licenced driver)

** All access passes for four (4) people to the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival
** The prize excludes any additional expenses over and above the grand prize; value will be for the winner’s own account
** One (1) winner in total.

** The travel partners, namely Europcar and FlySafair, have their own discrete terms and conditions. These can be viewed below and must be adhered to in conjunction with those of this competition.

** Winners must claim their prize and travel between 03 July 2017 and 16 July 2017.
** The winner shall forfeit the prize in the event that for any reason whatsoever, the winner is prevented or unable to travel to the specified destination or on the specified dates.
** Prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this promotional competition, the entrant :
** must live in the Republic of South Africa;
** must provide correct and full personal details, as required;
** Must be 18 years old or older;
** cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual; and
** Must be a registered Pick n Pay Smart Shopper.

** The promoters, Pick n Pay, any entity in the Pick n Pay Group or Company, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this promotional competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this promotional competition.

To enter the promotional competition, the entrant must:
** Fill out the entry form available on the Pick n Pay website at and answer a question relating to the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival 2017.
** Participants may enter the promotional competition as many times as they wish.

Categories: Contest
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