HEARD Doctoral Research Scholarships 2018

Organisation : HEARD
Announcement : Doctoral Research Scholarships 2018
Applicable for : South African Citizen
Application Deadline : 14 July 2017
Website : http://www.heard.org.za/education/phd-applicants/

Doctoral Research Scholarships 2018

About The Scholarship :
** Under the supervision of Professor Nana Poku HEARD is offering up to twelve PhD scholarships (full time) for 2018.

Update : HEARD 2019 PhD Scholarship Applications : www.southafricain.com/13387.html

Six scholarships will be available to students conducting research in one of the following research areas :
** Health Systems Strengthening
** Health Economics
** Health Financing
** Abortion
** Contraception
** Universal Health Care Financing
** Gender-based violence
** An additional six scholarships will be awarded to students undertaking research focusing on key populations in Africa.

** Starting this year, HEARD has begun a new applied research collaborative aimed at increasing understanding of the needs and challenges sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for adolescent and young key populations across southern Africa.

** The knowledge gained will inform inform laws, policies and strategies to improve their sexual and reproductive health outcomes.

Who should apply?
Only candidates resident in one of the following countries :
** Angola, Madagascar, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe will be eligible for consideration.

Related Post

** Successful candidates are required to be based in Durban, South Africa, for the duration of the scholarship, with the exception of the time during which they may undertake field research elsewhere.

How to apply ?
Applicants must :
** Hold a Master’s Degree (first or upper second class pass or its equivalent).
** Have demonstrable research experience.
** Undertake to register for a PhD dissertation (full time) at the University of KwaZulu–Natal (UKZN).
** Make a commitment to remain on the African continent for at least TWO years after graduation.

Applications should consist of :
** A letter of motivation
** A four to five page concept note
** Certified copies of both your academic qualifications and your full academic records. In the case of qualifications obtained from non-English speaking countries an English translation must be included.
** A certified copy of your ID/passport.
** Academic letter of reference (ideally two).
** Applications must be submitted to Cailin Hedderwick, PhD Programme Manager (Hedderwick@ukzn.ac.za) by 14 July 2017

Scholarships conditions :
** Funding will be renewed annually over the three year period dependent on satisfactory progress.
** The first scholarship tranche will be released on proof of PhD registration and the opening of a South African bank account.
** If you have not received a reply within 8 weeks of the closing date, kindly consider your application as unsuccessful.

Fees & funding :
** The value of each scholarship is R600,000.
** It will be paid in equal tranches over three years.
** Tranche payments will be conditional on research progress.

Contact Us :
Cailin Hedderwick
Programme Administrator
hedderwick AT ukzn.ac.za

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