ACT Performing Arts Scholarships : Culture Trust

Organisation : Arts and Culture Trust
Announcement : Act Performing Arts Scholarships 2018
Applicable for : Grade 12 Young South African
Deadline : 26 & 27 June
Website :
Download Guidelines :

ACT Performing Arts Scholarships

** Funded by Nedbank Arts Affinity and the Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO), the 2017 Scholarships Programme presented by the Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is aimed at young South African performers in Grade 12 and aspirant performers under the age of 30 who are not currently registered for an undergraduate performing arts course.

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** Candidates who are planning to pursue undergraduate studies in acting, singing, dance or musical theatre in 2018 are invited to book their audition when registrations open in March 2017.

National auditions will be hosted as follows :
** Johannesburg: 26 & 27 June
** Pretoria: 28- 29 June
** Durban: 1 July
** Port Elizabeth: 03 July
** Bloemfontein 05 July
** Kimberley 06 July
** Cape Town: 07 & 08 July
** Witbank: 14 July
** Polokwane: 15 July
** Potchefstroom: 22 July

1. Eligibility :
1.1. Learners who are in grade 12 in 2017.
1.2. Individuals between the ages of 18 and 30, who are not registered at a tertiary institution, nor considered to be professional performing artist.

2. Important Information :
2.1. Candidates must be available for the final round, which will take place in Johannesburg from 2 to 7 October 2017.
2.2. ACT will cover finalists’ meals, travel and accommodation costs.
2.3. The final adjudication will take place on 7 October 2016.
2.4. Scholarships may only be utilised for Performing Arts Studies at a South African tertiary institution. Winners will be at liberty to choose the performing arts course and institution.

2.5. Candidates are required to familiarise themselves with the information and procedures stipulated in this document. It contains vital information about the registration process, as well as information about the material for the audition.

2.6. After carefully reading through this document, follow the link on the last page to submit your registration.

Related Post

4. Preparation For Audition :
4.1. Those registered to audition for a Singing Scholarship :
4.1.1.Singing candidates are required to prepare two songs of your choice, in any genre, that best showcase your range, technique and overall talent. Songs should be no longer than 2 mins each.

4.2. Those registered to audition for a Dance Scholarship:
4.2.1. Dance candidates are required to prepare two dance/movement pieces of your choice, which best showcase your range and talent. Dance performances should be no longer than 2 mins each.

4.3. Those registered to audition for an Acting Scholarship:
4.3.1.Acting candidates are required to prepare two monologues of your choice, which best showcase your range and talent. Monologues should be no longer than 2 mins each. After registering a link will be sent to acting candidates with a list of suggested monologues. Though candidates are at liberty to select their audition material, ACT strongly dissuades performing material that candidates have written themselves.

4.4. Those registered to audition for a Musical Theatre Scholarship :
4.4.1.Musical Theatre candidates are required to prepare two musical theatre pieces of your choice, which best showcase your range and talent.

** Your pieces need to showcase your acting, singing and dancing abilities in the musical theatre style.Musical theatre performances should be no longer than 2 mins each. After registering, a link will be sent to musical theatre candidates with a list of suggested performance material.

5. Registration Details :
5.1. R 120 registration fee per participant is payable when your registration is submitted. The registration process must be completed by no later than 31 May 2017. Proof of payment must be attached to the online registration form.

Should you have any queries, you can contact the ACT office :
Email: scholarships AT
Fax: (086) 629 2233
Please use applicant’s name and surname as reference on the payment.
5.2. No late entries will be processed.
5.3. No refunds will be made on cancellation.

6. ACT Banking Details :
Account name: Arts & Culture Trust
Bank name: Nedbank
Account number: 1908 614 927
Branch name: Fox Street
Branch code: 190805
Account type: Current Account
Reference: Full Name of applicant

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