Innovation & Scarce Skills Masters and Doctoral Scholarships for 2018 : National Research Foundation & Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)

Organisation : National Research Foundation (NRF) & Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)
Announcement : Innovation and Scarce Skills Masters and Doctoral Scholarships for 2018
Applicable for : South African citizens, South African permanent residents
Closing Date : 21 July 2017
Website :
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Application & Funding FISS Masters Doctoral Scholarships 2018 :
Framework-FISS Masters and Doctoral 2018 :

Innovation & Scarce Skills Masters and Doctoral Scholarships :

** The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) are pleased to announce the call for scholarship applications for 2018 in the following categories  Free-standing, Innovation, and Scarce Skills Development fund Masters and Doctoral Scholarships; as well as Scholarships for Freestanding Doctoral Studies Abroad.

Related : NRF & DHET Scarce Skills Doctoral Scholarships for 2017 :

** The NRF makes funds available to support NRF Freestanding, SSDF and Innovation (including DST Priority Research Areas) Masters and Doctoral (including Doctoral abroad) candidates for the 2018 academic year. Masters and Doctoral scholarships are awarded through a competitive process following a merit review process. However, NRF Freestanding Masters bursaries are released as block grants to South African public Universities.

** These Scholarships are awarded to South African citizens, South African permanent residents as well as to a limited percentage of non-South African citizens registered at a South African public university for full-time studies.

** In addition, the NRF makes funds available to support a small number of scholarships for full-time Doctoral studies abroad, with the objective of increasing the number and quality of Doctoral graduates in South Africa.

** Applicants to this funding instrument will need to ensure that supplementary funding is secured, as the NRF scholarship may not cover the full cost of tuition and living expenses abroad. Furthermore, the number of Doctoral abroad scholarships to be awarded will be limited due to budget constraints.

** For more details, applicants must read the NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Development Fund (SSDF) Masters and Doctoral Scholarships Framework Document which highlights the eligibility criteria and requirements for each funding instrument.

** Applicants must apply on the NRF Online Submission System at and follow the application process set out in the Application and Funding Guide.

** All applicants must consult with his/her proposed supervisor in the process of submitting an application to ensure that the supervisor is in agreement with the scientific aspects contained in the application and, the proposed work plan for completion of the degree.

** The submission deadline for applicants is 21 July 2017 for funding in 2018. Please consult your Research Office or Postgraduate Office for your institutions internal closing date, to ensure validation by institutional DAs prior to submission to the NRF.

Application Process :
** The NRF is publishing the NRF Freestanding, Innovation, Scarce Skills Development Fund Masters and Doctoral Scholarships Call on the NRF website that is accessible online at
** Each applicant is limited to only one (1) application per year.

** Once an applicant submits an application, it will be duly authorised and approved by the Designated Authority (DA) of the research administration at the prospective South African host institution where the applicant intends to undertake the masters or doctoral research.

** Applications will be automatically routed to the institutional DA of the submitting institution for validation on the deadline date determined by individual institutions.
** Applicants must enquire with their institutions regarding internal closing dates.
** The processing of a successful grant application takes approximately five (5) months from the closing date of applications until the commencement of funding.

How to Submit Applications :
** Applications may be completed on the NRF Online Submission System at
** Applicants are advised to complete their applications soon after the call opens to prevent IT system overload nearer the closing date.

Step 1 :
** This is an electronic submission system and applicants must first register on the NRF Online Submission System, in order to create and complete an application.

Related Post

** If you experience problems accessing the system with your NRF Online password, use the Reset Password button.
** If you are not yet registered on the NRF Online Submission System, you must register to access the application form.
** Application screens have screen and application specific instructions to help the applicant work through the sections.

** Please read the instructions carefully before completing the section.
** In an endeavour to have a single application for similar funding instruments, applicants will note that some categories are not applicable to all funding instruments.
** The Framework Document will assist applicants figure out what is required per funding instrument.

Step 2 :
** After logging onto the NRF Online Submission System, applicants get to the landing page where there is a menu at the top left side of the screen (tab indicated with blue arrow below).
** Start by filling in all the sections under My Profile to create a CV.
** To create a new application, click on My Applications-Create Application.**

Step 3 :
** Select the funding call for which you are applying on the create application screen, which will open up a new application to complete.
** Please note that this should be selected only once.
** To continue working on an application, go to My Applications – List of Applications.**

Step 4 :
** All sections marked with red asterisks are compulsory.
** These sections must be completed in order for the final submit button to appear.
** Applicants may enter information in the non-compulsory section only if they have information to fill in, such as research outputs.

** Completed sections will be indicated by a green tick on the main menu, while incomplete sections will have a yellow cross.
** The Framework and Application Guide Documents will be found under the NRF Call Information Documents.

Step 5 :
** The Degree to be Funded section requires applicants to select either Masters, Doctoral local or Doctoral abroad scholarships.
** Only SA and SA permanent residents can be funded to study abroad.

** Applicants who will be studying full-time must select Full time if they will be studying on a full-time basis in 2018, failing which the application will be rejected.
** Students in their second year of Masters or third year of Doctoral studies in 2017 are not eligible for funding.

** Please note that awards not taken by 30 June 2018 will be cancelled automatically.
** Sabbatical Grant category – FISS applicants are not eligible for sabbatical; please therefore click ‘‘No’ to this question.

Step 6 :
** The Research Project Information section requires applicants to select the proposed institution.
** SA Higher Education Institutions (HEI), including SA national facilities, as well research institutions will be on the list.

** If the institution to be selected is not amongst those on the drop-down list, it can be requested by selecting the support tab on the far right at the top of the screen.
** Please note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to find an institution and supervisor in South Africa that is willing to host them.

NRF Contact Persons :
For programme related enquiries, please contact :
Ms Fulufhelo Malamatsho :
Professional Officer –Human and Infrastructure Capacity Development (HICD)
Telephone: 012 481 4166
Email: fulufhelo.malamatsho AT

Mr Mduduzi Tshabangu :
Professional Officer – HICD
Telephone: 012 481 4148
Email: mduduzi.tshabangu AT

For Grant Management and System Administration related enquiries, please contact:
Ms Zikhona Lose :
Professional Officer
Grants Management and Systems Administration (GMSA)
Telephone: 012 481 4365
E-mail: zikhona.lose AT

Ms Malebo Mohlala :
Liaison Officer
Grants Management and Systems Administration (GMSA)
Telephone: 012 481 4121
E-mail: malebo.mohlala AT

For Reviews and Evaluation related enquiries, please contact :
Mr Martin Tjatji
Professional Officer
Reviews and Evaluation (RE)
Telephone: 012 481 4126
E-mail: martin.tjatji AT
Opening Date : Tuesday, 23 May, 2017
Closing Date : Friday, 21 July, 2017

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