OMO SPA Voucher Competition : Unilever South Africa

Organization : Unilever South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : OMO SPA Voucher Competition
Applicable For : Open to all South African residents
Competition Deadline : 6 June 2017
Prize : R500 at any Mangwanani African Spa
Website :

OMO SPA Voucher Competition :

** Win one of 272 indulgent spa treatments to the value of R500 at any Mangwanani African Spa.

Related / Similar Competition : OMO USSD Entry Competition 2021

** Simply enter on the OMO South Africa Facebook page by clicking on the competition post and sending a photo of a receipt from a purchase of any OMO product.
** Competition runs from 7 May 2017 – 6 June 2017 .
** Competition only available to SA residents.

Terms & Conditions :
** The promoter is Unilever South Africa (Pty) Ltd (“the Promoter”).

** The promotional competition is open to all South African residents who are registered on RICA and have possession of a valid identity document, excluding any director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the Promoter, the marketing service providers or any person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by these entities, including their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members.

** The promotional competition is not open to any director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the Promoter, the marketing service providers or any person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by these entities, including their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members.

Related Post

** Any participant under the age of 18 years must be fully assisted by his/her guardian, who approves of and consents to the participant’s participation in the competition and the participant’s receipt/possession of the prize.

** By participating in this competition participants agree to receive future marketing material from the brand/s on promotion. However, the participant has the right to unsubscribe to receiving marketing material or request the promoter to delete their information by contacting the Promoter at 15 Nollsworth Crescent, Nollsworth Park, La Lucia, 4051 Att: Legal Department or opting out from any electronic marketing message.

** All personal information (‘Personal Data’) supplied by participants shall be processed in accordance with South African data protection legislation and the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.
** This promotional competition is open 7 May 2017 and ends at 12am (midnight) on 6 June 2017. Any entries received after the closing date will not be considered.

Entry Requirments :
** To enter, participants will be required to purchase any OMO product in store to qualify for entry.
** Keep a copy of your receipt and return to the pinned post on the OMO South Africa Facebook page.
** Select the ‘Send message’ button on the competition post and follow the instructions.
** You will be required to take a photo of your receipt
** Only genuine OMO store receipts will be valid for this competition.
** The receipt must state the word ‘OMO’ and be clearly readable.
** A receipt for an OMO purchase can only be used once for the competition.
** If two (2) or more OMO purchases are on one (1) receipt then that will constitute one (1) entry

Cost: Data usage costs will vary.
** Participants may enter up to 5 times provided that each entry is associated with a separate purchase and receipt.

Prizes :
** Each prize is a e-voucher for a hot stone massage to the value of R500 at any Mangwanani African Spa in South Africa
** There are 272 individual e-vouchers to be won
** Each voucher is valid until 20 July 2017
** The e-voucher is not redeemable for cash and no cash change will be given. A new voucher will be given for any remaining credit

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