dha.gov.za Apply your Smart ID Card : Department of Home Affairs

Organization : Department of Home Affairs
Facility : Apply your Smart ID Card

Website : http://www.dha.gov.za/
Guideline :https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/826-HowToGuide.pdf

How To Apply For DHA Smart ID Card?

** The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is proud to present eHomeAffairs to enable you as a South African born citizen to apply your Smart ID Card and/or passport online.

Related / Similar Service :
eHomeAffairs Online Registration

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eHomeAffairs allows the following :
** Submit applications online
** Upload supporting documents
** Make online payments
** And schedule a booking to visit a Home Affairs enabled Bank offices

Note :
** A branch visit is mandatory for the capture and verification of your biometric detail (photos, fingerprints and signature).
** No appointment/booking is required to visit any Home Affairs office.

Account Registration – Step 1 :
** Welcome to the new Home Affairs Online application process.

This easy-to-use, flexible process allows you to do all of the following within a safe, secure, online environment :
** Create a profile
** Capture your application
** Attach supporting documents
** Make payment
** Schedule appointments at Home Affairs enabled Bank branches
** eHomeAffairs allows you to complete your application and save it should you wish to submit it at a later stage.

How to Registration :
1) Register a profile on eHomeAffairs :
** Registering on eHomeAffairs consists of creating a profile with a secured password.
** Complete your personal details
** Create a password
** Answer the security questions

2) Capture the received OTP (one time PIN) to confirm your cellphone number
3) Login to your profile
4) Capture the logon OTP (one time PIN) received via SMS

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5) Complete the application form :
** The application form is for a Smart ID Card and/or Passport.
** You can capture and submit an application form for yourself or for a minor directly related to you, typically for a minor requiring a Passport for travelling purposes.
** All fields highlighted in red are mandatory and must be completed.

6) Submit the completed application by selecting ‘Submit to Home Affairs’

7) Upload supporting documents if applicable :
** Required supporting documents will be listed.
** Please note that originals will be required to be presented at the branch office

8) Make** the online payment :
** Capture your banking details.
** Please note that submitting a payment on eHomeAffairs is only an instruction to your bank.
** In order to complete the payments process you need to logon to your internet banking to authorise the payment.

** A payment authorisation process guide can be requested from your bank.
** Once the payment has been authorised, please note that bank payment verification process must take place and may take a few minutes.

9) Make a Booking at a Home Affairs enabled Bank office :
** Please note that digital biometrics can be captured at any Home Affairs office or at a Home Affairs enabled Bank office, for which a booking is a prerequisite.
** You do not need to make a booking to provide your biometrics at any of the Home Affairs offices.

10) Print your Confirmation Letter :
** The barcoded confirmation Letter as well as your ID Book (if available) is required to be taken when going to the branch.


Home Affairs Headquarters
Gauteng, South Africa
Email : info AT dha.gov.za
Phone: 012 406 2500

FAQ On DHA Smart ID Card

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On DHA Smart ID Card

What are the benefits of a DHA Smart ID Card?
The DHA Smart ID Card offers several benefits, including improved security features and faster processing times for certain transactions. It can also be used for online transactions and to access certain government services.

How long does it take to receive a DHA Smart ID Card?
The processing time for a DHA Smart ID Card can vary, but it typically takes between 14 to 28 working days from the date of application.

Can I still use my green barcoded ID book?
Yes, the green barcoded ID book remains a valid form of identification in South Africa, but the government is encouraging citizens to switch to the DHA Smart ID Card.

Tags: dha.gov.za

View Comments (11)

  • Simphiwe sengwayo says:

    guys I also had the same problem but I got help

  • can' go onto any government website to book. All out of order.

    secondly, even if you do book, they don't stick to appointment time. you will still spend most of your day there.

  • So true...Whty cant they make it more easier for people to understand

  • Wasiema forbes says:

    i am 26 it my first id in my life but i book got a dater but we were waiting for my mother id at that time to so they said we must come back with her id she it but then she got sick and the house burn to and she past away but what do i do now

  • I have been trying since 15 April it keeps on saying wrong password 😒 😤. and when I am trying to fill up echannel forms not working. please help 🙏

  • Wilson modiba says:

    I've being trying for the last four months, it is a nightmare. walk ins were better than this method.

  • Nkele Nkuna says:

    this is really frustrating, I've been trying this method several times but it keeps declining my password.It keeps Repeating the same thing over and over again I can't do this anymore.

  • Anonymous says:

    can the system be user friendly plssss, authentication keeps saying failed, why?

  • I tried to book since 29 June,till today somebody help, email address =

  • True i am stuck because of the same thing it doesn't want to accept my password

  • Nombulelo says:

    I don't understand the password system that they use,u repeat the same thing and there always an error, now I can't book cause am stuck on the fucken password confirmation,why can't they accept the password you create as it is?they tell us upper charector that thing complecate things cause it seems I don't understand as a result I quit applying cause I feel like a fool,and I need identity card,dha is failing me.😫😫

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