picknpay.co.za Smart Shopper October Pet Promotion : Pick n Pay Retailers

Organization : Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd
Competition Name : Smart Shopper October Pet Promotion
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Deadline : 16 October 2016
Prize/Win : Smart Shopper voucher

Website : http://www.picknpay.co.za/competition-tcs/smart-shopper-october-pet-promotion

Smart Shopper October Pet Promotion :

** In order to qualify, Smart Shoppers must select their voucher at the Smart Shopper kiosk or on the Smart Shopper Mobile App before their shop.

Related : Pick n Pay Retailers Smart Shopper October Pinotage Promotion : www.southafricain.com/780.html

** The 3X POINTS will only be awarded to the first 3 units on the same brand of Pet products in a single transaction. For example a customer buys 5 units of BRAND A pet products– the 3 times points will only be earned on the first 3 units of the same brand and the remainder pet products do not qualify.

** 3X POINTS will also be awarded to multiple sets of 3 units of various Pet products, provided that it is the same brand and is within the same transaction.
** The voucher can only be used once off.

Rules Of The Promotion :
** This promotion opens on 3 October 2016 and closes on 16 October 2016.

Mechanic inclusions :
** To qualify, Smart Shoppers must select their voucher at the Smart Shopper kiosk or on the Smart Shopper Mobile App before their shop.

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** The 3X POINTS will only be awarded to the first 3 units on the same brand of Pet product in a single transaction eg a customer buys 5 units on BRAND A pet products – the 3 times points will only be earned on the first 3 units of the same brand of pet products and the remainder products do not qualify.

** 3X POINTS will also be awarded to multiple sets of 3 units of various Pet products, provided that it is the same brand and is within the same transaction.

** The promoters, Pick n Pay Retailers (Proprietary) Limited, any entity in the Pick n Pay Group, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this promotion, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this promotion.

General :
** By entering the promotion in accordance with its terms, you are entering a promotion for the purposes of the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (“CPA”) and the promotion on will be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the CPA.

** Should you receive a prize during the course of this promotion, you undertake to expeditiously do all things necessary to enable the promoter/sponsor to comply with its obligations under the CPA including, but not limited to

(i) providing such personal information as may be required in order to facilitate handing over the reward (including providing proof of address and identity number) and

(ii) signing receipt of the reward upon its delivery if required.
** All standard Pick n Pay and Smart Shopper scheme terms and conditions apply.
** These can be found at .picknpay.co.za

** Any queries in this regard, and a copy of these rules can be found at .picknpay.co.za or by calling the consumer services division on 0800 11 22 88 during office hours throughout the period of the promotion.

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