Eskort 100 Recipes for 100 Years Competition

Organization : Eskort Limited
Competition Name : Eskort 100 Recipes for 100 Years Competition
Applicable For : Must Live in the RSA
Competition Deadline : 19 May 2017
Prize : Media partner prizes

Website :
Register Here :

Eskort 100 Recipes for 100 Years Competition

Rules Of The Competition :
** This promotional competition opens on 2 May 2017 and ends on 19 May 2017.

 Related : Anchor Mothers Day Competition :

** By entering this competition, all rights to the recipe, its title and/or any intellectual property that may pertain to the entry become vested in Eskort Limited to use in any way in which the company and the editorial team may deem fit which may include but not be limited to preparation, photography and editing for publication on websites, in social media or other related activity whether or not the entry is chosen to be a winning entry to appear in Eskort 100 Recipes for 100 Years.

** In the event that the entry is not chosen as a winning entry, every effort will be made to credit the source of the recipe as a non-winning entry to the competition.

The prize :
Media partner prizes :
** Media partners offer incentive prizes which are clearly set out in their promotional literature and which are advertised in terms of their specific terms and conditions both in terms of prize value and number of prizes offered and may vary from partner to partner.

Recipe Book Winners :
** Each prize winner whose recipe and the story behind the recipe is published in Eskort 100 Recipes for 100 Years will receive a copy of the publication after published (after en July 2017).
** Prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this promotional competition, the entrant :
** must live in the Republic of South Africa;
** must provide correct and full personal details, as required;
** must be 18 years old or older; and
** cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual.

** Eskort Limited and any entity in Eskort, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this promotional competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this promotional competition.

To enter the promotional competition, the entrant must:
** Enter via the Eskort website, competitions page of the media partners, by filling out the entry form and providing the reason behind the recipe.
** One entry per participant allowed.

Selection Of Winner :
** The winners will be selected on 19 May 2017 (this date is subject to change without notice).

** The entrants to whom the prizes will be awarded will be selected at the judges discretion based on criteria that inter alia represent a selection of recipes that incorporate a variety of Eskort product used, meal occasions and ‘stories behind each recipe’ for each media partner. Final selections will be made based on the selected entries complying with the terms and conditions of the media partner concerned.

** Winners will be contacted via email or telephonically during week commencing 19 May 2017 (this date is subject to change without notice). Eskort and/or media partner reserve the right to disqualify a winner if he/she does not respond to the email or telephone call and randomly select a replacement winner from the competition entries. In such circumstances, the replacement winner shall be contacted via email or telephonically and shall be required to respond in the manner set out in such correspondence.

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