Mother’s Day Share Your Blissful Moment with Lindt Competition : Afternoon Express

Organization : Afternoon Express /Cardova Trading (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Mother’s Day Share Your Blissful Moment with Lindt Competition
Applicable For : Permanent resident of the RSA
Competition Deadline : 3 May 2017
Prize : 2 (two) tickets to a Lindt Lindor High Tea

Website :

Mother’s Day Share Your Blissful Moment with Lindt Competition :

Introduction :
1.1. The Afternoon Express Mother’s Day Share Your Blissful Moment with Lindt Competition (Competition) will be run by Cardova Trading (Pty) Ltd in association with Lindt & Sprüngli South Africa (Pty) Ltd (Organisers/we/us/our).

Related : Afternoon Express Cook Along Competition :

1.2. Each person entering the Competition (entrants/you/your) and/or accepting a Prize in terms of this Competition agrees and accepts that the Competition rules as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on him/her.

Competition Period :
2.1. The Competition includes 2 (two) prize draws (Prize Draws) for which the respective entry periods (Entry Periods) will be as follows:
2.1.1. Entries for the first Prize Draw will open at 8h00 Monday, 1 May 2017 and will close at 23h59 Wednesday, 3 May 2017; and
2.1.2. Entries for the second Prize Draw will open at 16h00 Thursday, 4 May 2017 and will close at 23h59 Wednesday, 10 May 2017.

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Who can enter :
3.1. In order to be eligible to enter the Competition:
3.1.1. you must be a legal, permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa;
3.1.2. you must be at least 13 (thirteen) years of age or older;
3.1.3. if you are younger that 18 (eighteen) years of age, you must be assisted by a parent/legal guardian, who approves of, and consents to you entering the Competition and to your possession and use of the prize; and
3.1.4. you must be a natural person.

3.2. Notwithstanding clause 3.1, you are not eligible to enter this Competition if:
3.2.1. you are a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the Organisers, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Organisers;
3.2.2. you are an immediate family member of any of the persons specified in clause 3.2.1; or
3.2.3. you are a supplier of goods or services in connection with the Competition.

How to Enter :
4.1. Reply to the Mothers Day Share Your Blissful Moment with Lindt Competition post that is posted on the Afternoon Express Facebook page ( during the Competition Period for the Prize Draw for which you wish to enter, by describing what your blissful moment is with your mother or child, and state in which city (“Cape Town” or “Durban” or “Johannesburg”) you wish to redeem the prize should you be determined as a winner herein.

4.2. Once you meet the requirements set out in clause 3 above and this clause 4, you will automatically be entered into the Competition.
4.3. There is no restriction on the number of times you may enter, provided that each entry is unique (i.e. not the same answer).
4.4. No automated entries will be allowed. Entries must be made manually by a natural person.

4.5. If your entry is submitted in a manner that in the sole discretion of the Organisers will provide you with an unfair advantage over other entrants, you will be disqualified from the Competition.

4.6. You are required to attend to the cost for your entry, including standard internet costs.

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