FirstRand Bank Win 10x Your Deposit Competition :

Organization : FirstRand Bank Limited
Competition Name : Win 10x Your Deposit Competition
Applicable For : Open to any legal resident of the RSA
Competition Deadline : 31 August 2017
Prize : R25 000

Website :
Terms & Conditions :

Win 10x Your Deposit Competition :

Promoter(s) Name(s):
** This competition is run by Value Banking Solutions (VBS), a business unit within FNB, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited with Reg. No. 1929/001225/06 (“FNB”) having its principal place of business at 4th Floor, 1 First Place, Bank City, Corner Pritchard and Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2000. In these rules we refer to the above promoter(s) as “the promoter(s)”, or “us” or “we”. We will refer to participants and winners as “you”.

Related : FirstRand Bank Swipe & Stand a Chance to Win with FNB Competition :

Competition period begins :
** This competition started on 1 March 2017 at 00:00:00 am

Competition period ends :
** This competition will continue until 31 August 2017 11:59:59pm.
** The promoter(s) reserve the right to extend the campaign by amending these campaign rules.

** Notice of this will be posted in these rules and direct communications will be sent to customers that are included in the base of customers that are campaigned to via direct mediums.

Eligibility :
Who qualifies to take part?
** This competition is open to any legal resident of the Republic of South Africa who is a natural person, 18 years of age or older, who holds an Easy Account Pay-As-You-Use (PAYU) or Bundle pricing option or Gold Cheque Account Unlimited pricing option which is active and in good standing*

Qualifying criteria :
Qualification and participation in this competition is limited to FNB account holders who meet all the qualifying criteria below :
a) You must have an Easy Account on the PAYU (Pay-As-You-Use) or Bundle pricing option or Gold Cheque Account on the Unlimited pricing option which must be active and in good standing.

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b) Your monthly adequate deposit must reflect for 2 (two) consecutive months in your account.

c) You must meet the monthly minimum adequate deposit being R1 000 (one thousand) on the Easy Account PAYU pricing option, R3 000 (three thousand) on the Bundle pricing option or R5 500 (five thousand five hundred) on the Gold Cheque Account (Unlimited pricing option).

d) You will receive one entry per month into the competition draw if you meet the 2 (two) consecutive months’ adequate deposit criteria prior to the monthly draw. You will receive a once off additional entry if you submit your completed salary switching form.

Winner selection and notification :
a) Participants that satisfy the above qualifying criteria will be pooled together to make up the group of participants that are selected for this competition.

b) From May 2017 going forward, there will be one draw per month for the Easy PAYU, Easy Bundle and Gold account participants which will result in there being three winners per month. The winners of the competition are to be selected by a random system generated draw. The competition draw for a given month will take place on the 15th of the following month.

c) Three (3) winners will be announced for every draw being one winner from the Easy Account on the PAYU pricing option pool of participants, one winner from the Easy Account on the Bundle pricing option pool of participants and one winner from the Gold Cheque Account (Unlimited pricing option) pool of participants.

d) The first winners will be announced in May 2017 and thereafter monthly winners shall be announced up to and including the month October 2017.
e) Should the competition draw be postponed to another date for any reason whatsoever, the new draw date will be published on our website

Who cannot take part?
The following persons may not take part in this competition even if they meet the competition qualifying criteria.
a) Any employee of the promoter(s).
b) Any director, member, partner, agent of, or consultant of the promoter(s).
c) Any other person who is directly or indirectly controls the promoter(s).
d) Any supplier of goods and services in connection with this competition.
e) The spouse, life partner, siblings, children, or parents of any of the persons named in a, b, c, or d, above.

Receipt of competition prize :
If you are selected as the winner, you will receive :
10x (times) your deposit paid into your relevant Easy Account (PAYU or Bundle pricing option) or Gold Cheque Account (Unlimited pricing option) limited to :
** Maximum of R25 000 (twenty five thousand rand) for Easy Account (PAYU pricing option)
** Maximum of R55 000 (fifty five thousand rand) for Easy Account (Bundle pricing option)
** Maximum of R200 000 (two hundred thousand) for Gold Cheque Account (Unlimited pricing option).
** The 10x winning amount will be the amount deposited for the last two (2) consecutive months prior to the competition draw, where the amount is the same.

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