IVR- Account Services : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Organisation : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM)
Facility : IVR- Account Services
Location : Port Elizabeth

Website :
Download Application Form :

What is NMBM IVR-Account Service?

IVR- Account Service is offered by Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. With this IVR- Account Service a number of interactions between you and the NMBM can take place.

Related / Similar Facility : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality WiFi Services

Namely :
1. Pre Paid Electricity can be bought
2. Account payments can be done
3. Meter Readings can be entered
4. Queries can be logged
5. Statements issued
6. You can find contact details on here too
** Now to do any of the above mentioned, simply click the corresponding button on the left-hand side. Easy as that!

How To Avail NMBM IVR-Account Service?

To Avail NMBM IVR-Account Service, Follow the below procedure.

Pre-Paid Electricity Menu :
** You are NOT logged in, please log in at the top of the page with your Account Number and PIN or Please click on the following button to download application form
Email it to: customercare AT
For further assistance, please contact the call centre during office hours on 041 506 5555

Account Payments Menu :
** You are NOT logged in, please log in at the top of the page with your Account Number and PIN or Please click on the following button to download application form
Email it to: customercare AT
For further assistance, please contact the call centre during office hours on 041 506 5555

Meters Menu :
** You are NOT logged in, please log in at the top of the page with your Account Number and PIN or Please click on the following button to download application form
Email it to: customercare AT
For further assistance, please contact the call centre during office hours on 041 506 5555

Query Logging :
** You are NOT logged in, please log in at the top of the page with your Account Number and PIN or Please click on the following button to download application form
Email it to: customercare AT
For further assistance, please contact the call centre during office hours on 041 506 5555

Process Statement Request Error :
** You are NOT logged in, please log in at the top of the page with your Account Number and PIN or Please click on the following button to download application form
Email it to: customercare AT
For further assistance, please contact the call centre during office hours on 041 506 5555

Update Details Page :
** You are NOT logged in, please log in at the top of the page with your Account Number and PIN or Please click on the following button to download application form
Email it to: customercare AT
For further assistance, please contact the call centre during office hours on 041 506 5555


Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) on Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM)

Can I lodge an appeal if my request to information was declined?
Appeals are regulated by section 74 of the Act. Notice of Internal Appeal may be lodged by the requester who is not satisfied about the outcome of Section 18. (1) application or deemed refusal. In the event the Notice of Internal Appeal fails or institution does not provide required response, requester may elect to approach the High Court for necessary relief or abandon the matter.

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The procedure with lodgment of Notice of Internal Appeal is that within 60 days from date of refusal of section 18(1) application or deemed refusal, Appeal must be lodged with the Information Officer of the Municipality. Appellant must provide reasons for submitting an appeal. In case of our Municipality a fee for internal appeal is deferred until determination is made on the merit of the Notice of Internal Appeal.

How do I access information (PAIA) other than that is available on the municipal website?
Request for access to information held by the Municipality is regulated by section 18 of the Act and can be requested by filling in the application form. Please click here to download the form.

Upon receipt of the requested information, Municipality has 30 days to assess and consider the application submitted by the requester. A non – refundable application fee of R35.00 is payable before processing the request. In the event application is refused Information Officer must advise requester accordingly.

Each application received must be considered within 30 days from date of receipt. In the event the application is not considered after 30 days it is automatically “deemed refusal”.

In the event Information Officer grant requested information further fee may be charged depending on the time spent in collating the requested information as well as production fee. In determining applicable fee for the above, we are guided by the tariff set out in the regulations of the Act.

The application fee as well as other costs related are payable to our banking account details which are attached hereto for ease of reference.

Bank: ABSA
Account name: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Account number: 40 7953 3826
Branch code: 63 2005

Some Important Information From Comments

1. I want to activate an online registration IVR meter reading service but can’t seem to find a way to get a PIN number for my account, as the meter reading agents have failed to take water readings for the last three months.

2. How can I de-register from the IVR app because it is not loading my meter readings right and my statement is a mess because of this app.

3. IVR meter reading service seems to only give problems like everything else in this mess you call a municipality, it does not work nor deliver.

Most of the commenters commented that, they are not able to access the IVR service.

Features and Benefits of the NMBM IVR-Account Service

The NMBM IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Account Service is a telephone-based service provided by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) in South Africa, which allows customers to access and manage their municipal accounts using an automated system. Here are some potential features and benefits of the NMBM IVR-Account Service:

Account Information:
Customers can access their municipal account information, such as current balance, due date, and payment history, through the IVR system. This allows customers to stay updated with their account status without needing to visit a municipal office in person.

Bill Payments:
The IVR-Account Service may offer bill payment options, allowing customers to make payments towards their municipal accounts using the automated system. This can provide a convenient and time-saving way for customers to settle their bills without needing to visit a payment location.

Payment History:
The IVR system may allow customers to access their payment history, including details of previous payments made towards their municipal accounts. This can be useful for customers to keep track of their payment records and ensure that their accounts are up to date.

View Comments (11)

  • Hi which do I inserts to login to my IVR app

  • LIZ BAKER says:


    I try calling - it just gets switched off and my emails are NOT answered.

  • Where do i login

  • Liz Baker says:

    Please advise where I need to login to IVR to give my water readings on time.

    I was always able to give the water readings so easily before but I am not sure what has happened here!!!!!

    My readings do not tie up with my account - PLEASE REPLY ASAP

  • Eben Kitching says:

    Hi The water meter reading is wrong, how do I correct it. I have sent e-mails without response. I phone, but use more than 20 min airtime without being helped.

  • Ivan Erasmus says:

    Having read the complaints above regarding IVR meter reading services it seems to only give problems- like everything else in this mess you call a municipality it does not work nor deliver. The person reading this message is probably a cadre deployment so I do not expect any assistance.

  • Byron Jaftha says:

    How can I deregister from the IVR app because it's not loading my meter readings right and my statement is a mess because of this app

  • Terry Allison says:


  • Terry Allison says:

    Why can I not access the IVR service to supply my water meter reading. i am already registered on line , but unable to access this service. PLEASE ASSIST.

  • Wehrner Smith says:

    How do I change my email address at the metro as I do not receive my municipal account as my email has changed. Telephone calls brought me no where

  • Graham Jones says:

    Hi Brightlin
    i want to activate an online registration ivr meter reading service but cant seem to find a way to get a PIN number for my account 600 030 353 XXX as the meter reading agents have failed to take water readings for the last three months. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map