Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Customer Care Centres Numbers :

Name of the Company : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
Head Office : Port Elizabeth
Industry : Government
Service : Municipality Services

Website :

Nelson Mandela Bay Customer Care Centres Numbers

Switchboard : 041 506 1911
Accounts : 041 506 5555
Send email : customercare AT

Related / Similar Facility : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Booster Campaign

Service delivery complaints/enq : 0800 20 50 50 (24/7)
Staff related complaints : 041 506 5333 (24/7)
Report Fraud / Unethical behavior : 0800 007 086
Send email: fraud.nmb AT

Operating Hours : 8:00-16:30 (Monday to Friday)
Tel: 041-506 5555
Fax: 041-506 1304
** This line only deals with municipal account related queries – not water or electricity complaints.

Related Post

For water complaints contact : 0800 20 50 50
For electricity faults contact :
Tel : 041-374 4434
Tel : 041-506 5595.

Nelson Mandela Bay Customer Care Office Address

Mfanasekhaya Gqobose Building 041-506 1678 Goven Mbeki Avenue, Central
Kwanobuhle 041-506 2624 Ponana Tini Road, next to Fire Station
Uitenhage 041-994 1353 Town Hall Building
Walmer 041-506 2545 Heugh Road, 6th Avenue Shopping Mall
Cleary Park 041-506 2541 Cleary Park Shopping Centre
Daleview 041-506 2671 Cnr of Hoog and Long Street
Despatch 041-994 1627 Main Road
Khayamnandi 041-506 2608 29 Chief Albert Lethuli Street, Despatch
Korsten 041-506 2682 Durban Road, Opposite Livingstone Hospital
Kwamagxaki 041-506 7217 Cnr of Ralo and Uitenhage Roads
New Brighton 041-506 2590 Ntshekisa  Road
Raymond Mhlaba Sport Centre 041-5062595 Motherwell Sports Centre cnr Tyinira Road and Nyarha Road
Zwide 041-5062549 Johnson Road (next to Zwide Clinic)

Contact Address :
Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
Port Elizabeth

Some Important Information From Comments

1. I tried calling your Korsten office but no avail, why should there be a telephone number to call but no one answer? Tried several times.

2. I have on numerous occasions called your service delivery department with no response, could you please assist I have trees which were cut and all those branches are laying in front of my house nobody came to collect.

FAQ On Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality:

Q: What is the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality?
A: The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is a metropolitan municipality located in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It includes the city of Port Elizabeth, which is also known as Gqeberha, as well as the towns of Uitenhage and Despatch. The municipality is named after the late Nelson Mandela, who was a prominent anti-apartheid leader and the first black President of South Africa.

Q: What is the role of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality?
A: The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is responsible for providing municipal services to its residents and businesses. This includes functions such as waste management, water and sanitation, electricity, roads and infrastructure, public safety, social services, and more. The municipality also manages local governance and administration, including budgeting, planning, and development.

View Comments (12)

  • Laetitia Deutschmann says:

    The sewerage water is now running for weeks down the Overbaakens RD in Overbaakens, Port Elizabeth in then run into a storm water drain. The smell is terrible and it is very, very unhealthy. Please attend.

  • Frustrated Taxpayer says:

    This has been happening to me too. Ridiculous bills and no response trying to resolve it. Calls are being dropped and email read but not responded to.

    Maybe we, as taxpayers, should refuse to pay any more taxes up and till this government and it's useless employees get their sh@t together. Yet, when increase times comes, they are the first to toy-toy and demand double digit increases. are an embarrassment to the rest of us. We have no respect for you. If you were in private sector, you would have been fired by now. Not sure if you feel proud of yourselves....opposed to help the taxpayer, you just take from them. Nothing new in this country though. Corruption and criminal behaviour. That's why we are screwed.

    Tx NMBM!! You rock!!!...or not!!

  • Sheona Ferreira says:

    Good day NMBM

    I called in this afternoon to inquire about my tenant’s pre-paid electricity meter being blocked.

    I called eight times.

    Six of these calls were dropped before I could get through to an agent.

    Two were answered by the rudest, most unhelpful agents and honestly, I don’t feel that anyone deserves this kind of treatment. People struggle to have their calls answered as it is, the least the agent could do is be helpful.

    We call in for assistance, to have queries resolved, not rudeness… and then to have the call dropped once again.

    Frustration, in this regard is immense and I feel we deserve better.


  • Yoliswa Ndyenga says:

    I would like to know how come my electricity is blocked for the 3rd time now because of a water rebate that the municipality has never attended to since July 2022. the first time I submitted the application form, I received an sms confirmation receipt and I should continue paying as per normal until this issue is resolved. My electricity is blocked for the 3rd time time. I have made follow up with email and with my application attached for the past 4 months This is very inconveniencing stressful to my family as well.

  • Adele Roos says:

    Hi I would like to know how come you charge me 73kl of water because your estimate was wrong now when it come to refund you only want to refund me 18 Rd kl of water where is the other where is the othery 55 Rnd I paid, I need to be refunded what you charged me not at your lowest rates never mind the vat on the account and the sewerage, you guys are robbing the citizens of port Elizabeth,

  • I have been trying to sort out my water rebate from a leak since 12 December 2020 and it is now 2022 July and still, they have not sorted out my account, the accounts department said it takes 3 months to sort out but nothing I went down to see them in March at the Walmer branch and they said that the account would be sorted in May, May has come and gone and still nothing. I got a phone call from the Municipality and explain to them why I am still paying the normal rates as per the query number, and still nothing happens. All the necessary documentation has been handed in as per municipality states, including the water leak form the affidavit and pictures but still nothing gets done. What more should I be doing to get the rebate?

  • Danielle Ah Hing says:

    I find the incompetence in the accounts department shocking! EVERY month my account is paid immediately after my income is paid into my account which is the 25th. However, I keep being threatened with suspension of my services because my account is overdue AND I keep having to pay interest because of someone else's error.
    The payment due date varies by almost a week from month to month: anywhere between 23rd and 28th of a month. WHY IS THE DUE DATE SO INCONSISTENT??? HOW CAN I PAY BY 23rd WHEN I ONLY GET PAID ON 25th?

  • N.Rockman says:

    I tried calling your Korsten office to no avail, why should there be a telephone number to call but no one answer? Tried several times.

  • sinclair baatjies says:

    I have on numerous occassions called your service delivery depatment with no response, could you please assist i have trees which were cut and all thos branches are laying in front of my house nobody came to collect.

  • How to request recalculation for water bill

  • whitemarian2 says:

    I would like to receive my rates account by e mail; how to go I go about it. Accounts are not received by post.

    • Adele Roos says:

      Hi I would like to know how come you charge me 73kl of water because your estimate was wrong now when it come to refund you only want to refund me 18 Rd kl of water where is the other where is the othery 55 Rnd I paid, I need to be refunded what you charged me not at your lowest rates never mind the vat on the account and the sewerage, you guys are robbing the citizens of port Elizabeth, © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map