: Applying For Water Connection & Test Water Meter

Organisation : Johannesburg Water SOC LTD
Facility : Applying For Water Connection & Test Water Meter
Location : Johannesburg

Website :

Applying For Water Connection & Test Water Meter :

Water Connection :
** If you’re building a new home, office block or factory, or moving into existing premises, you’ll need to know how to apply for water and sanitation connections.

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** If you have bought or moved into an existing property, the account must be transferred to your name.
** The customer (property owner) goes to COJ (walk in centre/people centre) and requests and fills in forms for a new connection.

** Documents required are an ID copy, title deed, SG (surveyor General) diagram.
** If the person applying is not the owner e.g. a company, then the company registration documents will also be required, alternatively power of attorney.

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** COJ will then get a quotation for the size of the meter to be installed from the relevant depot.
** Upon receipt of the quote, COJ will notify the customer to make payment for the connection.
** Once payment is made COJ will send a notification (Service Request) to the depot to install the meter within 15 days

Test Water Meter :
** To log any fault, contact the Joburg Call Centre on 0860 562 874 or 0860-JOBURG, or phone Joburg Water on 011 688 1500.

** You may also log a fault on the Johannesburg water website here.
** If you think your meter is faulty you can apply to have it tested.
** This is only done after three consecutive readings have been taken on the meter in dispute.
** A meter is only regarded as faulty when it registers more than 5 percent too slow or too fast.

** If a customer disputes a meter reading and suspects it to be faulty, they will be required to pay a meter test fee upfront.
** COJ will send a service request to the depot to remove the meter under dispute and replace it with a temporary one.

** The meter will be sent for testing by JW and the results will be sent to COJ, who will in turn notify the customer.
** Should the meter be found to be faulty, the customer will be refunded the fee, and adjustments will be made on their account.
** However, if the meter is found to be faultless, the customer will forfeit the fee.

Contact Address :
Johannesburg Water SOC LTD
17 Harrison Street
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