Botswana Scratch and Win Poster Competition : Lucky Star

Organization : Lucky Star Limited
Competition Name : Botswana Scratch and Win Poster Competition
Applicable For : Open to all Botswana individuals
Competition Deadline : 30th October 2016
Prize/Win : Lucky Star products

Website :

Botswana Scratch and Win Poster Competition :

** This is a promotion called Scratch & Win (“Promotion”) conducted by Lucky Star Limited, a duly registered company registered in terms of South African company laws with limited liability and with registration number 1946/022718/06 of Oceana House, 25 Jan Smuts Street, Cape Town, 8000 (“Promoter”).

Related : Lucky Star Namibia Promotion :

** The Promotion is open to all individuals who reside in the participating country (Botswana) and purchase 2 cans of Lucky Star products.

** To qualify for the Promotion, participants must purchase 2 cans of Lucky Star products at participating stores during the promotional period and retain their proof of purchase whether this be the cans themselves or the till slip.

** Participants must then showcase their proof of purchase to the in store activator for their chance to scratch out a fish on the promotion poster.

** Prizes include caps, t-shirts, cooler bags and Lucky Star product and will be redeemed by participants immediately on site.
** Participants may be subject to a ‘Try Again’ option in which no prize will be won.
** The Promotion opens on the 28th July 2016 and ends on the 30th October 2016.

Related Post

** A participant, by engaging in the Promotion, agrees and gives consent that the information provided by them to the Promoter may be stored and used for statistical purposes and may be used for marketing purposes by the Promoter (consent for direct marketing).

** Consent to use the participant’s information is not a condition for entry in the promotion and the participant has the right to withdraw such consent at any time by notifying the Promoter per telephone on +27 21 415 8600 or per e-mail at info AT

** Information collected from participants will be used by the Promoter only and will not in any way be transferred or made available for use by third parties except if it remains for the use by the Promoter only.

** A participant will have the right to request from the Promoter details of the information held of the participant and to update and/or correct any of the information provided.
** The Promoter can be contacted for this purpose per telephone on number +27 21 415 8600 or per e-mail at info AT
** When participating in the Promotion, a participant acknowledges and agrees to these Terms and Conditions.

** Should any participant be found to be in contravention of any of these terms and conditions or in the opinion of the Promoters, be engaged in conduct in participating in the Promotion which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right to disqualify such a participant.

** The Promoter chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this competition, whether in respect of court process, notice or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature: 7th Floor, Oceana House, 25 Jan Smuts Street, Cape Town, 8001.

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PO Box 4239
Cape Town 8000
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