L’Atelier Art Competition : Visual Arts Network Of South Africa

Organization : VANSA – Visual Arts Network Of South Africa
Competition Name : L’Atelier Art Competition 2017
Applicable For : Artists
Competition Deadline : 28 April 2017
Prize : Awards

Website :
Register Online :

L’Atelier Art Competition :

Condition Of Entry :
Entries :
** All details of the artist and artwork entry must be submitted online.
** Once the online process is complete, you will receive a reference number for each artwork entry.

Related : Visual Arts Network Of South Africa Modern Miniatures Competition 2017 :

** The reference number must be placed on the artwork and must be delivered to the nearest collection point by 16:00(CAT) on the 28 April 2017.
** Adjudication takes place on the actual artwork and not the online submission.
** Failure to deliver the artwork to the collection point will result in disqualification.

Online Registration :
** Online registration opens on the L’Atelier website on 20 February 2017 and close on 28 April 2017 at 16:00(CAT) South African time.

Collection points :
** Entrants can drop off or courier their art pieces at their nearest collection point.
** Artists must ensure that all their artworks have the correct reference number.
** Collection points close at 16:00(CAT) and entrants can drop off their art pieces between 24 and 28 April 2017.
** No late entries will be accepted.

All artists who are permanent residents and residing within the following countries are invited to enter :
** South Africa
** Botswana
** Zambia
** Ghana
** Kenya
** Uganda
** Tanzania
** Mozambique
** Mauritius
** Seychelles

Who may enter?
1. The competition is open to all artists who are not younger than 21 and not older than 35 on 20 February 2017. In the case of art students, only students in their final year of study who meet the age requirements may participate.

2. All prize winners are required to take up the prize (residency) as per the date mentioned in the entry details.

3. Only artists who are permanent residents of and residing in South Africa, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana, Botswana, Uganda, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles or Tanzania may enter the competition. The prize airfare to Absa Gallery or to a residency award will only be from participating countries.

4. If information is not captured accurately on the system and any information is missing from the online registration, the entrant will be automatically disqualified.

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Which works may be entered?
1. An entrant may enter a maximum of three artworks at only one regional collection point, which are listed herein. The exception is digital artwork. Digital artwork submitted at the artists nearest collection point must include all the necessary equipment to view the work. If the entrant does not wish to supply their own viewing equipment the entry must then be posted or couriered directly to the Absa Gallery in Johannesburg (Refer to 4.9 for Postal Address).

2. The works of art must have been completed in the 24 months prior to the closing date of the competition.
3. Only original artworks may be entered.

4. Entries in any medium will be accepted, subject to the following requirements :
4.1 A single artwork that must be hanged, including the frame, must not be larger than 2m x 2m and must not weigh more than 30 kg. It must also pass through a standard-sized single door.
4.2 Sculptures, including the base, may not exceed a mass of 100kg (size as 4.1).

4.3 Works of art that consist of several parts should be accompanied by simple assembly and disassembly instructions (size of the collective piece as 4.1 or 4.2) and the assembly of the artwork should not take more than 1 (one) hour.

4.4 An installation must be no larger than 2m x 2m x 2m and the assembly of the artwork should not take more than 1 (one) hour. If the installation has a digital component, it must not be longer than 5 (five) minutes and must have a definite start and end point.

4.5 Artworks must be of such a nature that they can easily be packed, transported and exhibited. The selection panel and/or organisers have the right to refuse to accept or display artworks that are difficult to hang, install, transport or handle.

Prizes :
** There are five prizes for the 2017 competition; the first prize, three merit award prizes and the Gerard Sekoto Award for the most promising artist.
** The top 10 finalists will all be placed on a two-day art professionalism course to assist them in managing their careers. Each finalist will also be paired with a mentor who will work with them for a year.

First prize :
1. Merit award prize :
** The South African residency

Bag Factory Artists’ Studio :
** One merit award winner will win a prize consisting of a three-month residency in Johannesburg, a return flight to Johannesburg and a monthly stipend
** The prize must be taken up the year after it is presented
** All entrants are eligible for this prize.
** The date of residency is January to June 2018

2. Merit award prize :
The Sylt Foundation residency :
** One merit award winner will win a two-month residency at the Sylt Foundation on the Island of Sylt, Germany. The residency includes an apartment on the island
** This prize includes a return flight to Germany and a monthly stipend
** The prize must be taken up the year after it is presented
** All entrants are eligible for this prize.
** The date of residency is June to August 2018

3. Merit award prize :
The Ampersand Foundation residency :
** One merit award winner will win a one-month residency at the Ampersand Foundation in New York City, which includes the use of an apartment
** The winner of this prize will become a Fellow of the Ampersand Foundation, and will receive an AAM (American Association of Museums) card, which gives the resident free access to most museums in New York City

** The prize includes a return flight to New York City and a monthly stipend
** Existing Fellows of the Ampersand Foundation will not qualify for this prize.
** All entrants are eligible for this prize.
** The date of residency is January 2018

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