Galaxy A-Series 2017 SCOOP Promotion : Electronics South Africa

Organization : Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : Galaxy A-Series 2017 SCOOP Promotion
Applicable For : Citizens of the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 31 May 2017
Prize : Galaxy A3 (SM-A320F

Website :
Terms & Conditions :

Galaxy A-Series 2017 SCOOP Promotion :

1. Promotion :
1.1 Galaxy A-Series 2017 plus SCOOP (“Promotion”). The promoter of the Promotion is Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Registration number: 1994/003872/07 (“Organizer”).

Related : Samsung Electronics South Africa Customer Ratings and Reviews :

2. Promotion Period :
2.1 The Promotion will run from 01 March 2017 (00h00) to 31 May 2017 (23h59) (“the Promotion Period”).
2.2 The duration of the Promotion may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Organizer.
2.3 Promotion is valid while stock lasts.

3. Who may enter :
3.1 All participants must:
a. be citizens of the Republic of South Africa and/or a legal residents of the aforesaid country;
b. be currently residing in the Republic of South Africa at the date of the commencement of the Promotion Period;

c. be a natural person and be at least 18 (eighteen) years old at the date of the commencement of the Promotion Period; and
d. Be in the possession of a valid identity document at the time of redemption of the SCOOP.

4. How to qualify for the Promotion :
4.1 the participant must :
a. have purchased a Galaxy A3 (SM-A320F), Galaxy A5 (SM-A520F) or Galaxy A7 (SM-A720F) (“Device or Devices”) in South Africa for either cash or on contract;
b. have purchased the device during the Promotion Period;

c. have downloaded the Samsung Rewards application from the Google Play Store on an eligible Device and be a registered subscriber of the Samsung Rewards service managed by the Organizer; and

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d. have redeemed the SCOOP through the Samsung Rewards application between 01 March 2017 and 06 June 2017 (“Redemption Period”).

4.2 No claims for any SCOOP’s for Devices purchased during the Promotion Period will be accepted or processed after 06 June 2017.
4.3 Proof of purchase may be required as part of the redemption process.

5. Can I qualify more than once for the Promotion :
5.1 The Promotion is limited to one SCOOP per valid Device purchased (unique IMEI), should there be any dispute in this regard, the Organizer shall be sole adjudicator of the dispute and the Organizer’s decision shall be final.

6. Offer :
6.1 The Promotion will afford the participant to receive a complimentary SCOOP.
6.2 The SCOOP is not transferable. No substitution, cash redemption, or assignment of the SCOOP is permitted.

6.3 The SCOOP may differ from that shown on the promotional material with regard to colour and specs and same shall be subject to availability and in the Organizer’s sole discretion to select same.

7. Terms of Delivery :
7.1 Delivery of the SCOOP will occur within 4 (four) weeks of receipt of confirmation of the participants delivery details that have been supplied by the participant through the Samsung Rewards application.

7.2 Should the participant fail to supply valid delivery details upon redemption of the SCOOP through the Samsung Rewards application, the SCOOP will be forfeited.
7.3 Delivery of the SCOOP will occur by way of courier and the Organizer does not accept any responsibility for late/non arrivals.

7.4 In the event that the participant is unreachable or fails to claim the SCOOP after 2 (two) attempts to deliver over a period of 10 (ten) working days, the SCOOP shall be forfeited.
7.5 The participant will be required to present a valid identity document at the time of delivery of the SCOOP.

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