Samsung South Africa Question Everything Online QLED Tv Competition :

Organization : Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : Samsung South Africa “Question Everything” Online Qled Tv Competition
Applicable For : citizens of the Republic of South Africa
Closing Date : 17 May 2017
Prize : 55” QLED TV

Website :

Question Everything Online Qled Tv Competition :

1. Competition :
1.1 Samsung South Africa “Question Everything” Online Qled Tv Competition (“Competition”) .
1.2 The Promoter Of The Competition Is Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Registration Number: 1994 / 003872 / 07 And / Or Its Agencies (“Organiser”).

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Competition Period :
2.1 The Competition will run from 00 h 01 on 17 April to 23 h 59 on 17 May 2017 23 h 59 (“the Competition Period”).
2.2 The duration of the Competition may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the organiser.

3. Who may enter:
3.1 All participants must :
be citizens of the Republic of South Africa and / or a legal residents of the aforesaid country,
** must be currently residing in the Republic of South Africa at the date of the commencement of the Competition Period.,
** must be a natural person and be at least 18 (eighteen) years old at the date of the commencement of the Competition Period.

3.2 Participation in this Competition excludes the organiser, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by them or any supplier of goods and services in connection with the Competition and their spouses, life partners, parents, children, siblings, business partners or associates .

4. How to enter the Competition :
4.1 The participant must :
** complete the registration process on the website to receive more information on QLED TV during the “Question Everything” pre-launch promotion, by 23 h 59 on 17 May 2017.

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4.2 Entry to this Competition does not make any participant a winner.
4.3 The Organiser accepts no responsibility for entries lost, misdirected, illegible, late, mutilated or altered. Entries that do not comply with these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified, subject to clause 4.4 below.

4.4 Errors and omission may be accepted at the Organiser’s discretion. Failure by the Organiser to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
4.5 It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that any information which you provide to the Organiser is accurate, complete and up to date.

5. Can I enter more than once:
5.1 The Competition is limited to one entry per participant, should there be any dispute in this regard, the Organiser shall be sole adjudicator of the dispute and the Organiser’s decision shall be final.

6. Prize:
6.1 Once the participant has completed the registration process mentioned in clause 4.1a above, the participant will be entered into a lucky draw with the chance of winning 1 (one) 55” QLED TV [model number Q7F] (“Prize”).
6.2 Prize is not transferable. No substitution, cash redemption, or assignment of the Prize is permitted.

6.3 The Organiser reserves the right to change the prize should they deem necessary, to a prize of similar economic value.
6.4 The Prize may differ from that shown on the promotional material with regard to colour and specs.

6.5 The Prize shall be subject to stock availability and in the event of no stock being available the Organiser in its sole discretion shall determine a suitable replacement in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
6.6 Any and all tax implications and liabilities as a result of winning the Prize will be solely borne by the winner.

7. Draw:
7.1 The lucky draw will be held by the Organiser on 18 May 2017.
7.2 The draw will be supervised by an independent auditor or a registered accountant, or an attorney or an advocate.

7.3 The draw results to determine the winners are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
7.4 If for any unforeseen reason the draw cannot take place on the aforesaid date, then the Organiser will endeavour to conduct the draw within a reasonable period thereafter and shall provide details of the new draw date on the

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