Applying for Residence : Vaal University of Technology

Organisation : Vaal University of Technology
Facility : Applying for Residence
Location : Vanderbijlpark

Website :
Application Form :

How To Apply For VUT Residence?

** VUT is a residential university that provides a vibrant, multi-cultural student life experience that develops students holistically.
** VUT provides different types of residences for students at different stages of the student life cycle.

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Procedure for Application for Admission :
** A prospective student or a registered student, who is desirous of being accommodated at the VUT residences in the following year, must apply for admission on the prescribed form.

** The application must reach the University on or before the 15th of May of the preceding semester (in the case of students applying to be admitted in the residence in the second semester) and on or before the 30thof August of the year preceding his/her intended year of study and students applying for admission to residence in the first semester.

** Applications for admission to the residence will be considered annually.
** Students who live in the University residence are required to apply for re-admission for the following year.

** Application for admission to the residence is only open to students who are seeking admission to the University to be registered as fulltime and part time students and are eligible to be registered as such.

Admission :
** The available accommodation is not sufficient to accommodate all students who are desirous of living in the University residence.
** A student who is admitted to an academic programme is not necessarily guaranteed a place in the University residences.

Year of study :
** In considering applications for admission new first year contact students will be given priority.

Distance :
** Applicants who come from places that are at least 100km away from the University will also be given priority.

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Disciplinary record :
** In considering applications for admission to the residence the University shall take into account the disciplinary record of the applicant.

Academic performance :
** In line with the University’s vision of academic excellence, academic performance shall be considered in the evaluation of every application for residence.

Outstanding Residence Fees :
** Residences are to be managed as self-sustaining entities at all universities.

Students with special needs :
** The University shall priorities students with special needs such as, disabilities and students with other types of needs as will be determined by the Executive Director: Student Support Services on merit.

International students :
** VUT is committed to increasing its intake of international students to ensure that it remains a positive contributor to regional and international (SADC), continental and international development.

How To Do VUT Residence Allocation?

** A student admitted to the VUT University residence cannot as of right demand to be allocated a specific room in a specific residence.
** It is the prerogative of the University to allocate a student a room.

In allocating rooms the following shall be taken into account:
** First year students will preferably be allocated to on campus residences and they will be allocated in double rooms.
** In the event that professional advice such as by medical practitioners and/or counsellors point to the contrary, such advice will be heeded in allocating rooms.
** Post graduate and graduate students shall preferably be allocated single rooms.

General Information

** Residents promise at all time to honor the character of the Vaal University of Technology and subject themselves to the authority of the residence management and all House Committee Members.
** It is the responsibility of the House Committees and Residence Management to maintain discipline and implement internal house rules.
** Ignorance regarding stipulations as set out in these regulations cannot be an excuse.

** All residents shall enjoy the right to live in a safe and clean environment free from unreasonable noise and other distractions.
** Unreasonable noise is defined as a noise that interferes with the legitimate rights of others.
** It is the right of the residents to stay in a conducive environment free from harassment, intimidation and assault.

FAQ On Vaal University of Technology

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Vaal University of Technology

Q: Where is Vaal University of Technology located?
A: Vaal University of Technology is located in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, South Africa.

Q: What programs does Vaal University of Technology offer?
A: Vaal University of Technology offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including engineering and technology, management sciences, applied and computer sciences, human sciences, and health sciences.

Q: Is Vaal University of Technology a recognized institution?
A: Yes, Vaal University of Technology is a recognized institution by the South African government and is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE).

Q: How do I apply to Vaal University of Technology?
A: To apply to Vaal University of Technology, you can visit the official website and follow the application instructions.

Categories: University/College

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