Mauritius Africa Scholarship 2017 : Department of Higher Education and Training

Organisation : Department of Higher Education and Training – DHET
Announcement : Mauritius- Africa Scholarship – 2017
Applicable for : South African citizens
Deadline : 15 May 2017

Website :
Download Notification :
Mauritius application form
DHET application form :
Guidelines for applicants :

Mauritius- Africa Scholarship :

Programme outline :
** As part of a commitment to promote capacity-building at high level across the continent, the Government of Mauritius is awarding scholarships to deserving students who are resident citizens of member states of the African Union.

Related : DHET United States Of America Scholarship 2017 :

Degree level :
** Up to five Bachelor’s scholarships may be awarded to South Africans.

Who can apply?
** South African citizens in good health and with a strong academic record.
** Applicants should be above 18 years of age and should not have reached their 26th birthday at the closing date of application

** Applicants must have applied for full-time on-campus undergraduate studies at any public Tertiary Education Institution in Mauritius for academic year starting in 2017
** Candidates with an interest in studying in Mauritius and demonstrate commitment to the development of South Africa.

** Candidates must be available to study in Mauritius from August 2017.
** All applicants must have applied for admission at an eligible Mauritian university
** All applicants must meet the minimum academic requirement for entry into a similar programme at a South African university.

Fields of study for South African applicants :
** Bachelor’s: All available fields of study at the participating Mauritius Public Tertiary Education Institutions, except for Medicine.

What the scholarship offers :
** Tuition fees and course-related costs of up to MUR100 000
** Monthly living allowance to the value of MUR8 300

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** Successful applicants must be prepared to cover initial settlement costs and supplement their monthly living allowance.
** In addition, a one-way air ticket to Mauritius must be booked and paid for by successful applicants, who can then apply for a refund upon arrival in Mauritius.

Application process :
The application process is two-fold :
** Complete the DHET application form and email it with all supporting documents to Internationalscholarships AT by 01 May 2017.

** Shortlisted candidates will be required to complete the Mauritius-Africa Scholarship application form which will be sent to them, and submit a completed medical examination form (medical tests to be done at applicants own cost).

** Only candidates who are notified that they are shortlisted need to submit this form.
** Applications may be submitted by email and must reach the DHET by the deadline of 15 May 2017.

By email :
Subject : Mauritius-Africa Scholarship Application, [Your surname]
** If attachments exceed 3MB, they will not be received. Please contact us regarding an alternative means to submit.

Enquiries :
email: Internationalscholarships AT
** All applications received by the DHET will be acknowledged by email within 2 working days.
** Please follow up if you do not receive an email acknowledgement.

Scholarships shall NOT be awarded for :
** Top-up degree programmes;
** Foundation programmes;
** Part-time courses;
** Distance Education programmes;
** Mixed modes (distance and on-campus learning);
** Non accredited courses; or
** Postgraduate programmes.

Note :
1) Non-submission of the documents mentioned above, or incorrect or incomplete filling of the application form will result in disqualification of the applicant;
2) The Declaration in SECTION FOUR of the Application Form must be signed by the applicant;
3) Academic certificates and transcripts, if not in French or in English, must be submitted along with a certified translation in one of these two languages;

4) In SECTION THREE of the Application Form, applicants should indicate the title of up to three (3) courses in a TEI, along with their course codes to which they have been admitted or for which they have submitted an application for enrolment;

5) All applications should unconditionally be made through the Nominating Agency in the country of citizenship of the applicant, along with the necessary supporting documents. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map