Russian Government Scholarship for South African Students 2017 : Department of Higher Education and Training

Organisation : Department of Higher Education and Training – DHET
Announcement : Russian Government Scholarship for SA Students
Applicable for : South African Students

Website :
Application Form :

Russian Government Scholarship for South African Students :

Programme outline :
** The Russian Government is offering scholarships for South African students to study at Russian institutions from the academic year 2017/18.

Related : DHET Japan Ashinaga Africa Scholarship 2017 :

** Most programmes are instructed in the Russian language and applicants with no command of Russian are required to take the college preparatory courses for one year before pursuing major studies. Only after passing the examinations of the college preparatory course can they start their degree studies.

Degree level :
** The scholarship may be awarded for undergraduate (Bachelors) or postgraduate (Masters or PhD) studies.
** Preference is given to postgraduate applications.

Who can apply?
** South African citizens in good health with a strong academic record.
** Available to study in Russia from September 2017
** Demonstrated interest in Russia and commitment to the development of South Africa.
** Applicants must have a minimum average of 60%
** All students must meet the minimum academic requirements for entry into a similar programme at a South African university.

Fields of study for South African applicants :
Applications from all qualified candidates in any field will be accepted, but priority will be given to applications for postgraduate studies, previously disadvantaged applicants and applicants in the following fields :
** Biotechnology
** Climate change
** Economics and management
** Engineering sciences
** Maritime studies
** Natural and physical sciences
** Nuclear and renewable energy
** Space science and technology

** Applicants are required to do their own research into available programmes, institutions and programme-specific entrance criteria. The programmes and institutions available under this scholarship are listed at

Related Post

** The final decision on admittance to institutions is made by the Russian institution and the Russian Government. Scholarships may therefore be awarded to study at institutions outside of an individual’s preference.

What the scholarship offers :
The Russian Government provides the following :
** Tuition,
** Basic monthly allowance

The South African Government provides the following (subject to the availability of funds) :
** One return economy airfare
** Monthly living allowance
** Annual medical insurance
** Successful scholarship applicants will be required to sign a contract and return to South Africa upon completion of studies.

Application process :
The application process is two-fold :
** Complete the DHET application form and email it with all supporting documents to Internationalscholarships AT by 01 April 2017.

** Shortlisted candidate will be required to complete the Russian Scholarship application online at and submit a completed medical examination form (medical tests to be done at applicants own cost).

** Only candidates who are notified that they are shortlisted need to complete the online application and undergo a medical test.

** All applications received by the DHET will be acknowledged by email within 2 working days.
** Please follow up if you do not receive an email acknowledgement .

Bachelor’s degree applicant Postgraduate studies (Master’s, PhD or post-doc) applicant
Completed DHET application form Completed DHET application form
Copy of passport or passport application receipt. Copy of passport or passport application receipt.
Certified copy of National Senior Certificate or equivalent. Certified copy of Bachelor’s, Honour’s and Master’s degree certificates (as applicable).
One letter of recommendation from a teacher or employer. Letter must be signed and on a letterhead. Certified copy of Bachelor’s, Honour’s and Master’s degree transcripts (as applicable).
Two letters of recommendation from professors or senior lecturers. Letters must be signed and on a letterhead
Outline of research proposal (approximately 2-4 pages)

Note :
** Do not submit any other documents not requested.
** Incomplete applications will not be considered.
** Medical examination documents are not required with your initial application. Only recommended candidates will be requested to submit medical examination documents including HIV/AIDs test results after interviews have been conducted.

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