hellmanns.co.za : Burger Route Competition

Organization : Hellmanns / Unilever
Competition Name : Burger Route Competition
Applicable For : Open to legal ID holders of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 30/06/2017
Prize : R50000

Website : https://web.archive.org/web/20180525001136/http://www.hellmanns.co.za:80/campaigns/burger-route/

Hellmanns Burger Route Competition

1.Competition Period :
** The Burger Route Competition (the “Competition”) begins April 6, 2017 at 12:00 a.m. UTC +2 and ends June 30, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. UTC +2 (the “Competition Period”).

Related : Unilever South Africa Cash & Carry Aromat Drive Competition : www.southafricain.com/4102.html


** Open to legal ID holders of South Africa, who are 18 years of age or older as of date of entry.

** Employees of Unilever (the “Sponsor”), Liquorice Advertising (Pty)Ltd, their respective affiliates, parents, subsidiaries, divisions, suppliers, distributors and advertising, promotional and judging agencies (collectively, the “Sponsor and its Administrators”), and its affiliates and each of their respective employees, shareholders, directors, officers, members, assigns and agents and their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each are not eligible to participate or win.

3.There Are Two Ways to Enter the Competition :
** There is NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to participate in the Competition.
** A purchase does not increase your chances of winning.
** For a list of participating Burger Route Restaurants in South Africa, visit hellmanns.co.za/campaigns/burger-route/.

a.Via Twitter/Facebook/Instagram :
** During the Competition Period, you may enter via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram by uploading a photo of a burger you tried at a participating Burger Route restaurant with the name of the restaurant (optional) and the hashtag #BurgerRouteZA (collectively, the “Submission”) to receive one (1) entry into the corresponding monthly and weekly random drawings only.

** If you would like to enter the Competition without purchasing a burger, you may enter via Twitter.com by sharing the Burger Route Competition Website (URL TBC) with the hashtag #BurgerRouteZA and tagging @HellmannsZA (the “tag”) to receive one (1) entry into the corresponding monthly and weekly random drawings only.

** Competition Entry (defined below) must include the hashtag to be eligible and must be 140 characters or less including the hashtag and tag if entering via Twitter (without a burger photo).

** Your Submission must be uploaded in accordance with the Twitter Terms of Service (twitter.com/tos), Facebook Terms of Service (.facebook.com/terms) or Instagram Terms of Use (instagram.com/about/legal/terms/).

** You must have an Instagram account to enter via Instagram have your account privacy settings set to “Off”.

** You must have a Twitter account to enter via Twitter and have your account settings set to “unprotected” or “public”.
** You must have a Facebook account to enter via Facebook and have your account settings set to “unprotected” or “public”.
** By including the hashtag in your Submission, you are agreeing to these Official Rules.

** Potential winners will be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder of the Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account associated with the Competition Entry, if entering via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

** Including the name of the restaurant is not required for your entry to be eligible.
** All entry components submitted and Submissions uploaded (as applicable) shall herein be referred to as (the “Competition Entry”).
** There is a limit of one (1) Competition Entry per person per day, regardless of method of Competition Entry.

** For the purposes of this Competition, a “month” is defined as beginning at 12:00 a.m. on the first day of each calendar month and ending at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of each calendar month, except for the first month which begins at 12:00 p.m on April 6, 2017 and the last month, which ends at 12:00 p.m. on June 30, 2017.

** For the purposes of this Competition, a “week” is defined as beginning at 12:00 a.m. each Sunday and ending at 11:59 p.m. each Saturday, except for the first week which begins at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2017 and ends on Sunday, April 8, 2017 and the last week, which ends at 12:00 p.m. on June 30, 2017.

** Entries will not carry forward to subsequent monthly and weekly random drawings, if any.
** All Competition Entries must be completed and submitted by 12:00 p.m. on June 30, 2017, to be eligible for the last monthly and weekly random drawing.
** The person uploading the Competition Entry will be deemed the entrant (the “Entrant”).

** If submitting a photo depicting other individuals, you must make the other individuals aware that you are entering a photo on their behalf and attest that the other individuals have agreed that you may submit such photo and you must be the parent/legal guardian of any minors featured in the photo.

** In the event of a dispute as to the identity of an Entrant, the Entrant will be deemed the name appearing on the Competition Entry.

Who Can Enter

The Competition Entry must :
1) be complete to be eligible;
2) be the property of the Entrant.

** Sponsor has the sole discretion to determine whether a Submission qualifies as a Competition Entry.
** Any Competition Entry not in compliance with the above and which does not meet the requirements of these Official Rules will be disqualified.

** By entering, you understand and agree that your Submission may (in Sponsor’s sole discretion) be posted online for consumers to view on Sponsor-selected sites. Sponsor will only be posting select photos (in their sole discretion).

** Sponsor reserves the right to remove any posted Submissions, in its sole discretion, even if the Submission has already been made available to the public.
** Participation is subject to disqualification of all Competition Entries, if multiple accounts are used by the same person.
** As applicable, normal Internet access and data/usage charges imposed by Entrants’ online/mobile service will apply.

Entry Requirements

** By entering, you agree to waive any rights you may have to the Competition Entry submitted.

** The Competition Entry, or portion thereof, must not contain obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory or inappropriate content, or be disparaging to Sponsor, as selected in Sponsor’s sole discretion.

** Competition Entries must be in keeping with Sponsor’s image and may not be offensive, as selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion, nor can it defame or invade publicity rights or privacy rights of any person, living or deceased, or otherwise infringe upon any person’s personal or proprietary rights.

** Entrants may not copy or otherwise plagiarize the Competition Entry from any source.
** All Competition Entries must be the sole, original work of the Entrants.

** Any Competition Entry or portion thereof that is, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory, inappropriate, disparaging, offensive or contains proprietary right of any person living or deceased (including but not limited to rights of privacy or publicity or portrayal in a false light) or entity, or is otherwise objectionable, will not be considered and may disqualify the Entrant.

** Competition Entries should not contain any third party materials (other than the name of the restaurant associated with Competition Entry), or otherwise violate or infringe (or possibly infringe) any copyright, trademark, logo, mark that identifies a brand (other than Hellmann’s or Best Foods).

** Sponsor may blur or black out the infringing material, in their sole discretion.
** Competition Entries become the property of the Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned.

** Entrants and winners acknowledge and agree that their Competition Entries become the property of the Sponsor, which thereby has the right to edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, promote and otherwise use Competition Entries in any way it sees fit.

** No endorsement or approval of Competition by Instagram, Facebook or Twitter is expressed or implied.
** Automated, script, macro or robotic Competition Entries submitted by individuals will be disqualified.

** Competition Entries may be posted on the Sponsor’s website, and may be posted on other non-affiliated websites, in Sponsor’s sole discretion.
** Any Competition Entry not in compliance with the above and which does not meet the requirements of these Official Rules will be disqualified.


Prizes and Approximate Retainer Values :

Prize Number Total Value
Weber braai (gas) 1 R5000
Top of the ranger cooler 4 R10000
Skottle braai with gas 4 R10000
R1000 Yuppiechef vouchers 10 R10000
R100 Burger Route gift cards to use at another place 60 R6000
R20 coupon off Hellmann’s instore 200 R4000
R100 Uber vouchers 50 R5000
TOTAL R50000
Categories: Contest
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