Deputy Director-General : Department of Telecommunications & Postal Services

Company Name : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Job Title : Deputy Director-General ICT Policy And Strategy
Branch : ICT Policy and strategy
Closing Date : 28 April 2017
Salary : R1, 299, 501 per annum

Website :

Deputy Director-General :

Deputy Director-General: Ict Policy And Strategy (Ictpddg)
Branch: ICT Policy And Strategy
Salary: An all-inclusive remuneration package of R1, 299, 501 per annum

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Requirements :
** A relevant post graduate qualification at NQF level 8 as recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and 8-10 years’ experience at senior management level of which at least 5 years’ experience must be related to the policy and strategy environment.

Competencies :
At an advanced level required in the following :
** A comprehensive understanding of the ICT sector and the dynamics of the new converged environment.
** A strong background in ICT Policy Development.
** Knowledge of information management and practices.
** Monitoring and evaluation methodologies
** Government operations, policies and legislation.
** Data collection and analysis methods and understanding of policy legislation.
** Strategic management capabilities to lead the ICT Policy and Strategy Branch.
** Communications skills (both written and verbal).

Key Performance Areas :
** The successful candidate will provide strategic management and leadership in the development of the Information and Communication Technology’s (ICT) policy and regulatory framework including reviewing and monitoring implementation as well as its impact on the wellbeing of the citizens of South Africa.

** Establish methodologies for the delivery of informed and robust ICT policies and regulatory frameworks in support of an inclusive growth of the South African economy.
** Ensure that development of ICT policies and regulatory frameworks are underscored by credible quantitative and qualitative analysis.
** Establish methodologies for ICT policy and strategy implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and review in order to measure its impact on the wellbeing of the citizens of South Africa.

** Ensure an effective promotion and practice of good corporate governance and compliance in accordance to all relevant legislation, regulation, declarations, treaties, memorandum of understandings, etc.
** Perform generic management functions attached to the seniority of the post.
** Oversee the development and management of the strategic planning of the branch.

Deputy Director-General: Information Society Development And Research (Ref. Isaddg)
Branch: ICT Information Society Development And Research
Salary: An all-inclusive remuneration package of R1, 299, 501 per annum

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Requirements :
** A relevant post graduate qualification at NQF level 8 as recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and 8-10 years’ experience at senior management level of which at least 5 years’ experience must have been as a Project Manager, preferably in the ICT arena. Fully conversant in applications and/or application development.

Competencies :
At an advanced level required in the following:
** Knowledge of information management and practices, monitoring, evaluation and research methodologies.
** Strategic capability and leadership.
** Programme and project management.
** Problem solving.
** Government operations, policies and legislation.
** Service delivery innovation.
** The ability to engage stakeholders.
** Customer focus.
** Understanding of Broadband and Government imperatives in this arena.
** Communications skills (both written and verbal)
** Business acumen.

Key Performance Areas :
** The successful candidate will render strategic delivery Management services in support of creating an inclusive ICT information society, development and capacity in order to establish an advanced information-based society.

He/she will :
** Conduct research, track and measure the progress of creating an information-based society and attainment of the National Development Programme (NDP).
** Provide strategic oversight and ensure the provision of professional and secretariat support to the ISAD coordination.

** Provide leadership on the development and implementation of innovation and responsive programmes in order to develop capacity in the usage of ICTs in the building of an information society.
** Deliver on Government’s mandate in terms of the NDP and ensure the obligations in terms of outcome 12 are met.

** Ensure an effective promotion and practice of good corporate governance and compliance pertaining to all relevant legislation, regulation, treaties, memorandum of understandings, etc
** Perform generic management functions attached to the seniority of the post.
** Oversee the development and rollout of the e-skills policy and strategy.

** The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services is inviting applications from persons who are suitably qualified to join the Department as it strives to be the employer of choice in the Public Service and the preferred place in the ICT sector for intellectual stimulation, leadership growth and national contribution.

** All Senior Management Service appointments are subject to security clearance procedures before or after assumption of duty and signing of a performance agreement. Competency assessments will be conducted for all SMS posts

How to Apply :
** Please foward your application, quoting the relevant reference number and the name of the publication in which you saw this advertisement, to Department of Telecommunications and PostalServices, iParioli Office Park, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001 or email: recruitment AT

Enquiries: Ms TG Manzini – 012 421 7005
** Applications must be submitted on a Z83 Form, obtainable from any Public Service department and should be accompanied by a recently updated comprehensive CV and certified copies not older than six (6) months of all qualification(s), statement of results and ID document. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map