Hoppy Easter SMS & Win Campaign 2017 : Nu Metro Cinemas

Organization : Nu Metro Cinemas
Competition Name : Hoppy Easter Campaign 2017
Applicable For : south African citizen
Competition Deadline : 19 April 2017
Prize : 2D and 3D movie tickets

Website :

Hoppy Easter SMS & Win Campaign 2017 :

Terms & Conditions :
** By participating in this promotion, the customer expressly agrees to the terms and conditions listed below.

Related : House of York Easter Baking Competition :

** The Nu Metro “Hoppy Easter” campaign runs from 12:00 on Friday, 31 March 2017, until 23:59 on Tuesday, 19 April 2017, or until stocks are depleted.
** With the purchase of movie tickets during the promotional period, patrons may be eligible for Easter surprises, as detailed below.

** For every movie ticket purchased during the promotional period, a customer will receive a promotional Easter Egg card, with a unique code on it.
** The keyword, EASTER, followed by the unique code, should be SMSed to 40675.
Example format : EASTER PHK3Y2

** Each unique code may be used once only.
** The cost per SMS is R 1,00.
** Free, bundled network SMSes do not apply.
** SMS is at the entrant’s cost.
** If the entry is deemed valid and error-free, an acknowledgement will be sent to the entrant via SMS.

** Following the acknowledgement, a random computer-drawn Easter surprise will be assigned to the entry.
** Once the surprise has been drawn, detail thereof will be SMSed to the customer within 24 hours.
** The return SMS from Nu Metro will detail the surprise and will consist of either

A gift that can be redeemed at a participating Nu Metro cinema complex :
** This return SMS will contain a 16-character code of the form NMT2000012345678
** The customer presents this SMS at their participating Nu Metro cineplex in exchange for their Easter surprise.
An allotment of points to be added to the entrant’s Scene Club loyalty programme account:
** In order to make use of this Easter surprise, the entrant must be a Scene Club member.
** If the entrant is not a Scene Club member, the entrant may join Scene Club online at or in person at a Nu Metro cineplex.
** The entrant may claim their Easter surprise points once their Scene Club account is activated.

The entrant redeems free Scene Club points as follows :
** The entrant responds to Nu Metro’s return SMS, with their Scene Club card number. The number is in the form 800012345678
** On responses to Nu Metro’s return SMS will be processed—the entrant must not SMS the Scene Club card number to the competition entry number, 40675.

** Once Nu Metro has received the customer’s Scene Club card number, the account will be credited with the Easter surprise points within 7 working days.
** In order to redeem physical Easter surprises, the unique surprise code received via SMS from Nu Metro must be presented to a Nu Metro Cinemas cashier.

** The Nu Metro Cinemas cashier will present the entrant with the respective gift in accordance with the surprise code.
** Surprise codes are generated independently by a random number generator and cannot be manually generated by any Nu Metro Cinemas staff member.
** All Easter surprises are awarded randomly, and no surprises are guaranteed.

** Each surprise code may only be redeemed once. Attempts to re-use the surprise code a second time will not succeed.
** Nu Metro will take no responsibility for any Easter surprises that become damaged, lost or stolen after being collected by the recipient.

** The customer hereby irrevocably indemnifies Nu Metro against any loss, damage, injury or harm suffered as a result of, but not limited to, accepting an Easter surprise, the use of that surprise, or for defective or damaged surprises.

** Nu Metro terms and conditions relating to movie tickets, confectionery and other discount vouchers apply.

** Easter surprises must be redeemed at any Nu Metro cinema complex by no later than 31 May 2017.
** If not redeemed by said date, surprises will be forfeited.
** All other regular Nu Metro Cinemas terms and conditions apply. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map