Win Justin Bieber Purpose World Tour Concert Tickets : Foschini Retail Group

Organization : Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Win Justin Bieber Purpose World Tour Concert Tickets
Applicable For : South African citizens
Competition Deadline : 30 April 2017
Prize : Justin Bieber Purpose World Tou

Website :
Terms & Condition :

Win Justin Bieber Purpose World Tour Concert Tickets :

1. This promotional competition is organised by Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd (registration number 1988/007302/07) a subsidiary of The Foschini Group Limited (“TFG”).

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2. In these rules, “Promoter” means a person, who directly or indirectly promotes, sponsors, organises or conducts the promotional competition, or for whose benefit the promotional competition is promoted, sponsored, organised or conducted, which includes TFG.

3. No director, member, partner, employee, agent of, or consultant to the Promoter or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter, their advertising agencies, or their spouses, life partners, parents, children, brothers, sisters, business partners or associates, may enter this promotional competition. This also applies to a person who is a supplier of goods or services in connection with this promotional competition.

4. All participants must be South African citizens, reside in South Africa and be over the age of 18.

5. Should the Promoter, law or any authority terminate this promotional competition, no notice of termination shall be required. In such event, all participants waive any rights and acknowledge that they shall have no claim, of any nature whatsoever against TFG, its directors, agents or employees as a result of the termination.

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6. The Promoter reserves the right to vary, postpone, suspend or cancel the competition and any prizes which have not yet been drawn, or any aspect thereof, without notice at any time and for any reason whatsoever that the Promoter deems reasonable at the time.

7. By entering the competition, participants agree and understand that they may win a prize, but that there is no guarantee that they will win a prize.

8. Prizes are not transferable, may not be deferred or exchangeable for cash, credit or otherwise. Winners will not be entitled to payment, credit or otherwise in the event that they don’t utilise the prize. Unused concert ticket will be deemed waived by the winners.

9. If any taxes, levies, duties or any charges whatsoever are levied on a prize by any competent authority, the winner will be liable for these and the prize value will not be increased to compensate for such charges.

10. To receive an entry into the lucky draw to win the prize, participants would need to redeem any rewards offer in store between 31 March 2017 and 30 April 2017.
11. This competition will only be run in TFG stores in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

12. There will be only two winners :
a. one winner will receive two tickets for the Justin Bieber Purpose World Tour concert in Johannesburg on 14 May 2017, and
b. one winner will receive two tickets for the Justin Bieber Purpose World Tour concert in Cape Town on 17 May 2017.

13. All additional expenses relating to the prize (including, but not limited to expenses relating to travelling and accommodation) will be for the winners’ own accounts.

14. Winners will be randomly drawn at TFG Head Office in Parow East, Cape Town, from eligible participants in the presence of an independent accountant, auditor or attorney within two weeks after the closing date.

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